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Sidewalk and Bikeway Sub-Committee 11-13-2012 Minutes
Sidewalk and Bikeway Sub-Committee 11-13-2012 Minutes

Sprenkel Room – South Windsor Town Hall

Roll Call

Members Present:        M. Saud Anwar, Town Council (arrived 7:45 p.m.)
        Kevin McCann, Town Council
Robert O’Connor, South Windsor Walk and Wheel Ways
Ginny Hole, South Windsor Walk and Wheel Ways

Members Absent: Cindy Beaulieu, Town Council

Also Present:           Skip Bourke, South Windsor Walk and Wheel Ways
                                Ken Sek, South Windsor Walk and Wheel Ways
                                Robert Dickinson, South Windsor Walk and Wheel Ways
                                Deborah Reid, Clerk of the Council

1.      Call Meeting to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:16 p.m.

2.      Approval of Minutes (9/11/12)

The September 11, 2012 minutes were approved, unanimously.

3.      Discussion items

A.      Update on Connector Paths – Jeff Borne from C L & P to be present

Mr. Borne came before the Commission and explained that the rights-of-way to the power lines are owned by Northeast Utilities and others are owned by individual property owners.  Ninety percent of the lines are through easement rights because it is not as expensive as buying the fee right.  In Connecticut Northeast Utilities owns about 10,000 acres of land.  If the Town would like to have trails under the power lines, the Town would have to get permission from the individual land owners where Northeast Utilities just has easements.  Northeast Utilities would work with the Town after receiving that permission.  Other Towns that Northeast Utilities has worked with in similar situations is Ridgefield and just have come up with an agreement with Meriden.  One of the criteria that would be necessary for creating walking trails would be that South Windsor would hold Northeast Utilities harmless for any injuries that could occur on these trails.  

Councilor McCann stated that he would need to talk with the Town Attorney regarding this issue.


3.      A.      (Continued)

Answering questions from the Committee, Mr. Borne explained that Northeast Utilities would work with the Town to decide what type of surface would be used for the trail.  Different Towns do different things but a hard surface would probably be the most desirable.  Mr. Dickinson thought that most trails would have to be designed to accommodate emergency vehicles.  

Mr. Borne then explained that Northeast Utilities has a preferred form of agreement for properties that are owned by Northeast Utilities.  That form can be sent to the Town.  Northeast Utilities will need to see which right-of-ways the Town is interested in using.  The Transmission Engineers would have to review these areas.  The Town will have to contact property owners to question them if they are interested in these trails.  Easements do not give Northeast Utilities an opportunity to work with the Town without the land owner’s permission.  Mr. Borne stated he would send the Committee a copy of the trail license agreement that was previously done for another Town so that South Windsor can review an agreement.

The Committee discussed if this type of venture would be better done all at once or in segments.  It was concluded that the trails would have to be created in segments.  The Town would have to inform Northeast Utilities of any problems that are found in the areas where the trails are being proposed so those problems can be fixed.  

Councilor McCann stated that the Committee will have to send Mr. Borne a map with the rights-of-way.  Mr. Borne then stated that with this type of work there is no cost.  Northeast Utilities would probably do a five year agreement with the Town but will review the area on a yearly basis.  Mr. Borne requested that a walk be done to view the locations.  

B.      Update on Sidewalk Ordinance

Councilor McCann explained that the Sidewalk Ordinance was approved by Council. The only concern with this Ordinance is how much it will cost the Town to maintain sidewalks.  Next spring and summer the Town will see how much cost will be associated with this Ordinance.


3.      B.      (Continued)

Councilor Anwar stated that the Ordinance is a step in the right direction but the big hurdle is the clearing of the sidewalks in the winter.  This task is another reason why residents do not want sidewalks in their neighborhoods.  Residents should know that there is in the State Statutes if someone has  any health issue in a household that prevent sidewalks from being cleared, there is a form that can be filled out to exempt that individual from clearing snow.  The next step that the Town needs to do is to create a program that consists of a list of volunteers that would be willing to clear sidewalks for those residents who can not clear the sidewalks in front of their homes.  

Councilor McCann requested that Councilor Anwar look into creating something that will help residents who have health issues regarding clearing of sidewalks.

Ms. Hole questioned if there is a property where there is no house, but there is a sidewalk in front of the property, does the property owner have to clear that snow?  Councilor McCann felt that the property owner is responsible for clearing the sidewalk.  Councilor Anwar stated that he thinks that if the property owner is not in Town there is a way around it.

C.      Update the Sidewalk Plan and Public Feedback

Councilor McCann stated that he has had no further feedback regarding the sidewalk plan.

Ms. Hole suggested that something be written up to go into the press which would inform residents about this plan.  Councilor McCann stated he would contact the Patch.

Councilor Anwar stated that there was interesting data he read about the benefits regarding paved shoulders.  Councillor McCann stated that the statistics sound similar to those of Complete Streets.  Councilor Anwar questioned if the Town has looked at creating paved shoulders in the plan?

Mr. Bourke explained that Item E. – Road Projects and Accommodating Future Complete Street Features covers these types of issues that are being discussed.  Mr. Bourke would like to know if this is the type of items the Town is looking at when a road project is being done to make sure space is there or the road is graded properly to accommodate a future element for Complete Streets.  


3.      C.      (Continued)

Councilor McCann explained that he has spoken with Jeff Doolittle with respect to road projects that are going on and he is becoming more in tuned to reviewing roads when they are being reconstructed for Complete Street features.  

The Town Council will need to be educated on Complete Streets and a policy will need to be adopted which would be followed by the Town when streets are being done.  

Councilor Anwar felt that the roads from the referendum that was just passed should be focused on.  When those roads are being done, residents can be given a brochure about the benefits of sidewalks/Complete Streets.  A meeting should be held with Town staff to discuss this issue.  After meeting with Town staff, a plan can be brought to the Town Council.  Mr. Robert Dickinson added that sidewalks enhance property values.

The next meeting was scheduled for December 11, 2012 at 7:15 p.m.

5.      Adjournment

At 8:35 p.m. the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah W. Reid
Council Clerk