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ZBA 3/7/02

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Chairperson Robert Warren, Marjorie Anthony, Thomas Berstene, Stephen Wagner and Teri Dickey-Gaignat


Chairperson Warren called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  The Recording Secretary read the legal notice as published in the newspaper.

Appl. #2522-02
Chairperson Warren explained that this application had been heard last month, but because it was advertised incorrectly it needed to be readvertised and held open for this meeting.

No one from the public spoke in favor or opposition to this appeal.

Answering questions from the Board, Mr. Dante Boffi, the Artchitect hired to do the design work for this project explained that the address for this house would remain the same.  The roof line to the rear of the house would remain the same when the addition is constructed.  The addition of the garage will be introducing a new roof line structure.

With no further questions, the public participation portion of this appeal closed at 7:45 p.m.

Appl. #2525-02
Ms. Rebecca Johnston came before the Board to represent this application.  She explained that they are requesting a 4
Chairperson Warren read a letter submitted by an abutting neighbor speaking in favor of this application, (Attachment A).

No one from the public spoke in opposition to this appeal.

Answering questions from the Board, Ms. Johnston explained that the proposed garage will be approximately 20
With no further questions, the public participation portion of this appeal closed at 7:50 p.m.

Appl. #2526-02
Ms. Beth Console came before the Commission to represent this application.  She explained that she was before the Board to request an existing above ground pool to remain 8
Chairperson Warren read a letter into the record from Mr. Jeff Colburne who expressed his concerns about the pool staying in the present location, (Attachment B).

Mr. Colburne also came before the Commission and explained that the pool is closest to his family room and during the summer months the noise has impacted his family
Mrs. Console responded that the previous owners of the property had enlarged an existing deck without the Town knowing.  We placed the pool on the map and then realized it could not be placed where proposed because the deck was enlarged.

Commission members discussed if there are wetlands on the subject property.  Mr. Colburne stated that he is almost positive that the wetlands are beyond the property line.  

Commissioner Wagner noted that the Commissions jurisdiction is the pool being at least 10 from the property line, not 16
Mrs. Console felt the hardship on this property was due to the area where the pool was proposed is not a stable location.

With no further questions, the public participation portion of this appeal closed at 8:10 p.m.

Appl. #2532-02
Mr. Dante Boffi came before the Board to represent this application.  Mr. Boffi explained that presently the residence at 85 Main Street is non-conforming to the regulations.  The current home is a ranch style house with a one-car garage.  We are proposing to construct one garage bay and a master bedroom suite off of the rear of the house.  The rear addition brings the home 15

No one from the public spoke in favor or opposition to this appeal.

Answering questions from the Board, Mr. Boffi explained that the house was built in 1956.  The house is on a slight angle on the lot.  After the garage addition is complete, the width will be 24
With no further questions, the public participation portion of this appeal closed at 8:20 p.m.

Mr. Doug Hummel came before the Board to represent the State of Connecticut, Department of Transportation.  He explained that the State of Connecticut is proposing to acquire some property from a variety of a different private property owners.  There are five properties the State felt a variance would be necessary in order to go forward with this reconstruction project.

Appl. #2527-02
Mr. Hummel stated that there are a variety of non-conformities created by the proposed acquisition on this property.  Mr. Hummel spoke with Mrs. LaRue, the owner of 1088 Pleasant Valley Road in order to make sure she understood this proposal and also sent a certified letter to her residence.

Mr. Mike Gantick, Director of Public Works for the Town of South Windsor came before the Board to speak in favor to this application.  He explained that the Town Council is in favor of the proposed acquisitions.  The design has been an on-going process for many years and now the land acquisition phase has begun.

No one from the public spoke in opposition to this appeal.

With no further questions, the public participation portion of this appeal closed at 8:25 p.m.

Appl. #2528-02
Michele Lipe, Assistant Director of Planning, told Commission members that upon research, it was determined from the staffs

Chairperson Warren read into the record a resolution from the Town Council, dated June 22, 1999 (Attachment C).

No one from the public spoke in favor or opposition to this appeal

After a short discussion on this application, Mr. Doug Hummel withdrew this application to be consistent with the Tow
With no further questions, the public participation portion of this appeal closed at 8:30 p.m.

Appl. #2529-02
Mr. Hummel explained that this application has more activities involved than others.  There is a house on the property that will need to be relocated or demolished and a new structure constructed on the property.  This has been discussed with the owner of the property, Mrs. Marouski, and she will choose which option she would prefer.

No one from the public spoke in favor of this appeal.

Mr. Marouski of 1075 Pleasant Valley Road came before the Board to speak in opposition to this appeal.  He explained the he is Mrs. Marouski
Commissioner Anthony stated she received a phone call from Senator LeBeau
Answering questions from the Board, Mr. Marouski explained that the house was built between 1910-1913.  His aunt was born in 1913 and has lived in the house her entire life.  The house is presently setback from Clark Street 25
Mr. Hummel told Board members that the variance request for a front yard setback is for the garage since the house is being removed.  The State will not be removing the garage.  Mr. Hummel also stated that he felt Mrs. Marouski should talk with the relocation people at the State because he is not familiar if while a new house is being constructed, Mrs. Marouski could stay in the old house.  The construction will start in the spring time and usually the relocation process would be complete in December when advertising for contractors to bid is being done.

With no further questions, the public participation portion of this appeal closed at 8:55 p.m.

Appl. #2530-02
This property abuts only Clark Street.  The proposed acquisition reduces the lot size from 20,000 sq. ft. to 19,555 sq. ft.

No one from the public spoke in favor or opposition to this appeal.

With no further questions, the public participation portion of this appeal closed at 8:57 p.m.

Appl. #2531-02
This land acquisition would reduce the lot size from 12.90 acres to 12.85 acres.

Mrs. Suzanne Piotrowicz came before the Board to speak in favor of this application.  She explained that she is the President of the Board of Directors at Cinnamon Springs Condominiums.  The Board has reviewed this request and no adverse comments were made.  There were also notices that were sent to the residents and no comments have been received.  Mrs. Piotrowicz questioned one area that is close to Pleasant Valley Road.

Mr. Hummel told Mrs. Piotrowicz that he would review the construction plan with her because the plan presented does not show all of the design detail.

No one from the public spoke in opposition to this appeal.

With no further questions, the public participation portion of this appeal closed at 9:05 p.m.


ITEM:   Appl. #2522-02
Commissioner Jeski sat for Commission Wagner

Motion to:      Approve appl. #2522-02

Was made by Commissioner Anthony
Seconded by Commissioner Jeski
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous


The way the house is situated on the property makes it impossible to locate a garage in another area of the property.
The house is positioned on a corner lot, which creates two front yard setbacks of 40
ITEM:   Appl. #2525-02
Motion to:      Approve appl. #2525-02
Was made by Commissioner Berstene
Seconded by Commissioner Anthony
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

Hardship:       The lot size is non-conforming as well as the width of the lot is only 75
ITEM:   Appl. #2526-02
The Board discussed this situation and it was felt that the applicant has not demonstrated a hardship on the property.

Motion to:      Deny appl. #2526-02
Was made by Commissioner Wagner
Seconded by Commissioner Berstene
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

REASON FOR DENIAL:  No hardship was demonstrated.

ITEM:   Appl. #2532-02
Motion to:      Approve appl. #2532-02
Was made by Commissioner Anthony
Seconded by Commissioner Berstene
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

Hardship:       The way the house is situated on the lot, and the location of the septic system makes it impossible to construct an expansion in any other location.

ITEM:   Appl. #2527-02
Motion to:      Approve appl. #2527-02
Was made by Commissioner Berstene
Seconded by Commissioner Anthony
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

HARDSHIP: The State and Town are reconstructing the roadway.

ITEM:   Appl. #2529-02
The Commission discussed at length what will be taking place on this lot.  It was felt that the variance would be necessary if the owner of the property decided they would like to retain the garage were it is located.

Motion to:      Approve with conditions appl. #2529-02
Was made by Commissioner Berstene
Seconded by Commissioner Wagner
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

HARDSHIP:  The State and Town are reconstructing the roadway.

CONDITION:      The front yard setback variance applies only for the garage.  Should the garage be removed, any new structure will need to be built in conformance to the zoning regulations.

ITEM:   Appl. #2530-02 - State of Connecticut, Department of Transportation/Town of South Windsor, 30 Clark Street, RR zone.

Motion to:      Approve appl. #2530-02
Was made by Commissioner Wagner
Seconded by Commissioner Anthony
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

HARDSHIP:  The State and Town are reconstructing the roadway.

ITEM:   Appl. #2531-02
Motion to:      Approve appl. #2531-02
Was made by Commissioner Berstene
Seconded by Commissioner Anthony
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

HARDSHIP:  The State and Town are reconstructing the roadway.

ITEM:  Minutes

Motion to:  approve the minutes of February 7, 2001

Was made by Commissioner Jeski
Seconded by Commissioner Dickey-Gaignat
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

ITEM:  Adjournment

Motion to:  adjourn the meeting at 10:00 p.m.

Was made by Commissioner Wagner
Seconded by Commissioner Berstene
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows

Deborah W. Reid, Recording Secretary
Zoning Board of Appeals