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Minutes 03/09/05
March 9, 2005

        The Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting on this date at 7:00 p.m. at the Stonington Police Station Community Room.  Present were First Selectman William S. Brown, Selectman Stephen E. Bessette and Selectman Peter L. Balestracci.  Also present were approximately 50-60 members of the public and one member of the press.

(1)     Call to Order
        Mr. Brown called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
        A motion was made by Mr. Bessette, seconded by Mr. Balestracci and unanimously voted to move agenda item #10, Comments From the Public, to the beginning of the agenda.

(10)  Comments from the Public
        The following people spoke in opposition to the WPCA’s recommendation to build a new facility behind the high school and pump the effluent into Stonington Harbor:  
·       Walter C. Johnson, Wamphassuc Road, Stonington
·       Peter Vermilya, Chairman, Stonington Harbor Management Commission
·       Attorney J. William W. Harsch, Providence, RI
·       Jon F. Dodd, Skipper Street, Stonington
·       Mike Laptew, North Kingstown, RI (professional underwater videographer)
·       Gracelyn Guyol, Taugwonk Road, Stonington, member of Stonington Garden Club
·       Jack Gorby, Water Street, Stonington, past commodore of the Stonington Harbor Yacht Club
·       Marjorie Berthasavage, Robin Street, Pawcatuck
·       Paul Butterfield, Pawcatuck
·       Alan Bannister, Flanders Road, Stonington, member of the Shellfish Commission (read a letter from Donald Murphy, Chairman, Shellfish Commission)
·       Willis Arndt, North Main Street, Stonington
·       Edward Dear, Quanaduck Road, member of the Economic Development Commission
·       Barbara Tacy, Ivy Road, Mystic
·       Ben Blake, Main Street, Stonington
·       Mary Motherway, Wilcox Road, Stonington, President of the Wadawanuck Club
·       Gary Anderson, South Broad Street, Pawcatuck

        Most of those who spoke submitted a written statement or letter, which will be forwarded by the Board of Selectmen to the Water Pollution Control Authority.
        There being no further comments from the public, First Selectman called for a five-minute recess at 8:15 p.m.  The Board of Selectmen resumed their meeting at 8:20 p.m.

(2)  Greater Mystic Chamber of Commerce’s May Day Parade
        A letter dated February 16, 2005 was received from the Greater Mystic Chamber of Commerce, requesting permission to conduct their annual May Day Parade and Bed Race on Saturday, May 7, 2005.  The parade will begin forming at 1:00 p.m. in the parking lot of the Mystic Art Association on Water Street and will proceed down Water Street onto West Main Street at 1:30 p.m.  It will then continue over the downtown bridge and down East Main Street, turning right onto Cottrell Street.  The 9th annual May Day Bed Race will follow the parade.
        A motion was made by Mr. Bessette, seconded by Mr. Balestracci and unanimously voted to grant permission for the May Day Parade and Bed Race as requested by the Greater Mystic Chamber of Commerce.

(3)  Request from Pine Point School for waiver of permit fees  
        A letter dated February 25, 2005 was received from Paul Geise, Pine Point School, requesting a waiver of permit fees relative to their early childhood center project.  Mr. Brown commented that he spoke with Jason Vincent, Director of Planning, who concurs with this request.  The School is making an adjustment to a previously approved plan.
        A motion was made by Mr. Balestracci, seconded by Mr. Bessette and unanimously voted to waive permit fees as requested in Mr. Geise’s February 25, 2005 letter.

(4)  Bid Awards / Letters of Agreement – None.

(5)  9-1-1 Street Numbering
The Planning and Zoning Department forwarded the following recommendations for assigning street numbers in accordance with the Street Naming and Numbering (Emergency 9-1-1) Ordinance.  The Assessor concurs with these recommendations.

201 North Anguilla Road, Pawcatuck, CT  06379
203 North Anguilla Road, Pawcatuck, CT  06379
152 Barnes Road, Stonington, CT  06378
142 Barnes Road, Stonington, CT  06378

        A motion was made by Mr. Balestracci, seconded by Mr. Bessette and unanimously voted to assign these street numbers as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Department.

(6)  Correspondence – None.

(7)  Re/Appointments Boards and Commissions

Affordable Housing Advisory Committee
Mr. Brown and temporary chairperson Alisa Morrison reviewed the applications and recommend the appointment of six individuals (in addition to Ms. Morrison).  Consensus of the Selectmen was that interviews are not necessary, they are comfortable moving ahead and making the appointments based upon the applications received.
A motion was made by Mr. Balestracci, seconded by Mr. Bessette and unanimously voted to appoint the following people to the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee: Gary Bennett, Suzanne Cole, Thomas Hyland, James Kelley, Ward Mauck, Alisa Morrison, Karen Sears.

(8)  Old Business – None.

(9)  New Business – None.

(11)     Adjourn
        There being no further business to come before the Board, the regular meeting was adjourned at 8:27 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kathy A. Kent
Recording Secretary