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IWA/CC Minutes 12-19-2007
MEMBERS PRESENT:        Betty Warren, Audrey Delnicki, Richard Muller, Barbara Kelly, Jack Phillips, Jim Kupchunos

ALTERNATES PRESENT:                                                     

STAFF PRESENT:                  Jeff Folger, Environmental Planner/Conservation Officer
                                       Kathy Middleton, Recording Secretary

Chairperson Warren called the meeting to order at 7:09 PM


Warren stated that she received a flyer from the CT Environmental Review Teams.  Warren asked that the recording secretary copy the flyer and send to Commission members.


The minutes of November 7, 2007 were approved with corrections by consensus of the Commission.


Folger stated that there has not been much to report since the last meeting that was held on December 12, 2007.


Folger stated that the sites are stable at this point.


Commissioner Kelly read the legal notice into the record as it was published in the Journal Inquirer on Saturday, December 8, 2007 and Saturday, December 15, 2007.

Appl. #07-63P - Sunrise Development - 200 Deming Street - Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission application for the construction of an 80 unit assisted living facility and associated improvements on property located northerly of Deming Street and easterly of Buckland Road. Gateway Development (GD) Zone.

Karen Isherwood, Project Manager of Design Professionals came before the Commission and stated that the proposed development is located at 200 Deming Street and is a 4.61 acre parcel at the northeast corner of intersecting roadways, Buckland Road and Deming Street.  

Isherwood stated that that the existing conditions on the site:
"       Currently overgrown meadow
"       Gently sloping to the northwest over into a twin 12"corrugated pipe. Flow that does not make it into the waterway flows off site into the existing stormwater structures on Buckland Road.  
"       Test pits have been done and logged in March of 2006
"       No wetlands on the parcel
"       Intermittent watercourse that is located on the Calvary Church property which ends shy of the property line.

Isherwood made the following statements regarding the proposed application.
"       Application proposes an 80 unit assisted living facility, three stories high  
"       The footprint is just over 22,000 square feet, which offers a total of 66,000 square feet for the facility.  
"       Forty-eight parking spaces are proposed.  New zoning regulations require that the application shows other areas where parking could be constructed if needed in the future.  There are 80 parking spaces are shown; however, only 48 parking spaces will be constructed.
"       There is a 24' wide access driveway located on Deming Street.
"       Utilities: Water will come from Deming Street. Sanitary sewer will come in from Buckland Road
"       Water quality basin will be located in the front of  the property
"       Runoff from the east will continue in its present route to the intermittent watercourse on the adjacent property to the west.
"       Remainder of the site where there is developed runoff will enter a water quality basin and will reach it at two discharge locations.  It is a micro pool extended detention basin which will allow it to retain a minimum 20% of the water quality volume associated with the drainage area within the basin.  The 80% balance of the storm water quality runoff will be handled through extended detention within the basin.  This will be achieved by proposing a small 4" orifice into a detention basin outlet which meter out the proposed runoff at a much slower rate and allow for post development runoff at or below existing peak rates of runoff for all storm events.
"       A revision was made on the plan and submitted in early November due to a redesign of the detention basin because the new regulations require that any detention basins that are visible from the street be designed with 4 to 1 slopes within the basin.  This has been modified on the plans.
"       Erosion and sedimentation controls:
o       Silt fencing located down gradient of all disturbed areas
o       Temporary topsoil stock piles with grading to encourage all runoff to the detention basin which will be used and designed as a temporary sediment basin during construction.
o       Flock logs have been incorporated around each of the two final discharge points.
o       Hay bales are located around each of the catch basin structures.
o       In addition to the water quality basin there are sumps in the catch basins themselves.
"       All zoning requirements have been met.
"       No waivers are being requested for the property.

Isherwood stated that the impervious coverage was reduced from the previous application.  The previous application for Deming Plaza offered 59.3% impervious coverage.  This application proposes 35.9% impervious coverage (50% allowed for this type of use).  For the entire 4.61acres of the site, the reduction in impervious coverage equates to 1.07 acres of impervious area that was removed from the site.  

Isherwood stated that Eric Gardner from Sunrise is available to answer questions regarding use of the site.  Isherwood stated that Mr. Leonard, Landscape Architect for the project is also available.

Warren stated that in Folger's memo dated December 13, 2007 he mentioned that the dewatering plan should be submitted to Town Staff for approval.  Isherwood stated that she does not have that in the plans but it can be added.

Isherwood stated for the record that there are zero direct wetlands on the site and the application proposes .25 acres of upland review disturbance associated with the creation of the water quality basin and parking along the storm structure.

Warren asked Folger if he had any other concerns.  Folger stated that he does not have any other concerns and that this application is very similar to the application for Buckland Plaza that was approved previously with the benefit of reducing the impervious coverage.  This is a better alternative. They were also able to preserve the tree line along the north.  Folger stated that the landscaping plan has a number of woody shrubs that provide wildlife habitat benefits.  

Warren asked if the change to the detention basin was due to the changes in the regulation.  Isherwood stated that the grading was changed to 4 to 1 to be shallower and larger. Folger stated that it reduces the "bomb crater look" that Planning and Zoning is concerned with.

Kelly asked what the impervious coverage would be if the full 80 parking spaces were used.  Isherwood stated that the impervious coverage would be 38.5%.  Isherwood stated that there is an area where the fire marshal is requiring having emergency access completely surrounding the building.  Isherwood stated that the applicant wishes to have something that looks natural.  Isherwood stated that they are proposing pervious pavers.  Isherwood stated that she is inquiring with other Towns to see where it has been installed and maintained because the fire marshal is also requiring it to be plowed.  

Warren asked for comments or concerns from the public.  There were no comments or concerns raised.

Phillips asked Folger if he had any concerns.  Folger stated that he feels that this is a complete application and doesn't feel that this application or the proposed construction is going to affect the wetland resources on the property or offsite.

Phillips stated that there has been trouble in the past with the offsite intermittent water course and the 12" pipes and asked Isherwood how the expected total flow through those is going to be.  Isherwood stated that it is going to be at or below where it is going through right now.  Isherwood stated that the only problems she believes there have been in the past is that people have illegally plugged it up and stopped the flow.  Isherwood stated that this development will not have any impact whatsoever on the existing 12" pipe.  Isherwood stated that the discharge area needs to be inspected and cleaned out as needed during the construction process that she believes that this was part of the original approval for Deming Plaza (which is valid for a period of five years) and believes that it will be part of this applications approval as well.  Isherwood stated that they would be cleaned out and protected throughout construction.

Kelly asked if the planting plans were included for the basins.  Isherwood stated that if the specific seed mixture was not on the plans it will be added.  Isherwood stated that typically for the bottom of the basins there is topsoil amended with 30% organic material.  Kelly asked what would be planted there.  Andrew Leonard, Landscape Architect of Leonard Design Associates stated that the basin is surrounded by deciduous plantings, a few evergreens, a mixture of flowering woody shrub vegetation specified with an eye for wildlife habitat.  The slopes and bottom of the basin are to be seeded with a wet tolerant seed mixture of grasses that are native or adapted to the Northeast and would be maintained as such and typically are mowed two to three times per year.  

Warren asked for public comments on this application.  There were no public comments.

Motion to: close public hearing at 7:40 pm on App. # 07-63P - Sunrise Development - 200 Deming Street - Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission application for the construction of an 80 unit assisted living facility and associated improvements on property located northerly of Deming Street and easterly of Buckland Road. Gateway Development (GD) Zone.

Was made by: Commissioner Kelly
Seconded by: Commissioner Phillips
The motion carried
The vote was unanimous

Appl. #07-63P - Sunrise Development - 200 Deming Street - Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission application for the construction of an 80 unit assisted living facility and associated improvements on property located northerly of Deming Street and easterly of Buckland Road. Gateway Development (GD) Zone.

Motion to: approve application 07-63P - Sunrise Development - 200 Deming Street - Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission application for the construction of an 80 unit assisted living facility and associated improvements on property located northerly of Deming Street and easterly of Buckland Road. Gateway Development  (GD) Zone.

Was made by: Commissioner Kelly
Seconded By: Commissioner Phillips
The motion carried
The vote was unanimous

1.      One blueprint copy of the entire set of plans and this letter reproduced thereon must be submitted to this Commission.  This must be completed within 65 days of approval prior to any construction activity on the site.  Plans submitted to Planning & Zoning Commission shall be considered having met this requirement.

2.      The application shall indemnify and hold harmless the Town of South Windsor against any liability, which might result from the proposed operation or use.

3.      The permit is valid for five years and shall expire on December 19, 2012.  It is the landowner(s)/applicant(s) responsibility to track expiration dates and notify the Commission of a renewal request at least 65 days prior to expiration.

4.      All approvals required must be obtained and submitted prior to any activity on the site.

5.      A contact person shall be identified on the plans.

6.      We recommend a bond in the amount of 20,000 be submitted to the Planning & Zoning Commission to ensure compliance with the erosion and sediment control measures and a $5,000 bond for stormwater structures.

7.      The specific wetland seed mix must be submitted for approval by Town staff.

Appl #07-64P - Wentworth Park II - 85 Felt Road - Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission application for regulated activities in connection with the construction of an 11,700 sq
ft. commercial building complex, parking, stormwater system, and associated improvements on property located westerly of Felt Road and northerly of Oakland Road. Restricted Commercial (RC) Zone.

Galen Semperbon, Executive Vice-President of Design Professionals came before the Commission to present the application.  Semperbon made the following comments regarding the application.
"       The site is located on Felt Road and Oakland Road
"       Located immediately adjacent to the original Wentworth Park and will be Phase II of that association.
"       Fairly level property drops down with the embankment immediately off the west side of the site to the water course.
"       Proposing two condo/office buildings, same type of use as Wentworth Park Phase I.
"       Total square footage of floor area is 11,700 sq. ft.
"       Nine units total.
"       Proposing 47 parking spaces.
"       A detention/water quality basin situated between the development and the wetlands.
"       The design is a single catch basin discharging into the water quality portion and then water quality detention outlets into the water course going down slope.
"       Indicated there is an eroded passage way down to the water course and are looking to stabilize it.
"       Site will be on public sewer and water with a single entrance onto Felt Road.

Semperbon stated that revised plans were submitted to address Jeff Folger's comments.  Semperbon stated that they have just received Town Engineer, Jeff Doolittle's comments and did not see anything in those comments that would effect permitting from a wetlands point of view.  

Warren asked Semperbon about the comment on Folger's memo regarding the trap hoods on all catch basins.  Semperbon stated that trap hoods, a construction sequence, maintenance notes regarding affirmative measures and stock piles have been added to the plans.

Warren asked Folger if he add any additional concerns.  Folger stated that the Town Engineer gave him a set of comments today and the only thing on those comments pertaining to wetlands would be to add splash pads to the inlet and outlet of the detention basin.  Semperbon stated that they weren't proposing a splash pad to the outlet because the outlet is located outside the regulated area to minimize disturbance.  Semperbon stated that the numbers on the detention basin show that it is dispensing at a very low rate based on the comparative to the flow and the water course.  Semperbon stated that they would add splash pads if necessary.  

Folger asked what the velocity was that they were anticipating.  Semperbon stated that for the 100 year storm, the velocity is ½ CFS.  Folger stated that the velocity is very low and that outlet protection may not be needed.

Muller asked what the impervious coverage is on the site.  Semperbon stated that the impervious coverage is .57 acres of impervious coverage or 66%.

Muller asked if there would be a temporary loss of wetlands.  Semperbon stated that there is a slight impact.  Folger stated that they would want the 4" orifice to remain on the outlet structure even if the pipe beyond the outlet structure was increased to 12".  Semperbon stated that if the desire was to put some rip rap in, they would do so but doesn't feel it is necessary from and erosion control point of view.  

Kelly asked if the vegetation would remain healthy if there is shading on both the east and the west.  Folger stated that the property has south exposure to it.  The discussion ensued among Commission members regarding providing shade to the area.  Folger stated that on the south side of the water course, there is a shrub and a small deciduous component that overhangs the southern side of that stream.  Folger stated that he would expect the west side shrubs that remain to continue to grow.  

Muller stated that with the first application there was debris in Farm Brook and asked if the situation has gotten any better.  Folger stated that much of the debris was cleaned out with the first Wentworth application.  Folger stated that more of the debris was cleaned out as part of the remediation with the Exxon Mobile spill.  Folger stated that there has been much success with the construction of the first phase of this application and stated that the applicant was able to physically erect everything and provide zero impacts to the wetlands.  Folger stated that the applicant is capable of following through with what is on paper and stated that he has taken that into consideration in performing his reviews.  

Muller raised question about the soils being unstable.  Folger stated that he does not expect that to be an issue for this site and stated that he was unaware whether test pits have been done for the site.  Geoff Sawyer, Generation II stated that test pits have not been done to this point.  

Warren asked for comments or concerns from the public.  There were no comments or concerns from the public regarding this application.

Warren asked for additional comments or concerns from Folger.  Folger stated that he did not have any concerns and he stated that he agrees with Semperbon that the velocities are going to be inconsequential compared to what is headed down the stream.  Folger stated that 2 CFS and under is considered a safe flow with no chance of any kind of scour.  Folger stated that because this applications CFS is 1/2, it is under the threshold.  

Kelly asked what would be planted on the bank to stabilize it and how it would be permanently restored.  Semperbon stated that a low maintenance seed mix would be planted.  Muller asked if there was maintenance required.  Folger stated that debris leaves should be cleaned out to protect the orifice.  

Motion to: approve application #07-64P - Wentworth Park II - 85 Felt Road - Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission application for regulated activities in connection with the construction of an 11,700 sq ft. commercial building complex, parking, stormwater system, and associated improvements on property located westerly of Felt Road and northerly of Oakland Road. Restricted Commercial (RC) Zone.

Was Made by: Commissioner Phillips
Seconded by: Commissioner Muller
The motion carried
The vote was unanimous

1.      One blueprint copy of the entire set of plans and this letter reproduced thereon must be submitted to this Commission.  This must be completed within 65 days of approval prior to any construction activity on the site.  Plans submitted to Planning & Zoning Commission shall be considered having met this requirement.

2.      The application shall indemnify and hold harmless the Town of South Windsor against any liability, which might result from the proposed operation or use.

3.      The permit is valid for five years and shall expire on December 19, 2012.  It is the landowner(s)/applicant(s) responsibility to track expiration dates and notify the Commission of a renewal request at least 65 days prior to expiration.

4.      All approvals required must be obtained and submitted prior to any activity on the site.

5.      A contact person shall be identified on the plans.

6.      We recommend a bond in the amount of 5,000 be submitted to the Planning & Zoning Commission to ensure compliance with the erosion and sediment control measures and a $5,000 bond for stormwater structures.


Folger stated that the January 2, 2008 meeting will be cancelled.  Warren stated that the Commission Christmas party will be held on January 9th at Sawadee Restaurant.  


Motion to: adjourn the meeting at 8:12 PM

Was made by Commissioner Delnicki
Seconded by Commissioner Phillips
The motion carried
The vote was as follows: unanimous

Respectfully Submitted,

Katherine J. Middleton
Recording Secretary