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IWA/CC Minutes 12-07-2011

Minutes                              - 1 -                                      December 7, 2011

MEMBERS PRESENT:                Elizabeth Warren, Barbara Kelly, John Blondin, Audrey Delnicki, Hugh Brower, Adam Reed, Carol Heffler

STAFF PRESENT:          Jeff Folger, Sr. Environmental Officer
Donna Thompson, Recording Secretary


Chairperson Warren called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm




A proposed 2012 Meeting Schedule was distributed to the Commission.  

Chairperson Warren received a letter from the Planning and Zoning Commission inviting a representative from each commission to attend the PZC meeting on January 31, 2012.  The PZC is requesting input from all the commissions in updating the Plan of Conservation and Development.  Vice Chairperson Kelly agreed to be the representative from IWA/CC since Warren will be the representative from SWALPAC.  Folger suggested a working meeting on January 18, 2012 for the commissioners to discuss recommendations to be presented to the PZC.  The commissioners agreed that the 18th will be a working meeting for that purpose.  

ITEM:  BONDS:   none


Motion to: accept the minutes from 11/16/2011
Was made by: Commissioner Blondin
Seconded by: Commissioner Delnicki
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.


Folger reported that the trails in Wapping Park have been cleared of ground obstruction caused by Storm Alfred.  The bridge over the Podunk had a couple railings damaged by a fallen tree and that will have to be replaced.  Donnelly had a lot of trees downed in the storm which required “Trails Closed” signs for safety reasons.  Parks and Recreations will work on clearing debris from the trails as soon as possible.  Folger did not know the condition of the Wildlife Sanctuary.

Warren suggested placing a notice in the local papers seeking volunteers to help with maintenance of the trails.  Commissioner Brower suggested using the Town’s website also.

Folger stated that the cleanup of Ronald Martin’s property at 942 Sullivan Avenue is almost complete.  The debris has been cleared from the stream and banks.  Mr. Martin is giving some away for firewood and grinding the rest - to use the wood chips along the top of the bank temporarily.  He has complied with everything the Town wanted done.  In the spring, it will be seeded with a grass seed mix.  Brower asked if Mr. Martin will have to come to the Commission when he wants to start the Christmas Tree Farm.  Folger stated that he doesn’t have to, but has offered him the assistance of the Conservation District, seedling information, monies from the State or FDA may be available.  The property is less than an acre.

Warren asked if the wood chips from the storm debris that are being deposited on the CT Studios property are avoiding the wetlands.  Folger said the wetlands are the farm pond on Milkie’s property.  Blondin said he had walked it to be sure. Folger said he went out there when they were considering it and started setting it up, so they avoided it.  Warren questioned how long they would be there – Folger said a long time, probably through the spring.  Brower said at a Town Council meeting they said they were going to suspend the debris collection and restart it in the spring because FEMA would pay for six month’s worth of cleanup, so they could bring them back to continue working on the debris.


Secretary Heffler read the legal notice into the record as it was published in the Journal Inquirer on Saturday, November 26, 2011 and Saturday, December 3, 2011.

Appl. #11-38P – Buckland Commons, 350 Buckland Road – IWA/Conservation Commission application for the construction of two commercial buildings, parking lots, access drives, stormwater structures and associated improvements. The site is located southerly of Deming Street and easterly of Buckland Road.  Buckland Gateway Development Zone.

Judy Schuler, Design Professional, Ben Wheeler, Design Professional, John Ianni, professional soil scientist, and Bruce Kelley, owner, represented the applicant.  Several residents attended the meeting to oppose the application.  After much discussion, it was the consensus of the Commission to hold the public hear open to the next meeting due to the fact that the applicant did not show there is no prudent and feasible alternative.  The Commissioners also wanted to see staff recommendations incorporated on the plans.

The public hearing for Appl. #11-38P – Buckland Commons, 350 Buckland Road – IWA/Conservation Commission application for the construction of two commercial buildings, parking lots, access drives, stormwater structures and associated improvements. The site is located southerly of Deming Street and easterly of Buckland Road.  Buckland Gateway Development Zone, was continued to the meeting on December 21, 2011.


Warren stated that the Mayor would like the issue with the property at 765 Sullivan Avenue put on the Town Council agenda, possibly for Executive Session, on December 19, 2011.  Folger presented maps to the Commissioners showing a site plan of the property incorporating property line options he is suggesting.  Folger said that one of the concerns in marketing this property was the Town did not want to jeopardize the marketability of the project by diminishing the amount of potential upland area that could be developed on the property.  The 65% impervious coverage, which is a zoning requirement, is applied to total acreage not just upland area.  The estimation from the original plan showed that the area outside of the wetland boundaries equals about 6.65 acres.  He needed to achieve total acreage whereby 6.65 acres would be at a minimum 65% of the total land area, thereby rendering that 100% buildable from someone’s point of view.  This would provide an opportunity to maximize what’s buildable, what’s non-wetland on the property, what are non-regulated areas.  The 6.65 acres cover the area right up to the border of the wetlands.  Folger indicated on the map the new proposed property boundaries.  This gives 9.4 acres for open space.  Folger has come up with a parcel that is slightly more than 11 acres.  This scenario should provide the Town with a marketable parcel and could also provide the Town with dedicated open space that we would retain in ownership as opposed to seeking an easement or gift of the land after the fact.  Folger gave maps to the Town Manager, who recommended that Warren talk to the Town Council on 12/19.  Folger suggested that Executive Session might be appropriate as this would be considered a pending sale of property and a less public forum might encourage discussion.  This option seems to be the best and most efficient use of the property.  Warren, Kelly and Folger would attend the Council meeting if invited by the Town Council.

The proposed 2012 Meeting Schedule was discussed along with the need for two meetings per month.  The first meeting date in July would fall on the 4th.  The Fourth of July being a legal holiday, the Commissioners discussed whether to schedule that meeting for another date or have just the July 18 meeting that month.  Commissioner Kelly said it was her experience that one meeting per month can cause a long turn around time for some applications.  By consensus, the 2012 Meeting Schedule was approved with two meetings per month except for July.  The option remains to schedule another July meeting to compensate for the 4th if needed.

The holiday dinner at Sawadee Thai Cuisine was set for January 11, 2012, weather permitting.



Motion to: adjourn the meeting at 9:24 pm
Was made by: Commissioner Heffler
Seconded by: Commissioner Delnicki
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna Thompson
Recording Secretary     

Approved:  December 21, 2011