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09-05-07 Minutes
September 5, 2007
            The Board of Finance held a special meeting on this date at the Police Department Meeting room. Members present were Glenn Frishman, Chairman; Andrew Rines, Secretary; John O’Brien; Bryan Bentz and Kevin Burns.  Dudley Wheeler was absent. 
Mr. Rines called the meeting to order at 7: 37 p.m.
Previous Minutes

Mr. O’Brien made a motion to approve the minutes of the August meeting as presented.  Mr. Burns seconded and voting was unanimous.
Reappointment of Assessor

Mr. Rines commended Mrs. Marsha Standish for her 11 years of service to the Town; especially for an exceptional job in an unpopular position.  Mr. Rines made a motion to reappoint Mrs. Standish as Town of Stonington Tax Assessor.  Mr. Burns seconded the motion and voting was unanimous.
Additional Appropriation

Members discussed the Pawcatuck Park bulkhead replacement tabled from the August meeting.  Mr. Burns made a motion to approve an appropriation of $4600. to the First Selectman’s Professional services line.  Mr. O’Brien seconded the motion and voting was unanimous.
Budget Transfers

Mrs. Stevens provided for the members a list of Budget transfers.  Mr. Burns made a motion to approve the transfers as presented.  Mr. O’Brien seconded the voting was unanimous.


New Business

Acting Deputy Chief Darren Stewart and Chief David Erskine were present to discuss a request for a canine unit.  ACD Stewart stated that the community has expressed a desire which in turn has caused them to look again at this possibility as it has been discussed for several years now.  He added that this is a good time as there is a 12 week training to be offered in Ledyard in the spring.  This has been in CIP for a number of years and the Police Commission is on board.  Mr. Rines asked for a ballpark figure to compensate the existing officer.  An estimate of $7500 was provided.  The Board agreed that it sounds worthwhile as it will ensure greater safety, minimize liability, and help with tracking as well as locating narcotics.  They asked ADC Stewart to get finite numbers along with a more formal presentation.
Subcommittee report

Nothing to report.
There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Burns made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. Rines seconded the motion and the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 8:08 p.m.
                                                                        Respectfully submitted,
                                                                        Andrew W. Rines