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Minutes 10/26/06
The Stonington Board of Selectmen held a special meeting on this date at
5:45 pm at the Stonington Police Station. Present were First Selectman
William S. Brown, Selectman Peter L. Balestracci and Selectman Stephen Bessette. Also present were members of the public and the press.

(1)     Call to Order
Mr. Brown called the meeting to order at 5:45pm and the Pledge of
               Allegiance was recited.

(2)     Interviews for Planning and Zoning Commission. Paul Altman, William Buscetto, Gerry Candeloro, Robert Marseglia and Lynn Young were interviewed to fill two (2) regular positions and one (1) alternate position on the Planning and Zoning Commission.

(3)     Comments from the Public
           Bill Sternberg, Stonington questioned the communication process
            with regard to the Board of Selectmen. He wanted to understand how
            communication is shared among the Board members.

           Gail Shea, Pawcatuck commented on some of the comments from
           the Planning & Zoning applicants  She felt that the “perception”
           of Commission members socializing was improper. She feels that
            even though it is ethically correct to caucus, it is a questionable
               David Christina, Stonington also questioned the process of
           sharing written communication between the members of Board of

            Tom Haggerty, Pawcatuck, asked what follow up actions are being
            taken regarding Gail Shea’s prepared statement that was delivered at
            the October 11, 2006 BOS meeting.

          Ed Hart, Stonington discussed the organizational structure of our
          Town government.
           Fran O’Neill, Pawcatuck, spoke of the need to have a vetting process
          to work with incoming developers. She also asked why the
          moratorium on building did not extend into downtown Pawcatuck or
           Route 2.

           Mark Tebbetts, Pawcatuck spoke to the issue of caucusing. He noted                 
           that public perception is most crucial and even though an action might
          meet the letter of the law it can violate the intent.

          Paul Holland (P/Z Commission member) spoke in favor of the caucus
          process as he uses it to save time/discussion at the public meetings.

(4)     Consider and act on Resolution for PNC upgrade project
Mr. Brown read a memo from Jason Vincent, Planning Director, requesting that the Board adopt a resolution to authorize the First Selectman to apply for the Bond Fund Program and then enter into an agreement to accept those funds upon the issuance of the grant award.

A motion was made by Mr. Balestracci, seconded by Mr. Bessette and unanimously voted to adopt the following Resolution:

        WHEREAS, it is desirable and in the public interest that the Town of Stonington make an application to the State for $50,000 in order to undertake the Pawcatuck Neighborhood Center (PNC)Upgrade Project
at 27 Chase Street, Pawcatuck, and to execute an Assistance Agreement.


That the filing of an application for State financial assistance by the Town of Stonington in an amount not to exceed $100,000 is hereby approved and that the First Selectman, William S. Brown is directed to execute and file such application with the Connecticut Department of Social Services, to provide such additional information, to execute such other documents as may be required, to an Assistance Agreement with the State of Connecticut for State financial assistance if such an agreement is offered, to execute any amendments, recisions, and revisions thereto, and to act as the authorized representative of the Town of Stonington.

I Cynthia Ladwig, the Town Clerk of the Town of Stonington, do hereby certify this to be a true copy of the resolution duly adopted at the Board of Selectmen meeting on October 26, 2006, and that it has not been rescinded, amended or altered in any way, and that it remains in full force and effect.

(5)     Acceptance of property conveyance from Dodson Boatyard
Mr. Brown read a letter from Atty. Tom Londregan asking that the Board of Selectmen accept a conveyance of property to the Town from Dodson Boatyard. It is a triangular piece of property on the southwesterly side of Mathews St. and was a requirement for an approval Dodson’s received some years ago. A motion was made by Mr. Balestracci, seconded by Mr. Bessette and voted unanimously to accept this property conveyance.

(6)     Appointments/Reappointments- Planning and Zoning Commission
A motion was made by Mr. Balestracci, seconded by Mr. Brown and unanimously voted to reappoint Paul Altman as a regular member on the Planning and Zoning Commission. A motion was made by Mr. Bessette, seconded by Mr. Balestracci and unanimously voted to reappoint Lynn Young as a regular member on the Planning and Zoning Commission. A motion was made by Mr. Brown, seconded by Mr. Balestracci and voted unanimously to reappoint Robert Marseglia as an alternate member on the Planning and Zoning Commission.

(7)    Correspondence
               Mr. Brown read a resignation letter from Suzanne D. Cole from the
                Affordable Housing Commission. A thank you letter will be sent to Ms.
               Cole in appreciation for her service to the Town.

                Mr. Brown read a letter from Paul Sartor, Chairman of the K-12 School
                Building Committee asking the Board of Selectmen to proceed in
               changing the High School building project’s bond issue to allow the
                Committee to use up to $30,000 of the remaining bond balance for the
                development of ideas/plans for improvements to the Stonington public
                elementary and middle schools.
               Mr. Bessette asked that we check on the use of these monies for a
              purpose other than what was stipulated in the bonding ordinance.
              Mr. Brown noted he would follow up and this item would be placed on
               the next Board of Selectmen’s agenda.                      

(8)     Old Business – None

(9)     New Business
a.      Westerly-Pawcatuck Veterans’ Board of Control Veterans
Day Parade
               Mr. Brown read a letter from Dan Lapointe, Chairman of the Westerly
                Pawcatuck Veterans’ Board of Control requesting permission to hold
                their Veteran’s Parade on November 11, 2006. A motion was made by
               Mr. Bessette, seconded by Mr. Balestracci and unanimously voted to
               grant permission to hold the Parade on November 11th. Mr. Brown also
               reiterated the invitation to Mr. Bessette and Mr. Balestracci to
                participate in the Parade.

(10)    Adjourn
There being no further business to come before the Board, the special meeting was adjourned at 7:35pm.

                Respectfully submitted,

                Joanne Ramey
               Recording Secretary