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09-10-08 Minutes
September 10, 2008




            The Board of Finance held a special meeting on this date at the Wequetequock Fire Department meeting room.  Members present were Glenn Frishman, Chairman; Andrew Rines, Secretary; Dudley Wheeler; John O’Brien and Kevin Burns.  Bryan Bentz was absent.  Also present Maryanna Stevens, Director of Finance, George Sylvestre, Director of Administrative Services, First Selectman Edward Haberek, Joe Bragaw, Public Works Director and BOE member Rob Cary.


Mr. Frishman called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


Special Projects Vetting Process adoption

Chairman Frishman stated that the BOF would like to be involved with the Vetting process, most particularly with Grants requiring Town services match, share or expectations of the public for past services.  Mr. Sylvestre stressed an important factor of the vetting process is to catch the implications and expectations of the Town.  He added that the Town has met with legislators to get them on board with the process.  Mr. Burns made a motion to endorse and adopt the Special Projects Vetting Process to include all Town boards, commissions and agencies.  Mr. O’Brien seconded the motion and voting was unanimous. 


Additional Appropriations

Cutler Street Drainage Project-   Mr. Bragaw explained to the members that the project went well; the work was done when it could be done to avoid the risk of further drainage issues in the area.  Per Mrs. Stevens no additional appropriation is needed at this time.


Mr. Bragaw also informed the members that the Cove Road project is going well.


Bid Waivers

Portable Generator site work – In response to the table request for a bid waiver Mr. Bragaw informed the members that the 18 year old 400 kW generator at the High School has sat unused for 4 years.  The electrical engineer has suggested testing for an estimated $2-3k and possibly an additional $1-2k in repairs if there is clogging.  It was decided that the best alternative would be to purchase a new 150 kW generator mounted on a trailer.  Mr. Burns mentioned that he had suggested the Highway mechanic come before the Board to explain why he couldn’t test the generator.  After a brief discussion members unanimously agreed to spend the estimated $4000.00 to test the 400 kW generator.




Fleet Vehicle Measurement Module – Members tabled this item at the August meeting and asked Mr. Bragaw how many Ford vehicles there were in the Town Fleet as they did not agree with the purchase at a total cost of $5274.00.  Mr. Bragaw has since provided a memo stating that the vendor has reduced his price to under $5000.00 therefore a bid waiver is no longer needed. 


Budget Transfers -   Mrs. Stevens informed the members that the Snow Removal appropriation tabled at the August meeting would be taken care of under Budget transfers.  Members reiterated that they still want to know in advance of line item overages.

 Mr. Bragaw stated that he was certain the Diesel Fuel line would go over as he originally budgeted at $2.90 and it is now at $3.95.  Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Burns felt this was too high.


Mrs. Stevens informed the members that she would have the Budget transfers at the October meeting.


Previous Minutes

Mr. Wheeler made a motion to accept the August minutes as presented.  Mr. Rines seconded the motion and voting was unanimous.





Subcommittee reports



Members discussed with Mr. Cary the upcoming trip to China.  Mr. Cary stated that he didn’t have complete details but related that 7 teachers and 3 students were going.  Each was paying their own way.  Members asked about the cost of substitute teachers and Mr. Cary informed them that the approximate cost of $5000  had been included in the BOE FY 08-09 budget. 


There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Burns made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. Rines seconded the motion and the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 8:20 p.m.


                                                                        Respectfully submitted,



                                                                        Andrew W. Rines

lp                                                                     Secretary