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09-07-05 Minutes


                                                September 7, 2005

        The Board of Finance held a regular meeting on this date at the Police Department meeting room.  Members present were Glenn Frishman, Chairman; John O’Brien, Acting Secretary; Dudley Wheeler; Bryan Bentz and Kevin Burns.  Andrew Rines was absent.  Also present Maryanna Stevens, Director of Finance and William Stewart, Superintendent of Highways.  

Mr. Frishman called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Highway Superintendent
Mr. Stewart came before the Board to ask for assistance and guidance for Fiscal year 2006-2007 regarding the constant state of under funding for pavement maintenance.  He asked for suggestions on how to set aside funds specifically for paving of the 107 miles of road in the Town.  As it stands now, the Highway Department has to list in CIP specific streets in dire need.  He added that most years these are cut from the budget.  Mr. Stewart would like to see an individual line item amount each year for paving maintenance.  
Mr. Wheeler stated that he doesn’t feel CIP is the safest place for this request around budget time.   Mrs. Stevens replied that it is best though because CIP is multi year, not annualized like the Highway budget.  Mr. Bentz asked if a separate reserve couldn’t be set up.  Mrs. Stevens replied that that is how CIP works already though.  Mr. Frishman added that when particular roads were indicated in previous years it generated considerable support from voters.  Mr. Bentz and Mr. Burns suggested providing a list of roads in order of priority for the coming years.  Mr. Stewart stated that it was definitely possible to provide such a list.  All members agreed that a priority list of the top 5 or 10 roads with associated costs should be provided at CIP request time.  

Director of Finance
·       Budget Transfers – Mrs. Stevens provided for the members a list of Budget transfers, which included Department, account number and name.  After reviewing each item, Mr. Wheeler made a motion to accept the transfers as presented.  Mr. O’Brien seconded and voting was unanimous.
·       Budget Amendments – Mrs. Stevens had provided for the members at the June meeting a draft form of Budget amendments for their review.  Mr. Wheeler made a motion to approve the amendments.  Mr. Bentz seconded the motion and voting was unanimous.

Previous minutes
Mr. O’Brien made a motion to approve the minutes of the August minutes with an amendment, (question posed by Mr. Wheeler).  Mr. Bentz seconded the motion and voting was unanimous.

Mr. O’Brien commented on an email received from The CenterEdge Project regarding a community education forum to be held 9/13/2005 to educate citizens about changes and growth in Connecticut and the relation to taxes, schools, traffic, housing etc.  

Subcommittee reports
Mr. O’Brien commented that the High School project is on schedule.

Mr. Wheeler mentioned that he had spoken with Mrs. Stevens regarding the following:  the WPCA had been asked to perform an audit by McGladrey & Pullen; they declined.  Mrs. Stevens added that they do not have a fixed asset listing.  She informed the Board that she is taking action to see that this matter is taken care of to ensure a qualified audit.  

Mr. Burns asked about the status of bonding for the Town.  Mrs. Stevens stated that of  $27.2 million, $10 and $15 million is bonded over 20 years and $2.2 million is on short term.  

There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Wheeler made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. Bentz seconded and the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 8:09 p.m.

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                John O’Brien
                                                Acting Secretary
