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08-30-05 Minutes
Town of Stonington Conservation Commission
Minutes of a Regular Meeting
August 30, 2005
Human Services Building

1  Meeting called to order by Vice-Chairman Stuart Cole at 6:33 PM. In attendance were members Baldwin, Bell, Herbst, and Lyons.  Also present was Town Planner Keith Brynes.

2. Review of Town Developments and Proposals

MOTION:  To move to item 2b of the agenda.  PASSED Unanimous (Baldwin/Bell).

b. PZ0553RA Walter Kunzmann (MPTN) - Zoning Regulation Amendment to Section 7.12. Sign Regulations, to modify Section relative to eliminating the ground-to-bottom clearance of 7’6” or detached signs. Add sections to clarify the location of signs relative to sight lines, and to define a Vision Triangle.

The Conservation Commission is not familiar with the reasoning behind the signage regulations and does not care to comment on this amendment request.

MOTION:  To move to item 2a of the agenda.  PASSED Unanimous (Bell/Baldwin).

a.IW #05-22 Edward Steinlauf seeking a permit for a 23-lot subdivision and all associated impacts, within an Upland Review Area & filling of wetlands by approx. 69.1 cubic yards.  Property located West of Jeremy Hill Rd, approx. 3,000 ft. from Rt. 184 intersection. Assessor’s Map 90, Block 1, Lot 1, Zone RR-80.

The developer presented a cluster subdivision proposal consisting of the same number of lots as the original conventional subdivision plan but scaled down to 45,000 ± sq.ft. each. This new configuration results in an increase of open space from 9.5 to 34 acres with approximately 56% being uplands.  

MOTION:  At this time, and pending PZC’s approval of the conventional subdivision, the Conservation Commission is in favor of the cluster alternative as presented.  Passed unanimous (Herbst/Bell).

MOTION:  To move to item 2f of the agenda.  PASSED Unanimous (Lyons/Bell).

f. PZ0563SD & GPP Steven Milner (Sound Properties) - Application for 6-lot subdivision (2.07, 3.63, 2.51, 2.72, 2.52 & 3.17 acres) of a 20.15 acre parcel. Property located at 58 Wolf Neck Road, Pawcatuck. Assessor’s Map 139 Block 2 Lot 2. Zone RR-80.
Engineer Paul Biscuti and developer Steven Milner presented subdivision layout.  The open space parcel, 3.5 acres with 27% wetlands, is located in former sand and gravel excavation area that is not developable. Children currently play and recreate in this area that also has access to small on-site pond.

MOTION:  The Conservation Commission concurs with the open space parcel as presented in the site plan. Passed unanimous (Herbst/Lyons).

Chairman Simm arrived and at 7:35 PM took the chair.

MOTION:  To return to previous order on the agenda. PASSED Unanimous (Herbst/Baldwin).

c. PZ0557ZC, SPA & GPP Investar Redevelopment for The Pawcatuck Landing, LLC – Applications for Zone Change, Site Plan Approval & Groundwater Protection Permit approval to convert 18,000 sq. ft. of an historic 4-story brick mill building into 15 residential dwelling units.  Demolish existing 12,000 sq. ft. wooden foundry structure to create parking. Property located at 75 Stillman Avenue, Pawcatuck.  Assessor’s Map 1, Block 1, Lot 1. Zone RH-10.

The zone change will be from RH-10 to Industrial Heritage Reuse District (IHRD), a floating zone.  The total number of residential units will be 39.

MOTION:  The Conservation Commission is concerned about what happens to an approved floating zone if the site is never developed per the submitted, approved, site plan.  Does the zone change remain in effect if property is not developed and then sold?  We also are concerned with the substantial increase in density of the site plan. PASSED (Bell/Herbst).

d. PZ0560RA Town of Stonington – Zoning Regulation Amendment to create Maximum Height Exceptions for architectural and structural features.  The proposed amendment includes modifications to other sections of the regulations to reflect these changes.

Chairman Simm requests that the Town Planner research and create a synopsis of the issues so that the Conservation Commission can discuss at the next regular meeting.

e. PZ0561ZC Stathis Manousos, Washington Mystic, LLC - Application for Zone Change approval for an existing parcel divided by 2 zoning districts: RH-10 & LS-5.  Request zone change to single district, LS-5.  Property located at 48 Washington St., Mystic. Assessor’s Map 174 Block 16 Lot 2.  Zones RH-10 & LS-5.

MOTION:  The Conservation Commission feels that preserving the residential nature of Washington Street is of paramount concern and would rather see the zoning line altered to enhance the residential portion of the parcel on Washington Street.  We request that the PZC members refer to the aerial photo supplied by the Town Planner.

3.      Open Space Committee  

a. Open space plan update

The Open Space Committee has completed the written portion of the Open Space Plan but several maps still need to be created.  It is intended that at the next regular meeting, the CC will host a public comment period on the Plan.  Herbst will contact area newspapers to have the meeting advertised.

b. Discussion on parcels for preservation in Pawcatuck

No new developments to discuss.

MOTION:  To return to item 2g on the agenda.  PASSED Unanimous (Lyons/Cole).

2g.  CC application for Taugwonk Rd. Zone Change – LI-130 to GBR-130 and GBR-130 to LI-130 and additional uses in LI-130

The Conservation Commission has applied for the above described zone changes to various properties located off Taugwonk Road and land adjacent to I-95 in Stonington.  We also have applied for additional uses in the LI-130 zone.  At the recommendation of the Director of Planning, Jason Vincent, the Conservation Commission will be notifying adjacent property owners that we will be reviewing the application at our next regular meeting.

4.      Old Business
a. Discussed at item 2g on the agenda.
b.Review of Conservation Subdivision option – update of cluster subdivision
  Cole will contact Director of Planning, Jason Vincent, regarding draft of
           Conservation Subdivision option.
c. Mystic River "Duck" Project
The Conservation Commission is uncertain about the current status of the Duck
d. Trust for public land survey
Baldwin, Herbst, and Alicia Betty of the Trust for Public Land (TPL) plan to attend a September Board of Selectmen meeting to discuss appropriating funds for TPL to conduct a feasibility study so that the CC can move forward with bonding for open space.

5.      New Business
a. Mystic River Dam Committee

The Committee will meet in September following a site walk of the dam.  Site walk and meeting dates to be set by Cole.

6.      Review of minutes of the Regular Meeting on 7/26/2005.

MOTION:  To approve Minutes of the Regular Meeting on 7/26/2005 as written.  PASSED Unanimous (Bell/Lyons).

MOTION to adjourn:  Passed (Herbst) Meeting adjourned at 9:45 PM.

Submitted by

Jennifer Herbst, Acting Secretary

Approved at a Regular meeting of the Conservation Commission on 9/27/2005.