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Sidewalk and Bikeway Sub-Committee 1-29-2013 Minutes
Sidewalk and Bikeway Sub-Committee 1-29-2013 Minutes

Sprenkel Room – South Windsor Town Hall

Roll Call

Members Present:        Kevin McCann, Town Council
                        Robert O’Connor, South Windsor Walk and Wheel Ways
                        Cindy Beaulieu, Town Council (conference call)
                        M. Saud Anwar, Town Council

Members Absent: Ginny Hole, South Windsor Walk and Wheel Ways

Also Present:           Skip Bourke, South Windsor Walk and Wheel Ways
                        Ken Sek, South Windsor Walk and Wheel Ways
                        Robert Dickinson, South Windsor Walk and Wheel Ways
                        Deborah Reid, Clerk of the Council

1.      Call Meeting to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:20 p.m.

Councilor McCann introduced Patty L. who just moved to South Windsor.

2.      Approval of Minutes (11/13/12)

The December 18, 2012 minutes were approved.  Councilor Anwar abstained from this vote.

3.      Discussion items

A.      Complete Streets

Councilor McCann stated that the subcommittee will have to discuss how Complete Streets could be adopted in South Windsor.

Ms. Hole stated that she has been discussion Complete Streets with Lia Huang from CRCOG and Michele Lipe who is the town Planner.  Ms. Huang sent pictures of before and after shots of Complete Streets.  Ms. Hole said she would like to ask UConn students to do a rendering but would need to know if the subcommittee would be willing to pay a small amount for this service.

Councilor McCann stated that the rendering should include underground utilities.


3.      A.      (Continued)

Ms. Hole stated that she agreed with that and then said she feels that if the Wapping Community building were moved, more could be done in Wapping Center to establish Complete Streets.  There is a grant to put sidewalks from Town Hall to Deming Street.

Councilor McCann also felt that Complete Streets should be considered for Wapping Center.  The area needs to be more pedestrian friendly.

Mr. Dickinson felt that a sidewalk should be established from Wapping Center to Route 5 and this should be put on The Plan of conservation and Development.

Councillor McCann asked how members thought the Town Council should be approached regarding this issue.

Councilor Anwar felt that the approach should be handled by a step by step basis.  Wapping Center is the most important area to try to get Complete Streets established and then the second step would be to discuss the removal of the Wapping Community building.

Councilor McCann stated that crosswalks are missing.  Mr. O’Connor felt that sidewalks could be constructed with the elimination of the Wapping Community building.

Committee members discussed different ideas for the area and decided that the subcommittee should go before the Town Council to do a presentation of Complete Streets.

Mr. Dickinson suggested that Complete Streets be incorporated into The Plan of conservation and Development.

B.      Sidewalk Plan

Committee members discussed the sidewalk plan and then recommended that sidewalks be incorporated on the plan on Clark Street which would be a medium priority, extend the sidewalk on Sullivan Avenue from West Road to Route 5 which would be a medium priority and extend the sidewalk on Pleasant Valley Road from Hilton Drive to Route 5 which would be a high priority.


3.      Discussion Items (Continued)

E.      Snow Angels

Councilor Anwar explained that Dennis Sheridan will be coordinating this program.  Human Services will keep a list of volunteers who will be doing the shoveling.  Donations of shovels are necessary fro this program.  The Parks & Recreation Department will try to help out if needed.

C.      Safe Routes to School

Councilor McCann stated that he has been told that the Principal at (Pleasant Valley Elementary School) is approachable and may be in support of Safe Routes to School.

D.      Multi-Use Paths

Ms. Hole explained that Jeff Folger will be walking the path near the power lines to determine the type of path.

Mr. Bourke stated that Kelly’s property is also on the path.  There is a drainage culvert there.  Ms. Hole said she would have Mr. Folger looka t that area also.

The first area being reviewed for a multi-use path is Pleasant Valley to Jacques Lane.

F.      Town Standards for Roads

Councilor McCann said he does not know if the Town has incorporated any standards for non-motorized vehicles and would be discussing this issue with Jeff Doolittle who is the Town Engineer.

Mr. Dickinson felt an ordinance should be drafted which specifies when lines are pained there should be a maximum of an 11 foot shoulder, even with sidewalks and 11 foot shoulder is desirable.  Mr. O’Connor suggested that this could be stated in the Complete Streets standards.  Councilor McCann suggested that Public Works be contacted and asked how lines are determined and felt that each road should be measured so there is more know about each road.


3.      Discussion Items (Continued)

G.      Grants

Committee members discussed a grant through DEEP but determined that it would be too late to try for a grant this year because it is due by March 29, 2013 and there is too much involved to complete by then.  The subcommittee decided that by working with the Town they would try for the grant next year.

4.      Miscellaneous Discussion

Ms. Hole reported that there will be a bicycle education done on March 19, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. at The Village at Buckland Court.

5.      Adjournment

At 8:53 p.m. the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah W. Reid
Council Clerk