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08-28-06 Agenda
July 24, 2006

There will be a Regular Meeting of the Conservation Commission on Monday, July 24, 2006 at 6PM at the Stonington Police Station, 173 South Broad Street, Pawcatuck, CT

1.      Call to order

2.      Review of Town Developments and Proposals
a.      PZ0640RA Town of Stonington – Zoning Regulation Amendment to Zoning Regulation Section (ZR) 8.4 Plan Requirements. This proposal consolidates the Industrial Heritage Reuse District (IHRD), Maritime Heritage District (MHD) and Neighborhood Development District (NDD) master plan submission requirements into one section of the regulations. Modifications to ZR 7.19 IHRD, 7.20 MHD and 7.21 NDD are also included.
b.      PZ0626RA Town of Stonington – Zoning Regulation (ZR) Amendment to Article VI to add Open Space Design Regulations, to delete ZR 6.6.1 Cluster Development and modification to ZR 1.2.2 Definitions to incorporate these changes.  Subdivision Regulation (SR) Amendment to Sections 9 and 10 to remove clustering and replace with Open Space Design.  Modification to SR 12 to include private drive provision for Open Space Design.
c.       Any pending applications and new preliminary proposals

3.      Open Space Committee  
a.      Open space plan update – discussion on parcels for preservation
b.      Executive Session concerning preservation of Mystic property
c.      Discussion on parcels for preservation in Pawcatuck – Ben
d.      Discussion of Walsh Property

4.      Old Business
a.      Report on PZC Open Space Subcommittee
b.      Mystic River Dam Committee

5.      New Business
a.      Planning for global warming and sea level rise – new studies

6.      Review of June 26, 2006 meeting minutes

7.      Adjournment
Stanton Whitney Simm, Jr. Chairman