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IWA/CC Minutes 05-06-2009
MEMBERS PRESENT:                Betty Warren, Barb Kelly, John Phillips, Mario Marrero, Richard Muller, Carol Heffler, Audrey Delnicki, John Blondin

ALTERNATES PRESENT:     Roy Szoka sat Timothy Appleton
STAFF PRESENT:                  Jeff Folger, Environmental Planner/Conservation Officer
Donna Thompson, Recording Secretary


Chairperson Warren called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm

1.  Chairperson Warren presented a letter from the State of CT DEP which states that they are granting a stream channel encroachment for the sewer treatment facility.  Direct any comments or concerns to DEP.  There were no comments or concerns.

2.  Chairperson Warren presented letter from State of CT Siting Council re: expansion of transmission lines near South Windsor.  Public hearings are being held to address this issue.  Mr. Folger will get clarification as to extent of South Windsor’s involvement.

ITEM:  MINUTES:  04/15/2009
Approved by consensus.  A correction was made to the 4/1/2009 minutes to reflect Commissioner Audrey Delnicki as present at the 4/1/2009 meeting.

Mr. Folger reported on trail building: wildlife blind, bridge over Podunk, bat houses, burn-off and crabapple tree release in the Sanctuary.  Commissioner Kelly reported that 2 scout troops did plantings to restore hedgerow at base of sledding hill and installed bluebird houses at the Sanctuary.

Mr. Folger reported that the football practice field on Ayers Road is being reworked to improve the playing surface for the safety of the players.  The work has already begun, but without IWA/CC notification or input.  The Town Engineer was consulted and the site has been inspected.  The site is stable and compartmentalized.  Chairperson Warren indicated that no application has been received and no permit in place.  With the amount of disturbance involved, an E&S review/certification is necessary.  The consensus of the Commission is that the Town should comply with their own regulations and submit a plan just as any resident would be required to do - should not set a precedent of non-compliance with the regulations.  Chairperson Warren will notify Mayor Prague and the Town Council in writing that a plan must be submitted and a permit issued for this project.

Commissioner Heffler asked Mr. Folger to follow up on the annual placement of mosquito dunks in the detention basins on RT 5 near Nomad’s.  Mr. Folger will contact the Shepards in regard to this matter.

Commission Heffler, as secretary, read the legal notice into the record.

Appl #09-15W Town of South Windsor – Nevers Road Improvement Project. - IWA/CC application to construct improvements to the existing storm drainage system in Nevers Road, and alteration of an existing watercourse.  Located northerly of Ayers Road and westerly of  Nevers Road.
Jeff Doolittle, Town Engineer, presented this application for drainage improvements to Ayers Road.  The topic of this application is the replacement of pipes under Ayers Road, the rest of the project does not have any wetlands impact.  Two 18” pipes currently in place under Ayers Road and no longer adequate will be replaced by one 36” pipe that will handle the storm water flow.  On the Morrison property bordering Ayers Road, the landowner will replace an underground pipe with a 36” pipe and connect to this 36” pipe.  On the Town’s property bordering Ayers Road, a small channel located in 540 sq ft of wetlands, will be expanded to create a sediment basin to protect the pond from silting in.  This gradually sloped basin will be up to 5 ft deep, approximately 40’-50’ across and planted in grass and a wetlands seed mix.  Water will pass through this area, along with a series of check dams and enter Plum Gully Brook.  Near the parking lot of the Ayers Road ballfield, a paved ditch that drained into the original small channel will be removed and replaced with a grass-lined swale.  There will be more water quality treatment from the parking lot than there is currently.
A concern of the Commissioners was the work to be done on the property adjacent to Ayers Road owned by the Morrisons.  Mr. Doolittle stated that the work to be done by Mr. Morrison was to be done at the same time as the Town’s. The Commission questioned whether Mr. Morrison would be presenting an application to the IWA/CC.  Mr. Morrison will be contacted.

When Chairperson Warren invited anyone from the public to comment on this application, one resident, Joe Candeias, 258 Nevers Road, stated that he felt these improvements are good but had not noticed a problem in that area in the 20 years he has lived in town.  Mr. Candeias stated that there is, however, a problem with the area adjacent to his property.  The culvert is clogged and the pipes undersized, causing erosion, water over the road and flooding of his yard when it rains.  He would like the Town to extend the renovations to the drainage system to include the area near his property and to do both parts at the same time. Mr. Candeias feels the area adjacent to his property is more important due to the problems already evident.  Mr. Doolittle stated that the Town is aware of the problem in this area and the intent is to address this issue within the next 5 years.  This area involves a different watershed and more elaborate permitting process, which is why not included at this time.  But can be unclogged in the meantime.

Discussion of prudent and feasible alternatives - per Mr. Doolittle:  1) leave as is:  doesn’t do anything to improve water quality and leaves undersized pipes under Ayers Road; 2) a storm water treatment structure: which doesn’t physically fit.

Motion to: close public hearing at 7:30 pm
Was made by: Commissioner Heffler
Seconded by: Commissioner Delnicki
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Motion for: a finding of no prudent or feasible alternatives
Was made by: Commissioner Phillips
Seconded by: Commissioner Blondin
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Motion to: approve Appl. #09-15W with the condition that a planting plan be included:
Was made by: Commissioner Heffler
Seconded by: Commissioner Phillips
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Appl #09-16P Town of South Windsor Firehouse – 765 Sullivan Avenue. - IWA/CC application to construct a public safety facility building, parking, storm water structures, and associated improvements on property located southerly of Sullivan Avenue and easterly of West Road.  General Commercial (GC) Zone.

Glen Martin and Mark Smith from To Design presented the application, with input from architect, Jan Bowers.  After review of the plans, the Commissioners had questions and comments.  Residents also had questions and comments.  Albert Pranckus, 746 Sullivan Avenue, questioned whether a pond to the North of the site would be disturbed?  Not at this time.  Robert Benson, 15 West Road, wanted to know if the complex would encroach on woods to the South of the property?  No.  Kenneth Prudeler, 201 West Road, felt the building should be moved closer to the property line, that the application was incomplete – more information is needed re: subdivision, and that the best placement would be on the corner of the lot.  Ecologist, Kim Barber, GEI Consultants, reviewed her report of environmental due diligence along with her threatened/endangered species survey and wetland assessment report for this project.  Mitigation may be potentially controlling invasive species in the area.  Ms. Barber indicated that the project’s planting plan is for native species that will help control the invasive species.  Upon completion of Ms. Barber’s presentation, the Commissioners had additional questions and concerns.  Feasible and prudent alternatives must be explored and demonstrated concerning placement on the lot.

The public hearing is being continued to May 20, 2009.  The Commissioners requested additional information.

Regulation subcommittee update:  Commissioner Kelly stated that there was nothing new to report.

Appl. #09-20W – Sheppard House Lot – 45 Newberry Road – IWA/Conservation Commission application for the construction of a residential house and associated improvements on property located southerly of Newberry Road and easterly of Main Street. A-40 Residential Zone.

Motion to: adjourn the meeting at 8:59 pm
Was made by: Commissioner Heffler
Seconded by: Commissioner Delnicki
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Donna Thompson  
Recording Secretary

Approved June 3, 2009