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Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes 05-06-2010
MEMBERS PRESENT:        Stephen Wagner, Sandy Jeski, Thomas Berstene (arrived at 7:52pm)

ALTERNATES PRESENT:      Stephen Lewis, sitting for N’Marie Crumbie
                 Karen Patterson, sitting for James Kupchunos

STAFF PRESENT:  Michele Lipe, Assistant Director of Planning
                        Donna Thompson, Recording Secretary

The following are motions made during the May 6, 2010 Public Hearing/Regular Meeting.

Public Hearing

Chairperson Wagner called the public hearing to order at 7:30 pm

The recording secretary read the legal notice into the record as it was published in the Journal Inquirer on Saturday, April 24, 2010 and Saturday, May 1, 2010.

Chairperson Wagner welcomed Stephen Lewis and Karen Patterson as alternates on the ZBA.

Chairperson Wagner adjourned the meeting at 7:34 pm until Commissioner Berstene arrived.

Chairperson Wagner reconvened the public hearing at 7:53 pm

Appl. 2739-10 – Edward J. Chaves, 29 Foster Street, South Windsor, CT - request for a 10.5 ft. variance to Table 3.1.2A to allow a garage 39.5 ft. from the front property line (50 feet required) and a 15.8 ft. variance to Table 3.1.2A to allow the same garage 4.2 ft. from the side property line (20 feet required), at 29 Foster Street, RR zone.

Mr. Chaves presented the application for a variance to build an addition to his house of a 20 ft wide garage with storage space above and a 6 ft breezeway attaching the garage to the house.

Commissioner Jeski asked if the garage will be for 2 cars, and whose fence it is.  Mr. Chaves answered yes, it is for 2 cars, and the fence is the neighbor’s, which Mr. Chaves will help move to the backyard. Commissioner Berstene asked the age of Mr. Chaves’ house?  It was built in the 1950’s, and located on the property the only way feasible.  Chairperson Wagner asked why not build the garage behind the house?  The pool would have to be removed.  Chairperson Wagner stated that the variance only applies to distance to property line. Commissioner Berstene asked why not align garage with back of house?  To maintain slight deck area.  Commissioner Jeski asked if the variance was granted for more, could less be used?  Yes.  Commissioner Jeski suggested that Mr. Chaves might want to go for the greater variance.  Mr. Chaves appreciated that suggestion and thought he might do that.

Chairperson Wagner closed the public hearing at 8:12 pm.

ITEM:  Deliberative Session

Appl. 2739-10 – Edward J. Chaves, 29 Foster Street, South Windsor, CT - request for a 10.5 ft. variance to Table 3.1.2A to allow a garage 39.5 ft. from the front property line (50 feet required) and a 15.8 ft. variance to Table 3.1.2A to allow the same garage 4.2 ft. from the side property line (20 feet required), at 29 Foster Street, RR zone.

Motion to:  approve Appl. 2739-10 – Edward J. Chaves, 29 Foster Street, South Windsor, CT - request for a 10.5 ft. variance to Table 3.1.2A to allow a garage 39.5 ft. from the front property line (50 feet required) and a 15.8 ft. variance to Table 3.1.2A to allow the same garage 4.2 ft. from the side property line (20 feet required), at 29 Foster Street, RR zone. The maximum size of the add-on structure is allowed to be 26 ft in width and 29 ft in length.

Hardship:  current placement of house on the property, which is non-conforming in frontage and in size

Impact on neighborhood – positive

Was made by: Commissioner Berstene
Seconded by: Commissioner Lewis
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows: unanimous.

Regular Meeting

ITEM:  Minutes

The minutes of February 4, 2010 were approved by consensus of Tom Berstene and Sandy Jeski.

ITEM: Old Business

Review of By-laws:

Commissioner Jeski requested that the meeting time for ZBA be changed to 7:00 pm.  It was determined that the meeting time was not specified in the by-laws and that the time could be adjusted if the need arises.  Chairperson Wagner and Commissioner Berstene felt that 7:30 pm was a preferable time unless the work load increased.

The following revisions to the by-laws were proposed:

II.a.  A Chairperson shall be elected bi-annually…for a twenty-four month…from the January immediately following the municipal election to December     

II.b.  A Vice Chairperson shall be elected bi-annually…for a twenty-four month…from the January immediately following the municipal election to December

II.c.  A Secretary of the Board shall be elected bi-annually…for a twenty-four month…from the January immediately following the municipal election to December

Commissioner Berstene suggested a sub-paragraph be added to each of the above referenced articles with a provision for filling the position in the event an officer is unable to complete their term. Chairperson Wagner requested staff draft the wording for this proposal.

ITEM:  Adjournment

Motion to: adjourn the meeting at 8:38 pm
Was made by Commissioner Jeski
Seconded by Commissioner Berstene
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

Respectfully submitted:

Donna Thompson, Recording Secretary                                     Approved:  June 3, 2010