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IWA/CC Minutes 01-05-2011

Minutes                                   - 1 -                                 January 5, 2011

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Elizabeth Warren, Barbara Kelly, John Blondin, Audrey Delnicki, Hugh Brower, John Phillips

ALTERNATES PRESENT:     Richard Muller
STAFF PRESENT:          Jeff Folger, Environmental Planner
Donna Thompson, Recording Secretary

Chairperson Warren called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm




Folger gave a brief overview of Dr. David Burnett’s minimal impact application for an additional pet crematorium at 47 Patria Drive.  Commissioners received a copy of the approval letter.

Warren:  765 Sullivan Ave was discussed at the January 3, 2011 Town Council meeting.  Brower:  Warren did a very good job presenting information.  Warren:  will still be selling it all as one piece with requirement in RFP binding the “give back to open space”.  Kelly:  feels it is still up in the air.  Brower:  should make sure it stays in the public eye.  Commissioners:  referendum needed to sell the property.  Commissioners:  just because they say it will be done doesn't mean it is guaranteed.

ITEM:  BONDS:   none

ITEM:  MINUTES:   Minutes from 12/15/2010.

Motion to: approve minutes from 12/15/2010
Was made by: Commissioner Blondin
Seconded by:    Commissioner Kelly
The motion carried
The vote was unanimous




Chairperson Warren called the Public Hearing to order at 7:15 pm.  

Appl. #10-51P, Land Resource Consultants Inc – 1559 Sullivan Ave. – IWA/CC application for the construction of an office building grading, parking, stormwater utilities, and associated improvements on property located north of Ellington Road, and west of Sullivan Avenue.  Restricted Commercial Zone (RC).

Pat Gorman, LRC Group, reviewed the new plan proposed for the property, which includes a 15,000 sq ft 2 Story building instead of the original 1 story – reduced footprint; the main driveway to the street has been shifted 50 ft – reducing the wetland disturbance; includes 2 above ground filtration – better water quality; the 2,000 ft trail to connect the three properties may not have to cross the marshy area or require the boardwalk originally proposed, though it is still being considered.  Tim Shepard from the SW Land Trust advised Jeff Folger that the Land Trust would agree to the trail connecting the three properties.  Folger will discuss the maintenance of the trail with Parks and Rec due to the issues raised.  Staff has not had the opportunity to review the revised plan.  Gorman will bring copy of revised plan to Town Hall tomorrow for staff review.

Warren:  Should Town Engineer review new plan?  Yes.

Phillips:  Sounds like good improvements but needs to see plan first.

Kelly:  Less grading, less fill?  Yes.  Amount of disturbance of non-Army Corp wetlands?  Same, but 2200 sq ft less disturbance of Army Corp wetlands.

Brower:  Driveway to daycare moved?  Yes, further away from wetlands and daycare.

The public hearing was continued to the next meeting being held on January 19, 2011.


Appl. #10-52P – FedEx Ground Distribution Center – Sullivan Avenue – IWA/Conservation Commission application for the construction of a FedEx distribution center, parking, stormwater structures and associated improvements on property located northerly of Sullivan Avenue and easterly of Kennedy Road.  Industrial (I) zone.

Jay Ussery, JR Russo, presented application.  Property has 60.8 acres, 24 acres will be impervious surface.  27 acres is being planted as cornfield at this time.  Michael Gragnolati, soil scientist, identified 5 separate wetlands on property, referred to as wetland #1, wetland #2, wetland #3, wetland #4, wetland #5.  Wetland #3, which is currently in the cornfield will be disturbed by fill and the proposed parking area - 12,868 sq ft of wetland disturbance within the parking area.  Wetland #1 has more value than the cornfield wetland #3 that will be disturbed – development was moved over 50-60 ft to accommodate the smaller wetland in the wooded area that might be a vernal pool. Emergency access was moved to back of building off of Troy Rd to reduce wetland disturbance.  #2 – clear out some vegetation and replant - to function as a vernal pool.

Main detention basin is in front (meets all St of CT requirements for entire site).  Drainage flow will remain the same.  Presented photos of site 2 yrs ago in another town that had multiple basins planted with wetland seed mix.  The proposed planting for this site is different by planting in plugs in groups - establish vegetation quicker and be more uniform. 3 acres of creation and enhancement - this is the mitigation.

Folger:  drainage report does quantify what would be considered the non-stormwater wetland creation which is appx 4600 sq ft, the restoration of the disturbed wetland in the cornfield is appx 15,000 ft
– significant portion of property will have benefit from the mitigation.

Tim Coon (JR Russo) – drainage system, each will capture floatables prior to entering basins,  all will be wet basins (intercept the water table), reduction is peak flow leaving site,  all 5 basins flow into basin 6 (main basin in front) – meets all requirements from ST of CT

Warren:  water table precludes any filtration on site?  Coon: yes

Mike Gragnolati – secure facility – chainlink fence around the site, wetlands will be protected, used as a cornfield in past, forest is 2nd growth due to cutting over time,  will cut saplings down,  will deepen small pool #2.

Jay Ussery reviewed Folgers memo - concerns have been addressed in the new plan.   5 yr period quarterly report of mitigation areas, performance of plants, invasive species annual report sent to Town, Norway Maples are non native so will not be used,

Kelly:  Fence in relation to basins?  Outside the basin in most areas.  Kelly:  Wildlife will have access to the front basin.  Kelly:  Plan for future additional development?  Not at this time, if there should be, would have to come before IWA again.

Folger:  fence should be inside the basin in the back near the forested area and wetland #2, if it can be done, it should be done.

Kelly:  has walked the site, feels this is a good use of the property

Blondin:  a lot of fill for project?  There will be fill, have to get the site up for gravity flow.
Folger:  #1 only had indication of standing water, #2 did not, creation of #2 is important more opportunity for dispersal area if amphibians use it, more so than #1.  Wants water monitoring done thru mid June, Ussery:  will install a pipe down about 3-3.5 ft, #3 (cornfield) differs from wetland has a functioning water table, will support wetland vegetation and did until was planted as cornfield.

Phillips:  stormwater treatment and remediation enhancement - next time can we have minimum for stormwater conveyance vs enhancement?  Ussery:   Yes, simple calculation.  Leads to prudent and feasible alternatives.

The public hearing was continued to the next meeting being held on January 19, 2011.



ITEM:  OTHER BUSINESS:  Holiday Party will be held at Sawadee Thai Cuisine on January 12, 2011 beginning at 6:00 pm.  Folger needs to know how many will be attending by Tuesday, January 11.

Motion to: adjourn the meeting at 8:52 pm
Was made by: Commissioner Muller
Seconded by: Commissioner Phillips
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous

Respectfully submitted,

Donna Thompson, Recording Secretary