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09-27-05 Agenda


September 27, 2005

There will be a Regular Meeting of the Conservation Commission on Tuesday, September 27, 2005 at 6PM at the Stonington Human Services Building, 166 South Broad Street, Pawcatuck, CT
1.      Call to order

2.      Review of Town Developments and Proposals
a. PZ0560RA Town of Stonington – Zoning Regulation Amendment to create Maximum Height Exceptions for architectural and structural features.  The proposed amendment includes modifications to other sections of the regulations to reflect these changes.
b. PZ0566RA Sander Hendel - Zoning Regulation Amendment to modify Section 5.2.1 Commercial / Industrial Zone Bulk Requirements (Table), with the provision of an additional note with respect to Floor Area Ratio in the GC-60 district, relative to Section 6.6.10 Motels-Hotels.
c. CC application for Taugwonk Rd. Zone Change – LI-130 to GBR-130 and GBR-130 to LI-130 and additional uses in LI-130
d. Any other pending applications and new preliminary proposals
3.      Open Space Committee  
a. Open space plan update - discussion on parcels for preservation              
b. Discussion on parcels for preservation in Pawcatuck – Ben

4.      Old Business
a. Review of Conservation Subdivision option - update of cluster subdivision
b. Mystic River "Duck" Project
c. Trust for public land survey

5.      New Business
a. Mystic River Dam Committee

6.      Review of minutes

7.      Adjournment