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Minutes 08/09/06
The Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting on this date, at 7:00 p.m., at the Stonington Police Station.  Members present were William S. Brown, First Selectman; and Selectman Peter L. Balestracci. Absent was Selectman Stephen E. Bessette. Also present were Molly McKay, Sierra Club; Bob Wall, Director, Smart Power; and Representative Diana Urban.

(1) Call to Order
Mr. Brown led the Board and public in the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Per Mr. Brown’s recommendation, Mr. Balestracci made a motion to move Agenda Item #6, Clean Energy Presentation to #2. Mr. Brown seconded and it was so voted.

(2) Clean Energy Presentation
        Bob Wall addressed the Board. He stated that SmartPower is a nonprofit organization that is leading an effort to promote a clean energy market in the nation. SmartPower was founded in 2002 by a group of private foundations and the CT Clean Energy Fund. The goal of the campaign is to reduce energy dependence, reduce greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global warming, and reduce pollutants that affect people’s health. Mr. Wall spoke about SmartPower’s 20% Clean Energy Campaign, to urge the Town of Stonington to participate. He stated that 100 Stonington citizens have signed up for Clean Energy and also 27 towns. The Connecticut Clean Energy Communities Program is a partnership between the CT Clean Energy Fund, SmartPower, and the participants in the Clean Energy Options program. The CT Clean Energy Communities Program provides cities and towns that qualify with free solar photovoltaic panels when local businesses and residents sign up for the CT Clean Energy Options program offered by Connecticut Light & Power. There are requirements that towns and cities must meet to qualify for the program.
        Representative Urban spoke in support of the program. She noted that every taxpayer pays into the CT Clean Energy Fund through their electric utility bill. Stonington would reap the benefits of what they have contributed.
        Mr. Brown will provide Mr. Wall with the Town’s utility usage, in order for the Town to receive an energy audit.

(3) Comments from the Public
        Bill Sternberg, Stonington, commented on the Town Hall project. He felt that the time frame given to the Building Committee to come up with a recommendation is reasonable. He is hoping the project will move forward in spite of the controversy. Mr. Sternberg also clarified a recent statement in the newspaper. He did not apply for the Building Committee as reported.
        Mr. Sternberg questioned why Town Agendas are not posted on an outside sign post at Town Hall.
        Mr. Brown stated that Cindy Ladwig, Town Clerk, told him that the Town is in compliance with State Statutes and directed him to contact her if he had any questions.

        Dory Clay, Stonington, commented on the use of the Town Hall lawn for a neighborhood picnic. She questioned why the Town could not add a rider to cover the use of the property for the picnic.
        Mr. Brown stated that the Town’s insurance company will not issue a rider for that purpose.
Ms. Clay stated that she will look into why the insurance company will not issue the rider.

David Christina, Stonington, commented on the Town Hall project and Building Committee. He questioned if the first letter, which he wrote to Mr. Brown regarding the project, went to Mr.
Board of Selectmen
August 9, 2006  Page 2

Bessette. Mr. Cristina commented that Town officials were dismissive of his concerns. Mr. Christina also commented that his request to expand the Building Committee to at least seven members, with female representation, was ignored. Both Mr. Sternberg and Mr. Christina commented that some of their questions have gone unanswered.
        Mr. Brown stated that Mr. Christina’s letter was addressed to him, not the Board. The Board of Selectmen went through the process. The Town has been wide open to involve and inform the community about the project. The Building Committee will hold its first meeting next week.
Mr. Christina also commented that he sent an invitation to Mr. Brown in April to hold a joint antiques road show to raise money. He did not receive a response.

        Vincent Faulise, Pawcatuck, commented on the Clean Energy Program and felt that it could save the Town money. He also questioned what day the Building Committee was meeting.
        Harriett Bessette commented that she sent a letter requesting re-appointment to the Eastern Regional Tourism District Board.
        Mr. Brown stated that the Board would act on her appointment under Agenda item, Re/Appointments Boards & Commission.

(4) Pawcatuck Landing, LLC Public Access Easement:
The Planning & Zoning Commission approved, with stipulations, a site plan application made by the Pawcatuck Landing, LLC (Grantor). One of the stipulations required is the creation of a Public Access Easement between the Grantor and the Town of Stonington. Mr. Brown stated that it is a 4 foot easement for sidewalks at the old Connecticut Casting building at 75 Stillman Avenue. There is no cost to the Town.
A motion was made by Mr. Balestracci, seconded by Mr. Brown and unanimously voted, to accept the Easement.

(5) Resolution re: Pawcatuck Park Dock
Letter received from Jason Vincent, Director of Planning, stating that the CT D.E.P. is repairing the Pawcatuck Park Dock, with funding under the Small Town Economic Assistance Program, (STEAP). The contract with the D.E.P. cannot be executed by the First Selectman until the Board of Selectman passes a resolution authorizing him to act on the Town’s behalf.
A motion was made by Mr. Balestracci, seconded by Mr. Brown and unanimously voted, to authorize William S. Brown, First Selectman, to sign the contract documents.

(6) Resolutions for FY05 & FY06 Homeland Security Grant Program:
The Board of Selectmen must authorize the First Selectman to act on behalf of the Town of Stonington in executing a Memorandum of Understanding with the State of Connecticut, Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security, for participation in the 2005 and 2006 State Homeland Security Grant Program.
A motion was made by Mr. Balestracci, seconded by Mr. Brown and unanimously voted, to accept the resolution and authorize William S. Brown, First Selectman, to sign the Memorandum of Understanding for 2005.
A motion was made by Mr. Balestracci, seconded by Mr. Brown and unanimously voted, to accept the resolution and authorize William S. Brown, First Selectman, to sign the Memorandum of Understanding for 2006.

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August 9, 2006  Page 3

(7) Bid Awards/Letter of Agreement - None       

(8) 911 Street Numbering
        Joe Larkin, Planning and Zoning Department, forwarded the following recommendations for assigning street numbers, in accordance with the Street Naming and Numbering (Emergency 9-1-1) Ordinance. The Assessor concurs with these recommendations.

        Map     Block   Lot     Address
        154     1       3C      95 Latimer Point Road, Stonington, CT 06378
        103     1       3A      221 Wamphassuc Road, Stonington, CT 06378
        103     1       3       219 Wamphassuc Road, Stonington, CT 06378
        138     3       1A      358 New London Turnpike, Stonington, CT 06378
        138     3       1B      360 New London Turnpike, Stonington, CT 06378

        A motion was made by Mr. Balestracci, seconded by Mr. Brown and unanimously voted, to approve Mr. Larkin’s recommendations and assign these street numbers.

(9) Correspondence – None

(10) Re/Appointments Boards and Commissions
        Letter received from John Mershon, resigning from his position on the Southeast Connecticut Regional Water Authority, effective immediately, due to conflicts with other duties.
        The Board accepted Mr. Mershon’s resignation and will sent him a letter of appreciation for his dedicated service.

        Letter received from Harriett Bessette, requesting re-appointment to another 3 year term as Stonington’s representative to the Board of Directors of the Eastern Regional Tourism District.
        A motion was made by Mr. Balestracci, seconded by Mr. Brown and unanimously voted, to re-appoint Harriett Bessette.
        Her term will expire September 2009.

(11) Old Business
        None conducted.

(12)    New Business
None conducted.

(13)  Adjourn
        There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sherrill Krynick
Recording Secretary