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08-20-08 Minutes


August 20, 2008


            The Board of Finance held a special meeting on this date at the Police Department meeting room.  Members present were Glenn Frishman, Chairman; Dudley Wheeler; John O’Brien; Kevin Burns; Andrew Rines, Secretary and Bryan Bentz.  Also present Maryanna Stevens Director of Finance and several members of the Police Department.


Mr. Frishman called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


Police Department

·        Mr. Frishman made an adjustment to the agenda welcoming the Police Officers present along with the police dog, Fritz.  Officer Greg Howard, the sole handler informed the members of his training with Fritz adding that he is very pleased with the dogs’          skills. His service is expected to be 7 to 8 years.  All members agreed that Fritz is a beautiful dog and are grateful to have him as an addition to the force.

·        2008/2009 DWI Grant- Lt. Ray Curioso informed the members of the continuation of this successful program.  There are slated to be 112 eight hour shifts with a total cost to the Town of $12,500.  There was a discussion as to the availability of the officers assigned to the grant; the Lt. Curioso, Capt. Desmond and Chief Stewart stated clearly that in a serious matter the officer would leave the DWI Checkpoint to assist other officers. 

·        Replacement of damaged cruiser – Chief Stewart informed the members that an insurance settlement had been received in the amount of $26,727.50. 


Public Works Department

            Additional Appropriations: A request from First Selectman Haberek for an additional appropriation of $7950. to offset the higher than expected costs for the FY07-08 snow removal.  Mr. Burns questioned why they had not been notified back in March or April 2008 when the overage occurred, all members agreed.  It was determined that a memo be sent to the First Selectman asking this very question and suggest a procedure be instituted to avoid this same problem in the future.  Mr. Burns also referenced a section of the Town charter that he felt should be referenced with regard to the situation.  This item was unanimously tabled pending review of the final 07-08 expenditures.



Fleet Vehicle Measurement Module: Request for approval from William Stewart, Highway Supervisor to purchase a Fleet Vehicle Measurement Module from Helm Inc. for a total cost of $5274.00.  He wrote that this is part of the 08-09 budget of Garage Diagnostic Equipment and Tools portion but due to a price increase and shipping has gone over the original price of $5000.  After a brie discussion, this item was tabled as members requested a memo be sent asking for substantiation.


Bid Waiver- Request from Joseph Bragaw, Director of Public Works for a bid waiver for the Portable Generator Site work. Mr. Bragaw would prefer to split the project into two projects, which he believes would be a cost savings to the Town.  The Board tabled this item and requested Mr. Bragaw attend the meeting along with the Highway mechanic to answer some questions.


Special Projects Vetting process adoption

Memo from Selectman’s Office requesting the Board of Finance adopt the Director of Administrative Services recommended policy for ensuring the best opportunity for success of Special Projects/Grants and to apply an orderly process for evaluating such projects within the goals and objectives of the community and allow for the appropriate assignment of Town resources.

Members tabled this item as they were not comfortable with the vetting process limiting which projects or grants would go through this process, why not all projects and grants.  A memo was to be submitted to the First Selectman for clarification. 



Letters from Conway & Londregan, P.C.; Conservation Commission and BOE Budget transfers.


Previous Minutes

Mr. Wheeler made a motion to approve the minutes of the July 16 and July 24 meetings as presented.  Mr. O’Brien seconded the motion and voting was unanimous.


Subcommittee reports

Mr. O’Brien reported that the School Building committee is coming to focus on redoing Deans Mill and West Vine elementary schools as West Broad Street School is in bad shape.  He added that the draft design looks good and the cost is an estimated $40 million.    With regard to the High School, the Electrical and Mechanical contractor Ferguson is holding the final CO up.


There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Wheeler made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. Rines seconded the motion and the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 8:50 P.M.

                                                                        Respectfully submitted,



                                                                        Andrew W. Rines

lp                                                                     Secretary


approved 9/10/08