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Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes 01-06-2011

Minutes         1       January 6, 2011

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Stephen Wagner, Tom Berstene, Sandy Jeski, James Kupchunos, Teri Dickey-Gaignat

ALTERNATES PRESENT:     Karen Patterson
                                Stephen Lewis
STAFF PRESENT:          Michele Lipe, Town Planner
                                Donna Thompson, Recording Secretary

The following are motions made during the January 6, 2011 Public Hearing/Regular Meeting.


Chairperson Wagner called the public hearing to order at 7:30 pm.

The recording secretary read the legal notice into the record as it was published in the Journal Inquirer on Friday, December 24, 2010 and Friday, December 31, 2010.

Appl. 2745-10 – Land Resource Consultants, Inc., 160 West Street, Suite E, Cromwell, CT - request for a 33 foot variance to Table 6.2.4A to allow a development 17 feet from the property line (50 required), at 1559 Sullivan Ave/29 Community Rd/1744 Ellington Rd, RC zone. Applicant requested postponement until next ZBA meeting on 2/3/2011.

Appl. 2746-10 – Cheryl Turner, 209 Felt Road, South Windsor, CT - request for a variance to Section 2.14.c.1 of the zoning regulations to allow the expansion of the existing non-conforming structure (proposing to expand 5’ X 6’ portico to a 5’ x 12’ portico), at 209 Felt Road, AA-30 zone.

Cheryl Turner presented application.  Property is owned by her mother, Patricia Lazeren and herself.  Requesting variance so can expand portico on front of house to have more room in entry way and to look better with the addition that is being constructed to connect the house and the garage.  Since it is a non-conforming structure due to the widening of Felt Road by the Town, a variance is necessary to make this improvement.  Variance is specifically applicable to portico only.

Chairperson Wagner closed the public hearing at 7:51 pm.

ITEM:  Deliberative Session

Appl. 2746-10 – Cheryl Turner, 209 Felt Road, South Windsor, CT - request for a variance to Section 2.14.c.1 of the zoning regulations to allow the expansion of the existing non-conforming structure (proposing to expand 5’ X 6’ portico to a 5’ x 12’ portico), at 209 Felt Road, AA-30 zone.

Motion to:   approve Appl. 2746-10 – Cheryl Turner, 209 Felt Road, South Windsor, CT - request for a variance to Section 2.14.c.1 of the zoning regulations to allow the expansion of the existing non-conforming structure footprint (proposing to expand 5’ deep X 6’ wide portico to a 5’ deep x 12’ wide portico), at 209 Felt Road, AA-30 zone, as shown on the plans submitted.

Hardship:  the existing house and portico being too close to the road (constructed prior to zoning regulations) with the previous 1972 variance being granted only for the house location.

Expansion will not adversely affect the other properties in the neighborhood and will be an enhancement to the aesthetics of the home.

Was made by: Commissioner Berstene
Was seconded by: Commissioner Jeski
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous


ITEM:  Minutes

Motion to:  approve the minutes of December 2, 2010.
Was made by: Commissioner Berstene
Was seconded by: Commissioner Jeski
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

ITEM: Correspondence

ITEM: Other Business

Lipe:  Will consult with Attorney Kari Olsen regarding Demolition Delay Ordinance as approved at Town Council meeting on January 3, 2011 - concern about validity of Zoning Board of Appeals being assigned to hear the appeals from this ordinance.

Lipe:  Will draft revision to ZBA by-laws to provide clarification of “officially received” date of applications.  

New, laminated Zoning Map was distributed to Commissioners.

ITEM:  Adjournment

Motion to: adjourn the meeting at 8:09 pm

Was made by Commissioner Jeski
Seconded by Commissioner Berstene
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

Respectfully submitted,

Donna Thompson
Recording Secretary

Approved:  February 3, 2011