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IWA/CC Minutes 2-6-2008
MEMBERS PRESENT:        Betty Warren, Richard Muller, Barbara Kelly, Mario Marrero Jack Phillips, Carol Heffler, Tim Appleton,

ALTERNATES PRESENT:                                                     

STAFF PRESENT:                  Jeff Folger, Environmental Planner/Conservation Officer
                                       Kathy Middleton, Recording Secretary

Chairperson Warren called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM

Warren asked if anyone attended the Roundtable meeting or Freedom of Information.  Commissioner Kelly attended the Roundtable meeting and Commissioner Marrero and Commissioner Heffler attended the Freedom of Information.  Commissioners stated that the meetings were very informative. Heffler stated that she has a brochure if anyone is interested in looking at it.  

Warren stated that a map of impervious surface distribution was handed out.  Folger thanked Dawn Mulholland for putting the map together.  The town was divided up into sub water shed and calculated the area of the attributes and came up with a percentage of impervious coverage.  What is being looked at is the correlation between the amount of impervious coverage and the effect on receiving waters.  Of the sub water sheds, only one was at 17%.  The rest were at 15% and under.  Folger stated that he would like to go through this at greater detail.

Warren asked if anyone was interested in attending the CAWS Annual Meeting on February 26, 2008.  

Folger stated that there was not much to report.  If the snow stays away, work will begin on the parking area on Clark Street (Wapping Park).  Warren asked if the new sign was done for the sanctuary.  Folger stated that they are working on it.  

Folger stated that there was a fire house meeting today and hope to have a site visit by DEP and Army Corp. on off site mitigation.  We are proposing to do off site mitigation and restoration of existing wetlands.  The modification would be a smaller footprint and less wetland.  

Appl. #07-53P - Mannarino Builders - Dzen Tree Farm Subdivision - 12 Barber Hill Road, Abbe Road, Maskel Road - Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission application for a sixty-four lot residential subdivision and associated improvements on property located westerly of Barber Hill Road and easterly of Maskel Road. Rural Residential (RR) Zone.

Skip Alford came before the Commission and stated that one of the changes that were made since the last meeting was the discussion of the outlet from the basins.  There was concern for the length of time that the water would stay in the basins, between letting it out so that mosquitoes don't breed the other is holding it back long enough so that the sediment deposits out and the biology that is in there acts on the pesticides and fertilizers that would be applied to the lawn.  In an effort to balance that, originally they were looking at lengthening or shortening the trench at the bottom of the basins.  I was difficult to address the length so for all of the basins, they are proposing to take the 6" opening and neck it down to a 2" opening.  Alford stated that with a two inch opening it will take longer for the basins to empty.  This was discussed with Folger and Doolittle and they were both satisfied.

Alford stated that several minor changes were made to the drawings.  Another significant issue was what to do about the open space.  There is a note on the drawings that talks about plowing or grading them and seeding them.  They have proposed to do this in phases.  Alford stated that Folger requested that plantings are put in and a planting schedule has been incorporated.

Muller asked Folger about leaving the pine trees on parcel A.  Folger stated that in order to repair the current grading the trees have to be cut.  Folger stated that on side slopes they would like to have a legume planted and on the top of the slope put a warm season grass mix that would be maintained as a meadow.  

Muller asked if the issues of the condition of the property in Banach's memo of January 31, 2008 were addressed on the plans.  Folger stated that the comments have been addressed.  

Warren asked if the remediation that was necessary would be done by the applicant and not by the Town.  Folger said that is correct.  Folger stated that he agreed with the information that was supplied by the applicant's report and the concentrations that are shown are indicative of normal agricultural applications over a period of time as opposed to spill sites and things of that nature.  The applicant also agreed with REMA that the levels found in the pond are not a health and safety hazard.  They also recommended that additional testing be done on the house lots on the western side of the property as a safety measure.  

Tomek Grajewski, Zuvic Associates came before the Commission to address comments about the environmental study.  Tomek stated that in 2006 five samples were collected in the Barber Hill Road area.  It was found that none of the samples show any indication of compounds that were of concern, although I was suggested that due to the size of the area, five samples may not be enough to test.  It was recommended that twenty additional samples be done within the lot area to put any concerns of hot spots to rest.  Tomek stated that the site investigation was conducted in accordance with DEP regulations.  

Warren asked Folger for his comments.  Folger stated that they have done a good job answering the concerns of Town Staff.  Folger stated that Doolittle reviewed the design of the stormwater basin and found that they are suitable and sized appropriately for the stormwater quality volume.  Mitigation shown is appropriate and will handle wetland disturbances.  Folger stated that the rates and volumes are significantly higher than the post construction volume by a magnitude of 20%.  

Alford stated the concerns have been addressed on the plans.  The tables with planting have been amended because the basins are not going to be wetter because of the design and therefore amendments have to be made to the plant material.  Another issue that was addressed was the outlet to detention basin #4; it has been densely vegetated to reduce the chance for phragmites to start. Alford stated that they were also asked to look at how they would control and or eradicate phragmites.  Alford stated that the idea was to leave the phragmites patch in place.  There was also concern with what would be done with the houses that are close to the wetland.  Alford stated that they will provide a linear rain garden.  Notes have been provided on maintenance and plantings have been proposed for a biofilter level spreader associated with the output to pond 3.  

Warren asked Folger if had reviewed the changes to the plans.  Folger stated that he did and he is satisfied with the application.  

Muller asked about the southwestern pond and asked if would remain as is.  Alford stated that it would and it was observed that that pond is not affected from the agriculture.  

Warren asked if there was anyone from the public who would like to comment on the application.  There were no public comments or concerns.  

Motion to: close public hearing at 8:15 PM on Appl. #07-53P - Mannarino Builders - Dzen Tree Farm Subdivision - 12 Barber Hill Road, Abbe Road, Maskel Road - Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission application for a sixty-four lot residential subdivision and associated improvements on property located westerly of Barber Hill Road and easterly of Maskel Road. Rural Residential (RR) Zone

Was Made by: Commissioner Heffler
Seconded by: Commissioner Appleton
The motion carried
The vote was unanimous

Appl. #07-53P - Mannarino Builders - Dzen Tree Farm Subdivision - 12 Barber Hill Road, Abbe Road, Maskel Road - Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission application for a sixty-four lot residential subdivision and associated improvements on property located westerly of Barber Hill Road and easterly of Maskel Road. Rural Residential (RR) Zone.

Motion to: approve with conditions - Appl. #07-53P - Mannarino Builders - Dzen Tree Farm Subdivision - 12 Barber Hill Road, Abbe Road, Maskel Road - Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission application for a sixty-four lot residential subdivision and associated improvements on property located westerly of Barber Hill Road and easterly of Maskel Road. Rural Residential (RR) Zone

Was made by: Commissioner Heffler
Seconded by: Commissioner Phillips

Folger recommended a bond of $50,000.00 for stormwater structures, a $20,000.00 bond for mitigation and $50,000.00 for erosion and sediment control.  

Phillips asked if that would include the re-grading of the hill.  Folger stated that it could be included within the erosion control bond.  

Kelly stated that the remediation should be reviewed by the environmental planner.  Commissioners agreed with Kelly.  

Motion to: table the motion made to approve Appl. #07-53P - Mannarino Builders - Dzen Tree Farm Subdivision - 12 Barber Hill Road, Abbe Road, Maskel Road - Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission application for a sixty-four lot residential subdivision and associated improvements on property located westerly of Barber Hill Road and easterly of Maskel Road. Rural Residential (RR) Zone

Was Made by: Commissioner Phillips
Seconded by: Commissioner Appleton
The motion carried
The vote was unanimous

Motion to: move from table the finding of no prudent and feasible alternatives on Appl. #07-53P - Mannarino Builders - Dzen Tree Farm Subdivision - 12 Barber Hill Road, Abbe Road, Maskel Road - Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission application for a sixty-four lot residential subdivision and associated improvements on property located westerly of Barber Hill Road and easterly of Maskel Road. Rural Residential (RR) Zone

Was made by: Commissioner Phillips
Seconded by: Commissioner Heffler
The motion carried
The vote was unanimous

Motion to: remove from table motion of approval for Appl. #07-53P - Mannarino Builders - Dzen Tree Farm Subdivision - 12 Barber Hill Road, Abbe Road, Maskel Road - Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission application for a sixty-four lot residential subdivision and associated improvements on property located westerly of Barber Hill Road and easterly of Maskel Road. Rural Residential (RR) Zone

Was made by: Commissioner Phillips
Seconded by: Commissioner Heffler
The motion carried
The vote was unanimous

Motion to: approve with conditions - Appl. #07-53P - Mannarino Builders - Dzen Tree Farm Subdivision - 12 Barber Hill Road, Abbe Road, Maskel Road - Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission application for a sixty-four lot residential subdivision and associated improvements on property located westerly of Barber Hill Road and easterly of Maskel Road. Rural Residential (RR) Zone

Was made by: Commissioner Phillips
Seconded by: Commissioner Heffler
The motion carried
The vote was unanimous

Muller stated that it was a great idea to have an independent consultant provide the Commission with a review of the environmental conditions.  

Phillips stated that he wanted to commend that applicant for a good job addressing the concerns of the Commission prior to the final plans.

Kelly stated that she walked the site and stated that overall the development is well placed to avoid impacts and to place distance between the permanent structures and existing wetlands.

Approval Conditions:

1.      One blueprint copy of the entire set of plans and this letter reproduced thereon must be submitted to this Commission.  This must be completed within 65 days of approval prior to any construction activity on the site.  Plans submitted to Planning & Zoning Commission shall be considered having met this requirement.

2.      The application shall indemnify and hold harmless the Town of South Windsor against any liability, which might result from the proposed operation or use.

3.      The permit is valid for five years and shall expire on February 6, 2013.  It is the landowner(s)/applicant(s) responsibility to track expiration dates and notify the Commission of a renewal request at least 65 days prior to expiration.

4.      All approvals required must be obtained and submitted prior to any activity on the site.

5.      A contact person shall be identified on the plans.

6.      We recommend a bond in the amount of 50,000 be submitted to the Planning & Zoning Commission for compliance with erosion and sediment control measures and a bond in the amount of 20,000 for mitigation and 50,000 for storm water structures.

7.      Environmental Planner to oversee soil remediation activities.

8.      Environmental Planner to oversee slope stabilization of Open Space A


Heffler motioned to nominate Elizabeth Warren as Chairperson for the Commission.
Phillips seconded the motion. All Commissioners were in favor and the vote was unanimous.

Heffler motioned to nominate Barbara Kelly as Vice-Chairperson for the Commission. Phillips seconded the motion.  All Commissioners were in favor and the vote was unanimous.

Warren motioned to nominate Carol Heffler as Secretary for the Commission.  Appleton seconded the motion.  All Commissioners were in favor and the vote was unanimous.

Warren stated that Folger would bring copies of the budget to be reviewed at the next meeting.  

Motion to: adjourn the meeting at 8:29 PM

Was made by Commissioner Heffler
Seconded by Commissioner Phillips
The motion carried
The vote was as follows: unanimous

Respectfully Submitted,

Katherine J. Middleton
Recording Secretary