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01-16-08 Minutes
January 16, 2008
            The Board of Finance held a special meeting on this date at the Police Department meeting room.  Members present were Glenn Frishman, Chairman; Andrew Rines, Secretary; John O’Brien; Dudley Wheeler; Bryan Bentz and Kevin Burns.  Also present Maryanna Stevens, Director of Finance and George Sylvestre.
Mr. Frishman called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Previous minutes
Mr. Wheeler made a motion to accept the minutes of the December meeting as presented.  Mr. Rines seconded the motion and voting was unanimous.
Request for Transfer of Funds
Mr. Sylvestre came before the Board to discuss a status report for the Community Development Office.  He stated that the town has numerous grant projects representing approximately $10,000,000 in value that are now coming due at the same time.  He requests approximately $40,000 of additional funding to sustain efforts to maintain and manage these projects.  Members had many questions and concerns; Mr. Frishman requested a full briefing from Mr. Sylvestre and the First Selectman.  A tentative date was set for Thursday, January 24, 2008.  Mr. Burns stated he could not be present but added that he was in favor of the transfer.
Director of Finance
Mrs. Stevens reported that the FY2008-09 budgets would be ready for delivery to the members Friday.
Members coordinated a Budget Hearing schedule.

Nothing to report.
Subcommittee reports
Nothing to report.
There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Burns made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. Wheeler seconded the motion and the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
                                                                        Respectfully submitted,
                                                                        Andrew W. Rines
lp                                                                     Secretary