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IWA/CC Minutes 12-3-2008

MINUTES -1-     December 4, 2008

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Betty Warren, Barb Kelly, Mario Marrero, Audrey Delnicki, Carol Heffler, Dick Muller

ALTERNATES PRESENT:     John Blondin sat for Jack Phillips      
        Roy Szoka sat for Tony Duarte
STAFF PRESENT:                  Jeff Folger, Environmental Planner/Conservation Officer
Kathy Middleton, Recording Secretary

Chairperson Warren called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM


Commissioner Kelly reported on the Roberts Rules of Order training that was conducted by Town Attorney Duncan Forsyth.  Kelly stated that Delnicki, Phillips and Warren attended.  There is a brochure available through the Town Manager’s Office.  Folger stated that he would look into getting the brochure for Commission members.


Folger stated that there was a clearing party at the Sanctuary.  Twenty-five people attended which included three Boy Scout troops and some children doing community service. The Southwestern end of the hay field was cleared and thirty feet in the parking lot. Folger stated that multi-flora rose was removed and that elderberries and red cedars will be planted in the spring.  

Folger reported that there was a young man that had to complete community service time and put in ten hours by putting placards on some of the catch basins near the Talcott Ridge/Pheasant Way neighborhood.  


Folger stated that he has been busy coordinating an economic development project in the I-291 area.  The Town is looking to market the area.  Folger stated that there is an agreement with the DEP and State to provide infrastructure in the area.  An Environmental Impact Statement was done two years ago.  The statement identified some sensitive areas on the site.  There was an occurrence of grasshopper sparrows.  The other area of concern is between Rt. 5 and the cornfield where Tiger Beetles have been discovered.  This is one of the only areas in the State besides an area in Enfield that was discovered.  The impact statement proposed to preserve the area where the beetles occur as well as 7 acres surrounding it in a conservation easement.  The second proposal is to relocate the beetles to a suitable area.  An area was looked and reviewed for possible relocation.


Appl. 07-09P - Kilkenny Heights Subdivision - Maskel Road – Application for a modification of the existing permit.  Proposed alteration to the approved conservation easement location.
Warren recused herself from this application and Kelly sat for her.

Mike Mundo of 249 Maskel Road came before the commission and stated that the request is to reduce the easterly boundary of the conservation easement by 20 feet and increase the westerly boundary by 20 feet.  Mundo stated that there are future plans to open the cul-de-sac and therefore, 18 feet of frontage would be gained.  He stated that he spoke with Marcia Banach, Director of Planning about the possibility of relocating the house on the plans through a ZBA variance so that it would be closer to the street as opposed to reducing the wetlands buffer.  Banach did not see this as a favorable option.  Mundo also stated that there will be no wetlands disturbance with this application and any buffer plants required from the original approval will be installed.

Muller asked Folger to classify the wetlands.  Folger stated that the wetlands are fairly low in functional values and the vegetation does not have wildlife value.  The prime function of these wetlands is stormwater collection and groundwater recharge. Folger stated that there is till and bedrock close to the surface.

The Commission felt that this application was a reasonable request as long as no pesticides were used on the rear lawn and the buffer plantings are installed per the plan.  Folger stated that there is a bond in place to secure the plantings.  

Motion to: Approve Appl. 07-09P - Kilkenny Heights Subdivision - Maskel Road – Application for a modification of the existing permit.  Proposed alteration to the approved conservation easement location.

Was made by: Commissioner Heffler
Seconded by: Commissioner Szoka
The motion carried
The vote was unanimous


The Commission discussed and determined the location for the holiday party to be at Sawadee Restaurant on January 14th, 2009 at 6 pm.

Appl. # 08-49P – Burnham Brook Stables, 38 Main Street.  Folger handed out the E& S application.  The Commission discussed the application.  A motion was made to handle the application at the staff level.

Motion was made by: Commissioner Kelly
Seconded by: Commissioner Heffler
The motion carried
The vote was unanimous


Motion to Adjourn at 7:59 PM
Was made by: Heffler
Seconded by: Szoka
The motion carried
The vote was unanimous

Respectfully Submitted:

Katherine J. Middleton
Recording Secretary