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Sidewalk and Bikeway Sub-Committee 3-12-2013 Minutes
Sidewalk and Bikeway Sub-Committee 3-12-2013 Minutes

Sprenkel Room – South Windsor Town Hall

Roll Call

Members Present:        Kevin McCann, Town Council
                        Robert O’Connor, South Windsor Walk and Wheel Ways
                        Cindy Beaulieu, Town Council (conference call)
                        M. Saud Anwar, Town Council
                        Ginny Hole, South Windsor Walk and Wheel Ways

Also Present:           Skip Bourke, South Windsor Walk and Wheel Ways
                        Ken Sek, South Windsor Walk and Wheel Ways
                        Robert Dickinson, South Windsor Walk and Wheel Ways
                        Jeff Doolitte, Town Engineer
                        Lia Huang, CRCOG
                        Deborah Reid, Clerk of the Council

1.      Call Meeting to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:16 p.m.

2.      Approval of Minutes (1/29/13)

Mr. O’Connor made a motion to approve the January 29, 2013 minutes.  Councilor Beaulieu seconded the motion; and it was approved, unanimously.

3.      Discussion items

A.      Town Standards for Roads

Mr. Jeff Doolittle, Town Engineer came before the Committee and explained that new construction projects with regard to lane widths are specified on a plan.  They are usually established from the center line to the fog line.  The Town has gone to 11’ in many cases as our standard road width to try to slow traffic down and provide a little bit wider shoulders for pedestrians and bicyclists.  The state or federal standards of lane widths are 12’.  There are a lot of roads that do not have fog lines on the side of the roads.

Mr. Dickinson questioned if the standards are based on the specific speed on the road?  Mr. Doolittle said that the speed limit has nothing to do with the width of the road.  The traditional lane width is 12’ regardless of the speed limit.  


3.      A.      (Continued)

Mr. Doolittle explained that the Town is comfortable going down to 11’ but has not gone down to 10’.  The width of the newer local roads right now is a minimum of 26’ of pavement.  Older roads were often built with approximately 30’ of pavement.  The Town has reduced the road width to try to calm traffic.  These numbers are the minimum numbers, the Town does not have a maximum number.  The Town has a certain amount of right of way and puts anything wanted within the right of way that can be fit.  The local standard right of way is 50’ for a local road so within that you have the pavement at 26’-30’, a sidewalk (if applicable) on one or both sides with the standard sidewalk width being 4’, a 4’ wide snow shelf if there is a sidewalk, and the remaining would be grass.  

Councillor McCann questioned when the Town does a reconstruction of a collector road, what is the pavement width and the lane width?  Mr. Doolittle explained that when the Town did Avery Street, 28’ was used to try to not make the road too wide but provide a little more room because of the traffic volume.  The lane width was kept at 11’.  The Town maintains the road widths by hiring a contractor who is provided a map but in most cases they essentially repaint the lines that are currently there.  Mr. Doolittle stated he would ask if there are measurements given or they are just told to repaint what is there.  

Councillor McCann explained that what has been talked about in previous meetings is where sidewalks are problematic, the shoulders should at least be enhanced.  The Committee was thinking that if there were 4’ shoulders with 11’ lane there would be significant areas for pedestrians and bicyclists to use, would that recommendation be appropriate?  Mr. Doolittle stated that he believes in general that would be appropriate but there may be roads that it may not be appropriate such as Buckland Road.  Councillor McCann stated he feels it would be a better idea to focus on sidewalks on Buckland Road.

Answering questions from the Committee, Mr. Doolittle explained that the Town maintains the area between Route 5 and the railroad tracks, however the Town will try to work with the State because they have the equipment that is necessary.  Chapel Road will be repaved this summer from Route 5 to Rugby Lane or Clark Street.  At that time the lines can be changed and will look at putting some type of symbols on the lanes for bicycles.  


3.      A.      (Continued)

Councillor McCann stated that one of the things the Committee would like to do is raise awareness with whoever is involved in setting the lane widths that the lanes should be uniform throughout Town.

Mr. Doolittle informed the Committee that the Town is aware of the section of from Route 5 to Main Street but unfortunately the Town has to work on priorities and funding is necessary, although the Town will repair that area.

Ms. Lia Huang, from CRCOG suggested that instead of going street by street, could the Town establish road types and define guidelines.  Mr. Doolittle stated that something like that could be established working with the bike plan.

The Committee discussed the use of sharo signs throughout Town to let people know that bikes are on the road.

Mr. Doolittle stated that a route should be selected to put those signs on, but public education needs to be provided and the Police Department needs to be on board with this.  There may not be areas where signs are necessary such as Main Street.  

Ms. Lia Huang stated that every road is allowed to be shared with bicycles so putting signs up could get confusing.  Ms. Huang suggested that routes be picked out where it is more likely to see bicyclists.  Councillor McCann added that there should also be a concern between bicyclists and pedestrians.

Mr. Dickinson felt that the sharo signs may help to keep bicyclists on the right side of the road.

Ms. Huang then suggested that an instruction manuel be drafted that could be handed out to residents.

D.      Sidewalk Plan

Mr. Doolittle informed the Committee members that sidewalk plan proposed from the Town Hall to Deming Street is being reviewed by DOT.  When the Town gets the plan back, design work will begin.  Mr. Doolittle stated that he does not expect construction to begin until 2015.


3.      A.      (Continued)

Committee members discussed the possibility of complete streets in the South Windsor Center where a true center could be developed.  Mr. Doolittle suggested that the Committee have discussions regarding the sidewalk plan with property owners and begin to figure out the plan for the area.  The Town could begin to get plans together but will need a consultants help regarding traffic signals.  

Ms. Hole felt that another issue that should be considered is a safe area for people to stand for bus service when it snows.  Ms. Huang stated that there was a push to try to get bus shelters but there was not enough interest from advertisers.

Mr. Dickinson said he would contact the Commission liaison from DOT to talk about moving faster regarding the sidewalk plan proposed from the Town Hall to Deming Street.  

Committee members then discussed getting another committee established to review different ideas and to come up with a plan to bring sidewalks to South Windsor Center to the Sidewalk & Bikeway Subcommittee.  There may be the ability to work with students from UConn.  Anyone wishing to be a part of this Committee should email Debbie Reid at

Committee members discussed other areas in Town where sidewalks would be desirable.  It would be desirable to provide access to schools, parks, public buildings.  This would provide safety for people who use them as well as create interconnection throughout Town.  Mr. Doolittle explained that a STP grant application is due at the end of April.  Two projects can be submitted that consist of sidewalk projects and pavement rehab projects.  There will be a second round of submissions in August or September where the same type of projects can be submitted.  Mr. Doolittle will go forward with gathering prices for sidewalk construction from Ayers Road to Nevers Road and Ellington Road to Clark Street.


3.      A.      (Continued)

Mr. Doolittle then explained that conceptual plans will be designed for Avery Street.  A public meeting will be held where residents will be presented with different plans showing sidewalks and/or bike lanes.  The plan will be put on the Town website and notices to property owners will be sent out.  The meeting will allow for property owners to give their input regarding the plans.   

C.      Safe Routes to School

Mr. Doolittle explained that the construction and improvements for Orchard Hill Elementary School are almost complete.  The details for Eli Terry Elementary School are being worked out and funds have been committed for this project.  The Town will work with the State on the bridge update but presently there are no new funds available.

Councilor McCann felt that there needs to be a determination of whose responsibility the routes are to maintain.  Mr. Doolittle stated that traditionally the Town will clear the sidewalks not on school property and immediately around the school the Board of Education takes care of those areas.  It would be great to formalize that.

3.      E.      Complete Streets

Mr. Doolittle explained that the Town utilizes the concept of Complete Streets but more guidance in terms of a specific policy and priorities of a policy for the Town is necessary to follow.  It has to be determined if Complete Streets would be utilized throughout Town or in certain areas of Town.  Committee members discussed their vision of Complete Streets in the Town of South Windsor.  Ms. Huang stated that Complete Streets could be developed step by step.  Mr. Doolittle added that Complete Streets should be included in the Plan of Conservation and Development.  After a lengthy discussion, the Sub-Committee decided to focus the concept of Complete Streets at South Windsor Center and move forward from there.  This item will be focused on at the next meeting.

4.      Miscellaneous Discussion



5.      Adjournment

At 8:54 p.m. Mr. O’Connor made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Councilor Anwar seconded the motion; and it was approved, unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah W. Reid
Council Clerk