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Comp Plan Update Agenda 02/24/05

February 24th, 2005
6:00 – 9:00 P.M.
Standish Town Hall
Meeting Agenda

1.      Welcome and Introductions

2.      Meeting Summary:  January 27, 2005  (review & approve meeting minutes) (5 min)

3.      Discuss and Finalize draft Public Opinion Survey  (60 min)
Revised survey will be sent to the Committee and posted at

4.      Review and Finalize draft Comp Plan section “Housing” (15 min)

5.      Present and comment on the draft “Natural Resources” section (15 min)

6.      Subcommittees work update and discussion of presentation topics (20 min)

7.      Homework assignment: (5 min)
a.      Prepare for Subcommittees presentations on the selected topics
b.      Review Draft “Natural Resources” section in order to Finalize it at the next meeting (will be posted on the town’s website:
c.      Review the guide for making Comprehensive Plan Updates:

Next Meetings Time and Dates:  March 24th, 2005 @ 6 P.M.  Please try to attend the meeting.