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Sidewalk and Bikeway Sub-Committee 2-15-2012 Minutes
Sidewalk and Bikeway Sub-Committee 2-15-2012 Minutes

Sprenkel Room – South Windsor Town Hall

Roll Call

Members Present:        Kevin McCann, Town Council
                        M. Saud Anwar, Town Council
                        Cindy Beaulieu, Town Council
                        Ginny Hole, South Windsor Walk and Wheel Ways
                        Robert O’Connor, South Windsor Walk and Wheel Ways

Also Present:           Skip Bourke, South Windsor Walk and Wheel Ways
                        Ken Sek, South Windsor Walk and Wheel Ways
                        Deborah Reid, Clerk of the Council

1.      Call Meeting to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:07 p.m.

2.      Nomination of a Chairperson

Motion to:      nominate Kevin McCann as Chairman

Was made by M. Saud Anwar
Seconded by Cindy Beaulieu
Nomination for Chairman was closed; and the motion was approved, unanimously

Motion to:      nominate Ginny Hole as Vice Chairperson

Was made by Robert O’Connor
Seconded by Cindy Beaulieu
Nomination for Vice Chairperson was closed; and the motion was approved,

3.      Discussion Items        

A.      Set a Schedule of Meeting Dates

After a short discussion, the Committee decided that they would meet the second Tuesday of each month at 7:15 p.m.


3.      Discussion Items (Continued)

B.      Goals and Deliverables of the Sub-Committee
C.      General Discussion – ways to implement a sidewalk and bikeway plan

Chairman McCann felt that the Sub-Committee members should each take a turn speaking of the goals of this Sub-Committee and what tangible deliverables could be provided to the Town Council.

Vice Chairperson Ginny Holes stated that she has put a list together, as shown in attached, Exhibit A.  

Mr. O’Connor explained that “Complete Streets” is actually another universal document in the State.  The State has the “Complete Streets” law that is a standard set of rules and regulations that need to be followed.  Bus cuts are taken into account as well as consideration of all transportation methods for pedestrians and cars.  This is something that is not mandated, but is something that needs to be considered when new streets are constructed or when existing streets have improvements proposed.  

Councilor Anwar questioned if these items on the list have been prioritized and also felt that costs should be reviewed before going to the Council.

Ms. Hole then handed out a list of what surrounding Towns do about sidewalk maintenance and clearing of snow on sidewalks, as shown in attached Exhibit B.  

Chairman McCann questioned if any of these Town’s have been identified as being a model for South Windsor.  Mr. O’Connor said he does not feel there was a full examination.  This Committee could add more items onto the plan such as more research on sidewalks and more education could be given regarding different issues associated with sidewalks.  

Councilor Anwar felt that information should be collected to see what type of impact sidewalks could have on the budget such as what has the Town spent in the last one year to five years on  sidewalk issues.  It should be determined who will remove snow from the sidewalks, the Town or the abutter and if it would be feasible to erect a sign in certain areas saying that this is not going to be cleared in winter months.


3.      Discussion Items (Continued)

B.      Goals and Deliverables of the Sub-Committee
C.      General Discussion – ways to implement a sidewalk and bikeway plan

Mr. Sek explained that if the Committee is going to ask the Town how much has been spent on repairs to sidewalks, the Committee should find out why the sidewalks needed repairs.  

Chairperson McCann quoted from an ordinance that if a sidewalk abutting your property is in disrepair, the Town will require the abutting property owner to repair the sidewalk at their cost.  If it is not done, the Town will do the repair but will bill the abutter for the repair.

Mr. Sek stated that he is not aware of any other repairs to sidewalks in his neighborhood as a result of damage to the sidewalks just repairs that the Town made due to projects that they were doing in the area.  

Chairperson McCann explained that the Committee will be able to find out how much the Town collected from any land owner for repairs to sidewalks.  Chairperson McCann felt that the ordinance is unfair.  The Town does not charge property owners for repairs done to the street in front of property owner’s homes, why should property owners be charged for repairs to sidewalks.

Committee members discussed different ways to find funds to incorporate sidewalks into Town.  There are grants that are available that deal with child obesity and the Board of Education received a grant for Safe Routes to School.  Both these items could be tied into sidewalks for the Town.  There should be contact with individuals who are involved with Safe Routes to School.

Mr. O’Connor stated that on Ginny’s list there is “Bicycle Route Plan”.  Something that has been done for this Item is that there has been a review for the placement of “Share the Road” signs throughout Town.  There are a variety of methods that are being discussed to be implemented in order to make bicycling more safe throughout Town.   Commission members also discussed different ideas for funding of bike lanes/signs/maintenance.


3.      Discussion Items (Continued)

B.      Goals and Deliverables of the Sub-Committee
C.      General Discussion – ways to implement a sidewalk and bikeway plan

Chairperson McCann stated that communities that are much larger than South Windsor have compatible biking and pedestrian roads.  

The Committee members then discussed different ideas for creating sidewalks in Town Center.  This could be a focal point where people could park and then would be able to walk to do errands.  Councilor Beaulieu suggested that the project that is currently being constructed near Town Hall have a plan implemented into it which provides sidewalks.  When projects are being done, sidewalks should be incorporated into the plan.  Committee members discussed further the idea of incorporating sidewalks into Town Center and discussed different items that would have to be implemented into the plan for safety reasons.  Mr. O’Connor felt that having sidewalks in Town Center would also help businesses in that area.  Committee members discussed the incorporation of “complete streets” throughout the Town.  

Mr. Bourke stated he would like to see biking and walking becomes a mode of transportation throughout Town.

Mr. Sek felt that the Committee should also focus on connecting sidewalks throughout Town that currently stop and then restart again down the road.

Chairperson McCann stated that one thing he would like to see come out of this subcommittee is to change the mind set of people throughout Town to consider bike lanes and pedestrian usage important for transportation throughout Town.  The South Windsor Walk and Wheel Ways master plan is a great document and can help with planning of connecting neighborhoods and could be used as a long term comprehensive plan.  The plan that the Council endorsed calls for the dedication of a certain portion of the amount of money that the Town spends on highway maintenance for pedestrian and bicycle usage.  

Mr. O’Connor explained that when the Town has a road project, 1% of the funds are supposed to be used for creating a pedestrian or bicycle friendly road by creating items such as bike lanes.  


3.      Discussion Items (Continued)

B.      Goals and Deliverables of the Sub-Committee
C.      General Discussion – ways to implement a sidewalk and bikeway plan

Chairperson McCann felt that the Committee should coordinate with the Department of Public Works and the Parks Department to come up with a plan to utilize different measures that can be taken to connect neighborhoods and become pedestrian and bicycle friendly.

Committee members discussed using paths which could be used to connect neighborhoods and felt that these types of fixes are relatively inexpensive and could draw interest.

Chairperson McCann stated that the Committee can not do anything about relieving people from the liability and requirement for the removal of snow from the sidewalks, that is by statute.  The Committee can change the ordinances though.  

Mr. O’Connor explained that there has been discussions held regarding creating a trail down the power corridor which is a long range plan.

Committee members made a list of priorities that should be done:

•       A recommendation of the complete streets should be used as a standard to be implemented during the planning stages of the road improvements or the creation of roads in Town.
•       Discuss with the Town Manager cost to Town for maintenance of sidewalks.
•       Discuss with the Town Manager, improvements on Sullivan Avenue.
•       Changes to Ordinances.
•       Discussion regarding the creation of trails throughout Town.
•       Connecting neighborhoods and making Town parks, Town facilities and schools to connect to neighborhoods.
•       A low priority is to have sidewalks within a neighborhood, more important to connect neighborhoods.
•       Have the Town provide information on how much the Town has had to enforce both ordinances.
•       Review the installation of sidewalks at Town Hall, parks and schools.

3.      Discussion Items (Continued)

B.      Goals and Deliverables of the Sub-Committee
C.      General Discussion – ways to implement a sidewalk and bikeway plan

Chairperson McCann stated that the Committee should decide on what Items should be funded in the budget this year.  The purpose of this Committee is to make recommendations to the Town Council for the implementation of the master plan of the South Windsor Walk & Wheel Ways.

4.      Executive Session


5.      Motion to Adjourn

At 8:41 p.m. the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah W. Reid
Council Clerk