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10-01-08 Minutes
October 1, 2008




            The Board of Finance held a regular meeting on this date at the Police Department meeting room.  Members present were Glenn Frishman, Chairman; Andrew Rines, Secretary; Dudley Wheeler; John O’Brien; Bryan Bentz and Kevin Burns.    Also present Maryanna Stevens, Director of Finance; First Selectman Edward Haberek; William Haase, Planning Director, Marsha Standish, Town Assessor and Town residents.


Mr. Frishman called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


Budget Transfers

Mrs. Stevens provided for the members Year end budget transfers for FY 2007-2008.  She informed them of a correction to the account number in Section 5.

Mr. Burns made a motion to accept the Budget transfers with the correction.  Mr. Rines seconded the motion and voting was unanimous.  Mrs. Stevens stated that the Board of Education has reconciled.  Members also discussed the Unleaded Gas and overtime for the Highway Department.  Mr. Burns asked Mrs. Stevens to provide him with last year’s expenditures. 


Previous minutes

Mr. Wheeler stated that he would like to see mention of the discussion with BOE member Rob Cary at the last meeting noted in the minutes.  Mr. Burns made a motion to accept the minutes of the September meeting with the adjustment.  Mr. Rines seconded the motion and voting was unanimous.



William Haase, Planning Director was present to discuss his correspondence regarding the Proposed ordinance-Real Estate Tax abatement for Economic Development.  Mr. Haase stated that this would establish guidelines and an approval process for real estate property tax abatements in order to attract and/or retain desirable economic activity.  Mr. Haberek added this is intended to encourage information technology or manufacturing uses, including research and development, biotechnology or engineering.  They mentioned that this would require a Special Town meeting to pass.  Mrs. Standish added that she feels it necessary to be wary of a blanket ordinance; it is currently set up on a case-by-case basis, which works.  All members agreed it would be a good idea to present to the Town Attorney.  Mr. Bentz and Mr. Burns stated that they do not agree with the need for abatements. 


Subcommittee reports

Nothing to report.


Mr. Rines questioned when the BOE budget would be ready. 

Mr. Frishman stated the need to plan for a level funded budget for 2009-2010.   He added that any line item showing an increase over the previous year’s appropriation must include justification for the increase.  No surprises.


Mrs. Standish informed the members of the resignation of the Assistant Assessor and the need to be competitive. The members asked that First Selectman Haberek keep the members apprised of the salary situation of the Assistant Assessor.


They informed Mr. Cary that the FY 09-10 BOE budget should contain no new programs.


There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Wheeler made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. Burns seconded the motion and the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 8:35 p.m.


                                                                        Respectfully submitted,



                                                                        Andrew W. Rines

lp                                                                     Secretary