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Athletic Fields Sub-Committee 2-13-2012 Minutes
Athletic Fields Sub-Committee 2-13-2012 Minutes

Madden Room – South Windsor Town Hall

1.      Call Meeting to Order

The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m.

2.      Roll Call

Members Present:        Matthew B. Galligan, Town Manager
                        Ray Favreau, Director of Parks & Recreation
                        Gary Bazzano, Town Council
                        Keith Yagaloff, Town Council
                        Bob Goldman, Soccer Club
                        David Hodge, South Windsor Panthers
                        Craig Zimmerman, American Legion Baseball
                        Karen Isherwood, Civil Engineer
                        Chris Wanner, Athletic Director at South Windsor High
                        Jim Ray
                        Dana Weber, Preside of South Windsor Girls Lacrosse
                        Eric LeJoie, President of South Windsor Boys Lacrosse
                        Brogan Canty, Athlete at South Windsor High School
                        Stephen Porcello, Athlete at South Windsor High School
3.      Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting


4.      Items for Discussion    

a.      Current Town Athletic Field Inventory
1.      Identify Quantities & Locations
2.      Field Conditions – playability; maintenance requirements; durability

b.      Current User Group Activity levels – athlete enrollment, number of teams now

c.      Anticipated User Group Activity Levels – athlete enrollment, number of teams

d.      Field requirements – “wants” versus “needs”
1.      Do we need more fields based on program load & seasons?
2.      What is “reasonable”?
3.      Note:  Youth population typically fluctuates in 20-25 year cycles

e.      Begin Brainstorming Options

Mr. Ray Favreau, Director of Parks & Recreation handed out an inventory of what the Town has by activity for athletic fields.  The Town faces the challenge of the condition of some of the fields.  Mr. Favreau requested that members give feedback on condition of fields throughout Town.  

Mr. Bazzano stated that he feels Nevers Road fields are fields that could use improvements.  The fields get a lot of use with lacrosse and soccer.  Irrigation and the lay of the land are both major issues there.  

There are sinking areas on the field across from the Police Station where the high school some times play.

The field has definitely gotten a lot smoother with the grass.

The field that runs with the parking lot that was used mostly for soccer was in better shape then the one used by lacrosse because that one gets very wet.

Ms. Wanner stated that the Stadium Field has a lot of weeds and empty patches so that field could be in better shape.  The Multi-Purpose Fields are great when the weather is dry.  The fields do not drain well and there is a concern about tearing up the fields after it has rained.  The lower field at the high school is getting better.  There is more green but still a lot of dirt so when the field has been dry for a long period of time it becomes a dust ball.

Mr. Hodge reported that the two football fields at Rye Street are beautiful but when it rains the use on them can tear up the fields.  

Committee members discussed the synthetic fields.  It was general concensus that the synthetic fields hold up much better and the Town would get more playing time on a synthetic field then a regular grass field.  

Mr. Yagaloff explained that when the Multi-Purpose field was done, one field was supposed to be used by lacrosse and one field by football.  It was going to be heavy on one side and light on the other and then it was supposed to alternate.  There are issues with thatch, drainage and hard play.  The Town spent a lot of money trying to make those fields good but unfortunately there are variables that come into play.  At this time an artificial turf is a better choice for having a field with low maintenance which will last a long time.  The Committee will have to review costs for synthetic fields.

Ms. Wanner added that part of the difficulty keeping the Multi-Purpose Fields beautiful and functional is that there is not an alternative field in order to rest the others.  

Another issue with the Multi-Purpose fields is that they are not large enough to accommodate tow full fields.  They are find for 13 or 14 year olds for soccer but there is no ability to have a full size soccer field there with the field hockey next to them.  

Mr. Bazzano stated that if something is done on the high school property, the Committee has to make sure that it is able to be utilized by most groups.

Another concern that will have to be reviewed is the ability to have lights on the field which would enable longer use at night.

Ms. Canty explained that she had been doing research on this issue and found that most students would like to see the Stadium Field have turf but after talking to the Soccer coach who explained that the entire area including the track would have to be redone.

Mr. Yagaloff stated that one of the problems the Town has had with the concept of a turf field versus relocation of other fields was school use versus Town use.  The Multi-Purpose fields were done in order for everyone to use it.   Commission members discussed where another field could be located, trying to keep it close to the school but on Town property.  Constructing an additional field would allow other fields to be rested.  

Mr. Galligan explained that there are 11 acres on Nevers Road that could be used for a synthetic field.  Doing it there would also address the issue of parking.  The synthetic field could be used for practices and the other fields for games.  Town staff could do irrigation at Nevers.

A cost analysis should be done on all the different locations that have been proposed to construct a turf field.

Mr. Favreau explained that the Priest property has a concept plan for an athletic complex but estimate pricing would have to be redone.  There is a master plan of parks and recreation development throughout Town that can viewed by Committee members.  Mr. Favreau explained the different sight work that needs to be performed to make sure an area is appropriate for fields.  The Town currently has a plan to irrigate Nevers Road and rehab the Stadium field.


5.      Unfinished Business


6.      New Business


7.      Set Next Meeting Date


8.      Adjournment

At 6:50 p.m. the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah W. Reid
Council Clerk