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Agenda 07/26/06
1.      Call to Order

2.      Comments from the Public

3.      Consider and act on appointment of Director of Public Works

4.      Consider and act on Letter of Intent between Town and Borough regarding Borough                 Highways and Sidewalks

5.      Consider and act on timeframe for Permanent Committee to Study the Needs and Use                of Town Public Buildings, Including Town Hall Facilities, to report to Board of                         Selectmen with a recommendation regarding Town Hall Facilities

6.      Consider and act on Resolution authorizing First Selectman to execute Mutual Police             Assistance Agreement

7.      Bid Awards / Letters of Agreement

8.      9-1-1 Street Numbering

9.      Correspondence
        a.  Blessing of the Fleet

10.     Re/Appointments Boards and Commissions
11.     Old Business

12.     New Business

13.     Adjourn