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01-19-06 Minutes
Regular Meeting
January 19, 2006

The meeting was called to order by  Chairman Gary Bennett at 7:00 PM

Present were: Gary Bennett, Ed Dear, John Delmhorst, Ed Hart, Tony Lee, Jim Oberhelman, and Blunt White. Absent were: John Dione, Ed Habereck, Inger Elliot, Mike Latham, and Heather Williams.

The minutes of the November 17, 2005 meeting were approved.

Chairman Bennett reported that Commission Member Heather Williams resigned from the Commission.  He asked if other Commission members to suggest names as a replacement.
A Financial Status of the Commission’s current Budget was submitted by Blunt White and accepted.

Chairman Bennett reported on the following Old Business items:

The contract to hire a part time consultant for the Pawcatuck Revitalization Project has been delayed by the resignation of Preston Maynard from the Community Development Fund.  Chairman Bennett said that he would continue to ascertain who might be able to approve the matching funds from CEDF for the contract’s approval.  Further support for the initiative will continue to be solicited from other area institutions.
A public meeting was held on the Pawcatuck Streetscape Project.
A meeting with Town commissions will be held on the Route 2 Liberty Crossing/Stonington Farms development proposal.
Prospect Street Mixed Use Condominium Project was approved by the PNZ.
The Thread Mill Property zoning has been changed.  However, environmental remediation is still required.
The Stillman Ave Property continues to be of interest to a developer.
The Maple Breeze property development is undergoing review by a developer.
The Higgins Building refurbishment  is ongoing.

Chairman Bennett asked for a member of the Commission to replace his as a delegate on the Affordable Housing Commission.

Chairman Bennett asked for a volunteer to become the new chairman of the EDC in March, 2006
The next EDC meeting will be Thursday, February 16, 2006.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Oberhelman