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Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes 05-01-2014

Minutes                     1                          May 1, 2014

MEMBERS PRESENT:        James Kupchunos, Teri Dickey-Gaignat, Steven Carty, Joseph Kennedy, Joseph Etter

STAFF PRESENT:          Pam Oliva, Zoning Enforcement Officer
                                Donna Thompson, Recording Secretary

The following are motions made during the May 1, 2014 Regular Meeting.

Vice Chairperson Kupchunos called the public hearing to order at 7:31 pm in the Madden Room.

The Recording Secretary read the legal notice as published in the Journal Inquirer into the record.

Public Hearing  

Appl. 2774-14 – PDS Engineering on behalf of All-Phase Electrical Supply – request for a 33 foot variance to Table 4.1.6A to allow a 10,410 square foot addition to a non-conforming structure 17 feet from the north side of Sullivan Avenue and east side of John Fitch Boulevard (50 feet required) on properties located at 15 Commerce Way and 48 Sullivan Avenue, I (Industrial) zone.

Frank Borawski, professional engineer and licensed land surveyor from PDS Engineering presented the application.  Mr. Borawski stated that the variance is needed because of takings by the State for the widening of Sullivan Avenue and the setback change from 35 feet to 50 feet due to changes in the zoning regulations.  A variance would not be needed if these two events had not occurred.  The addition is to allow expansion of the business in South Windsor.  The building is sized to accommodate storage needs, and placement of the building accommodates the turning radius of tractor trailers into the shipping and receiving area.  In addition, the location of the building reflects Building Code concerns regarding snow loads and fire walls.  With a separation between the two buildings, a fire wall and fire door are sufficient to meet code, and the roof of the existing building is not affected by additional snow load.  The Town will be given an easement for a “Welcome to South Windsor” sign and landscaping will be done to help shield the view of the property.  

Jack Scavone, Manager of All-Phase Electric was also in attendance to answer questions and provide information.  Mr. Scavone has been manager of All-Phase over 20 years, was instrumental in moving the company to South Windsor and hopes to keep the business in South Windsor, but needs a secured storage facility for equipment and supplies that are currently stored outside.  This building will be for storage only.  Mr. Scavone provided photographs of the property as it is currently to assist with explaining the improvements that will be made with the additional building.  Mr. Scavone stated that the building could be smaller but would not be any larger than that stated on the application.  It is proposed to be 9 feet higher than the existing building.  The Town’s parcel (48 Sullivan Avenue) is under contract to be purchased by All-Phase should the project go forward.  A Letter of Intent was signed by the Town in 1999 indicating that this parcel would be sold to All-Phase for expansion.

Resident Robert Dickinson, 19 Birch Road, read a memo he wrote to the Commission stating that he felt a sidewalk from Route 5 to Commerce Way should be a condition of approval based on his observations of the area. (see attached)

Resident Tim Shepard, 45 Newberry Road, stated that the addition should not be approved, a building should not be constructed on that corner at all, the “Gateway” into South Windsor would be around that building – just doesn’t aesthetically fit.  Mr. Shepard felt there was no hardship and that a hardship should not be given on Town land.  Mr. Shepard stated that the Town should not let that parcel go unless it will be maintained as is.  Mr. Shepard said he hoped the Town would be held to the same standards as the Town’s people.

Resident and Chair of the Historic District Commission, Virginia Macro, 1828 Main Street, stated that the house at 59 Sullivan Avenue which is located on the opposite corner of the proposed building, and known as the Increase Clapp House, is on the State Register of Historic Places.  Ms. Macro felt that this very large building would have an impact on the aesthetics of this house as well as the entire historic district which is one of the most unique historic district streets in the State.  The State Historic Preservation Officer is willing to have a consultant assess how to mitigate the intensity of the building’s impact.  There does not seem to be much space for plantings that might provide some visual barrier.  Ms. Macro is concerned about the visual impact.

In response to the concerns voiced by the public, Mr. Borawski stated that All-Phase has a purchase agreement for the Town’s parcel; the left hand turn off Route 5 to Sullivan Avenue has well over 100 feet of visibility to the side of the building; the design and look of the building is much better than many buildings in the area; and there is room for and intent to have plantings to reduce visibility of the building.

Vice Chair Kupchunos read a letter into the record from resident Kathryn Kerrigan, 1838 Main Street, referencing the Town’s Plan of Conservation and Development, the inherent difficulties with this corner, concern for congestion and visibility issues, and a suggestion that a better way be looked for to assist All-Phase’s expansion needs. (see attached)

After presentation of the application, the Commissioners felt they needed additional information before they could close the public hearing and move to deliberations.

Motion to: keep public hearing on appl. #2774-14 open until the next meeting scheduled for June 5, 2014
Was made by Commissioner Etter
Seconded by Commissioner Dickey-Gaignat
The motion:  carried
Vote:  4 yea: Kupchunos, Dickey-Gaignat, Etter, Carty; 1 nay:  Commissioner Kennedy

A break was requested:  8:47 pm to 8:57 pm.

Approval of Minutes:  Minutes from 2/6/2014

Motion to: approve minutes of 2/6/2014
Was made by Commissioner Dickey-Gaignat
Seconded by Commissioner Kennedy
The motion:  carried
Vote:  4 yea: Kupchunos, Dickey-Gaignat, Kennedy, Carty; Commissioner Etter abstained as he was not at that meeting.

New Business

Election of Officers

Commissioner Kennedy nominated James Kupchunos as Chairperson, seconded by Commissioner Etter.  There were no other nominations.   Nominations were closed.  Secretary cast one ballot.  The vote was unanimous.

Commissioner Kupchunos nominated Teri Dickey-Gaignat as Vice Chairperson, seconded by Commissioner Kennedy.   There were no other nominations.  Nominations were closed.  Secretary cast one ballot.  The vote was unanimous.

Commissioner Kennedy nominated Steven Carty as Secretary, seconded by Commissioner Etter.   There were no other nominations.  Nominations were closed.  Secretary cast one ballot.  The vote was unanimous.

Revision to 2014 Meetings Schedule:

Motion to: approve revision to the 2014 Meetings Schedule as follows:  8:00 pm start time for the meetings in June and July; schedule to be reviewed each November; or schedule submitted to Town Clerk should follow format of the calendar approved for the previous year, such as an 8:00 pm start time for May, June and July.

Was made by Commissioner Etter
Seconded by Commissioner Dickey-Gaignat
The motion:  carried
Vote:  unanimous

Submission of Proposed Revisions to By-laws – Commission Etter stated that he did not have recommendations ready to submit at this time.


Motion to: adjourn the meeting at 9:15 pm
Was made by Commissioner Etter
Seconded by Commissioner Dickey-Gaignat
The motion:  carried
Vote:  unanimous

Respectfully submitted:

Donna Thompson
Recording Secretary

Approved:  6/5/2014