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IWA/CC Minutes 2-17-2010
MEMBERS PRESENT:                Betty Warren, John Blondin, Hugh Brower, John Phillips, Carol Heffler, Tim Appleton

ALTERNATES PRESENT:             Richard Muller, sitting for Barb Kelly
STAFF PRESENT:                  Jeff Folger, Environmental Planner/Conservation Officer
Donna Thompson, Recording Secretary


Chairperson Warren called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm


Chairperson Warren introduced a letter from South Windsor Public Schools re:  The 8th Annual Eugene Policelli Service Award.  Chairperson Warren was the recipient of the award last year.

ITEM:  MINUTES: 1/20/2010 – approved by consensus.


Jeff Folger brought to the commissioners’ attention that the 40th Birthday for the Conservation Commission is this year.  A celebration is being planned for April 24, 2010 at Nevers Road Park.  White Spruce seedlings will be given out at the park and at the fishing derby being held that same day.


Jeff Folger reviewed the letter of approval for Minimal Impact Application #10-04W, Jacques/67 Ridge Road.

Folger advised the Commission that CT Studios will be submitting an application next week for the movie studios and a hotel on property located near RT 5 and I-291.

Folger also stated that an application for multi-family housing off So. Satellite Road is being presented to Planning and Zoning.  If approved by PZC it will come to IWA next.


Appl. #10-09P – Town of South Windsor – West Road Reconstruction Project – Determination of Public Hearing - IWA/Conservation Commission application for the reconstruction of West Road including associated improvements to the drainage and storm water structures.

Folger reviewed the information from the application.  The proposed work will flatten the curve on West Road from the new firehouse to near Major Michael Donnelly Land Preserve.  There is no direct wetland impact on wetlands, but some impact to upland review area.  Part of the project is for additional parking for Major Michael Donnelly Land Preserve on West Rd by utilizing the equipment staging area from the construction of the new firehouse.  Folger flagged the wetlands for the project and will do the Function and Values Analysis instead of having the Town hire an Environmental Consultant.  Folger said that in the center of the work area there is a leak off going to the east that goes into a vernal pool.  Folger has informed Engineering that a redesign of that area is necessary to direct water discharge to the north or south into wetlands that are not connected to the vernal pool.

Brower stated that neighbors in the area would like power lines from Sullivan Avenue extended to include their properties.  There are a lot of issues with their power coming from RT 5.

Motion to:  Hold a public hearing on Appl. #10-09P – Town of South Windsor on March 3, 2010.  The reason being the potential impact to wetlands and watercourses, specifically the vernal pool and potential public interest due to it being a taxpayer funded town project.

Was made by: Commissioner Phillips
Seconded by: Commissioner Heffler
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

ITEM:  OTHER BUSINESS - Election of Officers

Motion to:  nominate Elizabeth Warren as Chairperson.
Was made by Commissioner Heffler
Seconded by Commissioner Philips
Vote was unanimous.
Secretary cast one ballot for Warren as Chairperson

Motion to:  nominate Barbara Kelly as Vice Chairperson.
Was made by Commissioner Heffler
Seconded by Commissioner Appleton
Vote was unanimous.
Secretary cast one ballot for Kelly as Vice Chairperson

Motion to:  nominate Carol Heffler as Secretary.
Was made by Commissioner Phillips
Seconded by Commissioner Warren
Vote was unanimous.
Secretary cast one ballot for Heffler as Secretary.


Motion to: adjourn the meeting at 7:26 pm
Was made by: Commissioner Heffler
Seconded by: Commissioner Phillips
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.
Respectfully Submitted,

Donna Thompson  
Recording Secretary

Approved: March 3, 2010