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11-29-05 Agenda

November 29, 2005

There will be a Regular Meeting of the Conservation Commission on Tuesday, November 29, 2005 at 6 PM at the Stonington Human Services Building, 166 South Broad Street, Pawcatuck, CT
1.  Call to order

2.  Review of Town Developments and Proposals

a. CC application for Taugwonk Rd. Zone Change – LI-130 to GBR-130 and GBR-130 to LI-130 and additional uses in LI-130.

b. PZ0570RA Town of Stonington – Zoning Regulation Amendment to create a Neighborhood Marina (NM-80) Zoning District.  The proposed amendment includes modifications to other sections of the regulations to reflect these changes.

c. PZ0571ZC Town of Stonington – Zoning Map Amendment from Residential RR-80 to Residential RA-20 for properties located on the east side of Greenhaven Road (305-343), Carnot Court (all), Fallon Road (all), River Crest Drive (24-110), Lee Drive (all), Cowell Court (all), Renie Drive (all), Arnie Drive (all).  Assessor’s Map 27, Block 1, Lots 3-29 and 38-57; Map 26, Block 1, Lots 30-37; Map 12, Block 16, Lots 46A-46M, 46P, 46Q; Map 12, Block 14, Lots 47A-47Z and 48A-48D, 48N, 48O.

d. PZ0574SD & GPP Dean & Shirley Avery (Gary Winalski) - Application for 3-lot subdivision (three 3 acre +/- lots) of a 10.00 acre parcel. Property located at 128 Wolf Neck Road, Stonington.  Assessor’s Map 142, Block 2, Lot 1, Zone RR-80.

e. Any other pending applications and new preliminary proposals
3.  Open Space Committee  

a.  Open space plan update – discussion on parcels for preservation               
b.  Discussion on parcels for preservation in Pawcatuck – Ben
c.  Meeting with John Hamilton on Walsh property – Review of CC walk of property

4.  Old Business

a.  Review of Conservation Subdivision option - update of cluster subdivision
b.  Trust for public land feasibility study

5.  New Business

a.  Mystic River Dam Committee
b.  Town list of critical locations: Streambelts, aquifers, historical sites, etc.
c.  Review of town procedures in regard to creation of non-conforming uses and changes in set back requirements, resulting from town mandated zone and regulation changes

6.  Review of October 25, 2005 meeting minutes

7.  Adjournment
Stanton Whitney Simm, Jr. Chairman                                              11/22/2005