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Agenda 10/26/06
Special Meeting
Board of Selectmen

Notice is hereby given that a Special Meeting of the Board of Selectmen will be held
within the Town of Stonington:

Time:   5:45 p.m.       Date:   October 26, 2006                Place: Stonington Police Station

        Business to be Transacted

1.      Call to order    

2.      Candidate interviews for Planning and Zoning Commission
3.      Comments from the Public

4.      PNC Upgrade – request for Resolution

5.      Acceptance of property conveyance from Dodson Boatyard

6.      Appointments/Reappointments
                a. Planning and Zoning Commission
7.      Correspondence

8.      Old Business   

9.      New Business
                a. Westerly-Pawcatuck Veterans Board of Control Veterans Day Parade

10.     Adjourn

This notice is filed in the Town Clerk’s Office for posting not less than 24 hours prior to the date of such Special meeting.

Dated at Stonington, Connecticut this 20th day of October, 2006.

                                                                        /s/ William S. Brown