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IWA/CC Minutes 11-21-2012

Minutes                                 - 1 -                                 November 21, 2012

MEMBERS PRESENT:                Elizabeth Warren, John Blondin, Hugh Brower, Adam Reed, John Phillips, Barbara Kelly, Audrey Delnicki, Richard Muller

ALTERNATES PRESENT:     Arthur Jennings sitting for Carol Heffler

STAFF PRESENT:          Jeff Folger, Sr. Environmental Planner
                                Donna Thompson, Recording Secretary


Chairperson Warren called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm

Commissioner Phillips read the Legal Notice into the record.


CORRESPONDENCE AND REPORTS:  2013 Meetings Schedule reviewed and approved.

BONDS:  none
MINUTES:  10-3-2012 and 10-17-2012 minutes approved by consensus.


WETLAND OFFICER’S REPORT:  Folger reported that there were no storm related problems; CREC is going okay; Fed Ex got their Certificate of Occupancy (CO); there has been some minor vandalism at Donnelly, which seems to be somewhat common.  Folger will check on the receipt of the funds from the leased lands and report back to the Commission.

PUBLIC HEARING:  6:40 pm        

Appl. #12-45P – Sullivan Place Center – Sullivan Avenue –  IWA/Conservation Commission application for the construction of a retail/office development, stormwater control structures, and associated improvements on property located southerly of Hillside Drive.  General Commercial (GC) Zone.

Phil Tartsinis, AMF Property Management, presented the application.  Mr. Tartsinis provided a Traffic Engineering Study from DLS, A Drainage Report Summary from Robert Arsenault, P.E., a Wetland Report Addendum from John Ianni, Professional Soil Scientist with Highland Soils.  Mr. Tartsinis reviewed the basics of the application and answered questions from the Commission.  Mr. Arsenault reviewed the traffic study and the drainage report and answered questions from the Commission.  Mr. Ianni reviewed the wetland report and answered questions from the Commission.

Commissioners that walked the site:  Kelly, Phillips, Brower, Muller, Blondin

Motion to:  close the public hearing on appl. #12-45P at 8:20 pm
Was made by: Commissioner Phillips
Seconded by: Commissioner Kelly
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.


Appl. #12-45P – Sullivan Place Center – Sullivan Avenue –  IWA/Conservation Commission application for the construction of a retail/office development, stormwater control structures, and associated improvements on property located southerly of Hillside Drive.  General Commercial (GC) Zone.

Motion:  based on the record as a whole, move to issue a finding of no prudent and feasible alternative.
Was made by: Commissioner Phillips
Seconded by: Commissioner Kelly
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Motion to: approve Appl. #12-45P, with the following conditions:

  • The final approved copy of the entire set of plans and this letter reproduced thereon must be submitted to the Planning Department.  This must be completed within 65 days of approval prior to any construction activity on the site.  Plans submitted to Planning & Zoning Commission shall be considered having met this requirement.
  • The application shall indemnify and hold harmless the Town of South Windsor against any liability, which might result from the proposed operation or use.
  • The permit is valid for five years and shall expire on November 21, 2017.  It is the landowner(s)/applicant(s) responsibility to track expiration dates and notify the Commission of a renewal request at least 65 days prior to expiration.  
  • Bonds shall be collected in the amount of: $50,000.00 for installation of stormwater structures; $30,000.00 for mitigation habitat plantings; $10,000.00 to ensure proper placement and maintenance of erosion and sediment controls.
  • All approvals required must be obtained and submitted prior to any activity on the site.
  • A contact person shall be identified on the plans.
  • A landscape plan, including the mitigation plantings and invasives control, shall be submitted to Town Staff for approval.
  • The basin planting plan shall be submitted to Town Staff for approval.
  • The wetlands area impacted by the addition of the plunge pool and forebay at the end of the twin 36” culverts shall be added to the application.
  • The conservation easement shall be increased to include the area on the south side of the property.
  • Comments by the Town Engineering shall be addressed.
  • Construction limits shall be delineated with construction fencing.
Was made by: Commissioner Phillips
Seconded by: Commissioner Blondin
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous


Dairy Queen Application #12-47P.  Folger requested a determination from the Commission as to whether this application could be handled as a minimal impact by Town Staff or would it require formal presentation of the application to IWA/CC.  Folger stated that a portion of the old asphalt in the rear would be stripped off and resurfaced.  Due to the narrowness of the access drive to this point, small machinery would be used.  The applicant will be upgrading the stormwater management, which at this time is practically non-existent.  The amount of impervious surface will not be increased, just improved.

The applicant is proposing to go into a partnership with the Town by combining two parking lots in the front – Dairy Queen’s and Donnelly’s.  The applicant would like to enlarge and level the parking area which would allow them to use it for overflow parking and would also be the access to Donnelly.  This would eliminate a road cut and the applicant would maintain it.  There would be legal documentation establishing the rights of each owner.  This would be mutually beneficial.

There was concern about future use of the property not being compatible with sharing parking access with Donnelly if the nature of the business changed.  Folger stated that the arrangement would most likely be with the land not with just the current owner.  There was also concern about eliminating the curb cut currently in place for access to Donnelly.  The Commissioners felt that with the granting of easements from both the Town and Dairy Queen there would not be an issue if ownership changed in the future.

The Commissioners determined that the application could be handled by Town Staff as a minimal impact based on regulations.

Motion to:  have the Conservation Commission support the concept of shared use on Town property
Was made by: Commissioner Blondin
Seconded by: Commissioner Phillips
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

The Holiday Party will be held the second Wednesday in January 2013.  Details will be forthcoming.


Motion to: adjourn the meeting at 8:49 pm
Was made by: Commissioner Blondin
Seconded by: Commissioner Phillips
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna Thompson
Recording Secretary

Approved:  December 19, 2012