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Sidewalk and Bikeway Sub-Committee 8-7-2012 Minutes
Sidewalk and Bikeway Sub-Committee 8-7-2012 Minutes

Sprenkel Room – South Windsor Town Hall

Roll Call

Members Present:        Cindy Beaulieu, Town Council
                        Kevin McCann, Town Council
                        Robert O’Connor, South Windsor Walk and Wheel Ways
                        Ginny Hole, South Windsor Walk and Wheel Ways

Members Absent: M. Saud Anwar, Town Council

Also Present:           Skip Bourke, South Windsor Walk and Wheel Ways
                        Deborah Reid, Clerk of the Council

1.      Call Meeting to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m.

2.      Approval of Minutes (7/17/12)

The Subcommittee approved the minutes as presented.

3.      Update on Connector Paths

Andreis Trail to Carriage Drive – improvements to this path are in progress.  It is being widened and a rock needs to be removed.  It is hopeful that this path will be complete in a couple of weeks.

Nevers Road Park to Abbe Road Extension – Mr. John Caldwell will be meeting with Mr. Brian Burke at the end of the week.  A small culver that crosses the path will need to be fixed.  Mr. McCann stated he would discuss this with Jeff Doolittle, the Town Engineer.

Ms. Hole explained that the Nevers Road Park to Abbe Road Extension trail will be used at the October 20, 2012 Bicycle Friendly Community Celebration.

Autumn Drive to Tallwood Drive – the curbs have been taken out and the path should be done by the end of the week.  

Councilor McCann felt that the Committee should update Mr. Caldwell on the next set of priorities to be done.


3.      Update on Connector Paths (Continued)

Councilor McCann then explained that he talked to Mr. Caldwell about mowing the path from Spinners Run to Natsisky Farm Road.  Mr. Caldwell stated that he was told to only mow that area twice a year.  Councilor McCann stated he would talk to Jeff Folger regarding the mowing of this area.

4.      Update on Sidewalk Plan

Councilor McCann felt that the comment by Councilor Beaulieu at the last meeting not to do anything with the sidewalk plan until after the ordinances are repealed makes sense.  The ordinances will be repealed at a Town Council meeting in September.  Councilor McCann said he would have the Town Attorney about drafting an amendment to the repair part of those ordinances so that the Town does not fully take the liability away from a land owner who might break the sidewalk.

Councilor McCann informed the Committee that he has received two calls from people on Clark Street regarding the sidewalk plan in that neighborhood.  One of the people commented that they would like to see sidewalks installed throughout Town because there are more people walking and biking.  The other person commented that they would like to see sidewalks installed but would like them on Town property because they would not want to maintain the sidewalks or shovel snow from the sidewalks.  Councilor McCann stated that there is positive feedback but there is still resistance from residents of having sidewalks in front of their home.  

There was a suggestion that the sidewalk plan be put onto Facebook.

5.      Funding Alternatives

Councilor McCann felt that the South Windsor Walk & Wheel Ways master plan should be broken into sections and a plan should be devised to implement the different sections.  Councilor McCann stated that the State is not implementing complete streets when renovations to roads are be being done.  Commission members discussed different people that could be contacted regarding this issue such as Basila (Lia) Huang, CRCOG; Kate Rattan, DOT; and Jeff Doolittle, Town Engineer for South Windsor.


5.      Funding Alternatives (Continued)

The Committee had a discussion regarding funding that is available to South Windsor Walk & Wheel Ways.  One way to get projects done is to put aside the funds that are received each year and when a certain amount is raised, a project can be decided upon.  Other funding alternatives will have to be sought through the Town and State.  Ms. Hole explained that the South Windsor Walk & Wheel Ways has been looking for someone to do grant writing.  Councilor McCann stated that at the next meeting the Committee can discuss how to get grant writing accomplished.

6.      Miscellaneous Discussion

Mr. O’Connor explained that on Connecticut Public Broadcasting Network (WNPR), he had heard that the radio host, Colin McEnroe had discussed Bicycle Friendly Communities and had wanted to have someone from South Windsor call in.  Mr. O’Connor stated that he emailed Mr. McEnroe.  Mr. O’Connor then stated that he was informed that Mr. McEnroe writes for a bicycle magazine.

Ms. Hole explained that the Bicycle Friendly Celebration would be on October 20, 2012 beginning at 1:00 p.m.  She has tried to contact Simsbury to have people from that community meet South Windsor residents on the Bissell Bridge with a torch.  Ms. Hole stated she would go to the first Town Council meeting in September to invite Council members to the event.  Councilor McCann suggested that Mr. Colin McEnroe be asked to be the Master of Ceremonies.

7.      Adjournment

At 7:55 p.m. the meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah W. Reid
Council Clerk