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IWA/CC Minutes 11-5-2008

MINUTES -1-     November 5, 2008

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Betty Warren, Jack Phillips, Barb Kelly, Tony Duarte, Mario Marrero, Audrey Delnicki, Carol Heffler     

ALTERNATES PRESENT:     John Blondin sat for Tim Appleton
        Roy Szoka sat for Dick Muller
STAFF PRESENT:                  Jeff Folger, Environmental Planner/Conservation Officer
Kathy Middleton, Recording Secretary

Carol Heffler sitting in for Chairperson Warren called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM


Folger stated that due to Economic problems Five & Diners will not be going forward with construction because the bank pulled the funding.  Planning and Zoning has only been meeting once a month.

Folger stated that the firehouse project may remerge at the 645 Sullivan Avenue location.  The environmental assessment of the corner piece on West and Sullivan has been completed and he has been instructed to examine the options.  If it does occur on the original site it will be a reduced building and footprint.

Chairperson Warren arrived at 7:10 and chaired the remainder of the meeting.

Folger continued and stated that after the site plan was approved, the Army Corp and DEP did not accept the information that was given at the environmental assessment.  They didn’t believe that the wetland depressions on the property were not functioning vernal pools.  The pools dried up again for the sixth consecutive year and therefore did not produce amphibians this year.  The revision flipped the building around and shrunk the footprint of the ring road that went around the entire building to increase the distance between the non-functional vernal pools.  Also the endangered sedge that was on the property was reported and a mitigation plan was submitted.  This plan mirrored what they were able to accept as mitigation for the entire site.  The plan was to move the sedge to an appropriate area and to encumber that area with a conservation easement.

Folger stated that there is an Economic Development project to look at the area around the I-291 Interchange.  There are 117 acres of total land area of which approximately 87 acres are developable.  The DEDC of the State worked with the Town to come up with State funds to put infrastructure in such as sewers and water for a large development.  An environmental impact statement was done on the site. There is a 16 acre parcel adjacent to I-291 that the Town acquired from the State.  There are 4 ½ acres of old field area that is in a meadow sapling stage.  Two male Grasshopper Sparrows were found on the property and are classified in Connecticut as endangered.  Tiger Beetles were also found on the site and they are exclusive to the sandy areas.  The proposal is to preserve the 2 ½ acre parcel as well as a 7 acre buffer around it. It was also suggested to move the beetles but they can only be moved during the larval stage which is the end of May and June.

Wapping Park:  Folger stated that about 500 feet of trail has been constructed at Wapping Park as part of an Eagle project.  By next summer it is expected to be a 1-2 mile loop.

Donnelly:  There are two solar power aerators that will be for the pond at Donnelly Preserve as well as a wind powered wind mill.  It will be installed by Michael Donnelly’s son Sean Donnelly.  They are being installed due to lack of oxygen in the pond.  Suitable oxygen levels for fish are 4.5-12 ppm (parts per million).  The highest reading that was taken was 1.1 ppm.

Kelly asked if plant materials would have to be removed.  Folger stated that there were not a lot of subsurface weeds.

Folger stated that there is one enforcement issue.  If you are driving down Nevers Road, there is a pond that is being developed that had previously blown out.  As part of agricultural exemption, the resident was allowed to dredge the pond.  The resident was told that he needed to consult with an engineer on any outlet structure that goes in because 3-4 feet would be dammed up and it could pose a safety hazard.  This did not happen prior to dredging the pond. There is an eroded ditch from Ayers Road to his pond and it collected sediment.  The resident put an 18” pipe in the gully and filled the ditch in.  The Town has two 18” inch pipes that go under the road.  The resident plugged up one of the pipes.  The Town Engineer said that it is inadequate for the hydraulics of the area and the pipe will have to be removed and an application will be submitted with adequate pipes.

Regulation Revision Committee
                Folger handed out copies of the Model Regulations for the State of Connecticut DEP and stated that the Commission member should take time to review them and organize a Regulation Review Committee to make any changes to the regulations.

Conservation Commission: Folger stated that there will be an invasive control cleaning on November 22, 2008 at the Wildlife Sanctuary.  Everyone will meet at the Barber Hill parking lot.


Warren stated that she received a notice regarding meeting dates for 2009.  Also there will be training
on November 24, 2008 regarding Roberts Rules of Order.  It will be conducted by Town Attorney, Duncan Forsyth and it is recommended that all Commission members attend.  RSVP to Kathy Middleton by November 19, 2008.

Folger stated that he received $30,000.00 from the State SEP Program.  The money comes from environmental fines from industries.  Redland Brick was fined and requested that the DEP earmark the money for the Town.  The monies went toward improvements at Donnelly.  It is required that the Town shows proof of what the funds were used for (see attached).  Folger submitted the attached financial Report to the DEP.

Folger stated that Appleton suggested that we have a guest speaker come to a meeting to discuss green buildings and development and would like to invite Planning and Zoning as well as some of the design firms.


Motion to Adjourn at 8:05 PM
Was made by: Heffler
Seconded by: Phillips
The motion carried
The vote was unanimous

Respectfully Submitted:

Katherine J. Middleton
Recording Secretary