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IWA/CC Minutes 10-17-2007
MEMBERS PRESENT:        Betty Warren, Audrey Delnicki, Barbara Kelly, Mario Marrero, Jack Phillips, Carol Heffler


STAFF PRESENT:                  Jeff Folger, Environmental Planner/Conservation Officer
       Kathy Middleton, Recording Secretary

Chairperson Warren called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.

Folger stated that they have received a status report regarding the mobile station.  Folger handed out CD copies of the report to Commission members.  Folger stated that he requested that a representative from Exxon attend a meeting to explain the process and to talk about the equipment that is presently being used that should prevent future spills.  

Folger stated that there are a couple more people signed on to volunteer on November 3rd to help with the tree clearing.  Folger stated that a girl scout troop came out and stained the wildlife blind that is on the addressStreetWest Street side of Donnelly.  Kelly asked about the status of the encraochment on the sanctuary.  Folger stated that the encroachers are required to put a berm up behind the property as well as plant 6-10 foot conifers along the entire back of the yard.

Folger stated that the final grading of basin at ECHN has been completed.  They will hold off on planting until after the rain subsides.

Commissioner Heffler read the legal notice into the record and stated that the Dzen Tree Farm application has been postponed


Appl. #07-58P – Town of South Windsor – Vibert Road – Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission application for an expansion of the Water Treatment Control Plant and associated improvements on property located westerly of Main Street and southerly of Vibert Road. A-40 Residential Zone.

Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control came before the Commission and presented the application for the upgrade of the town’s wastewater treatment facility.  The following proposals were made:
·       Upgrade the forty year old facility to allow it to handle the growth and devlopment of the Town for the next twenty to thirty years
·       Improvements to the existing system to correct design deficiencies that date back to the early seventies
·       Upgrading the plant to provide cost effectiveness in the operation of the facility
·       Involves putting in new treatment systems which are required due to new regulation in the State for nitrogen removal. In order to meet the regulations the following items must be addressed
o       A new airration basin installed
o       A new system of handling waste water to be able to remove the nitrogen
o       New secondary clarifiers must be put in
o       New tanks and a new system for odor control

Shaw stated that the design of the project is nearing completion and every effort has been made to limit the disturbance to the wetlands, watercourses and 100 year flood plain.  Shaw introduced William Langle, of Camp, Dresser & McKee as design consultant for the project.  Shaw stated that it has been estimated that there will be a requirement for net fill of 109 cubic yards mostly along the eastern portions.  Shaw stated that in order to compensate for the 109 cubic yards of fill, the design calls for a net cut of 109 cubic yards of material below the 100 year flood plain.  There is a creation of 1/10 of an acre of wetlands to offset the proposed filling.  

Shaw stated that there is an access road that is proposed to run around the site.  

Chairperson Warren asked Folger if he was comfortable with the mitigation plan.  Folger said yes and that the wetlandns that are proposed to be impacted are a forrested wetland and is on the fringe of a larger wetland area that occurs to the east and then wraps around to the south.  Folger stated that a selection of woody and herbacious woodland plants and trees will be planted in the wetland area and the mitigation area is not only going to be excavated down to the 100 year flood elevation but down the elevation 28 which is comparable to the elevation of the existing adjacent wetland area.  

Shaw handed out a proposed wetland specification to the Commission members.Langle stated that it is a typical CDM specificaton for wetlands.  The specific plan for mitigation was submitted prior to the hearing.

Shaw stated that they are still waiting the DEP’s final review of the design plan and would like to begin the construction phase next year.

CityWarren state that the Commission should consider as part of the application the improvement to the placeConnecticut River because of the upgrade to the plant.

Kelly stated that there wasn’t really a separate created wetland.  Folger stated that that was correct and stated that there is a profile on plan and it will be flat with some variations.  Folger stated that a recommendation would be to have the soil scientist oversee the installation of it with a five year monitoring period for the plants.  Folger stated that it would be rough graded down and then have the plants incorporated in.  

Kelly asked if there would be fill on site or if it would be brought in.  Langle stated that the net would be material leaving the site due to the volume of the new tanks that are being created so it would be a net removal.  

placeCityWarren asked Folger for additional comments and he stated that he would ask as an approval condition that the perimeter erosion controls go around the edge of the mitigation area.  Langle stated that there would be a revison shown to reflect that on the final plans.  Additionally, there are trees of interest opn the site.  Namely, some black walnut trees that will be cut down.  The useable wood should remain town property to be used for projects.

placeCityWarren asked for public comment.  Irene Pelletier of addressStreetMaskel Road came before the Commission and asked if the treatment plant treats all of placeSouth Windsor or certain areas.  Shaw stated that it treats most of the town and portions of placeCityManchester.  

Motion to Approve with Conditions - Appl. #07-58P – Town of South Windsor – Vibert Road – Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission application for an expansion of the Water Treatment Control Plant and associated improvements on property located westerly of Main Street and southerly of Vibert Road. A-40 Residential Zone.

Was made by Commissioner Heffler
Seconded by Commissioner Phillips
The motion carried
The vote was as follows: unanimous


1.      One blueprint copy of the entire set of plans and this letter reproduced thereon, must be submitted to this Commission.  This must be completed within 65 days of approval prior to any construction activity on the site.  Plans submitted to Planning & Zoning Commission shall be considered having met this requirement.

2.      The application shall indemnify and hold harmless the Town of CityplaceSouth Windsor against any liability, which might result from the proposed operation or use.

3.      The permit is valid for five years and shall expire on October 17, 2012.  It is the landowner(s)/applicant(s) responsibility to track expiration dates and notify the Commission of a renewal request at least 65 days prior to expiration.

4.      All approvals required must be obtained and submitted prior to any activity on the site.

5.      A contact person shall be identified on the plans.

6.      It is recommended that the mitigation area be monitored by a Soil Scientist or Professional Wetland Scientist at least twice during the growing season for a period of five years following contruction.  Annual reports of these inspections should be submitted to the South Windsor Inland Wetland Agency.

7.      Perimeter erosion controls shall go around the edge of the mitigation area.


Motion to: adjourn the meeting at 7:45  p.m.

Was made by Commissioner Heffler
Seconded by Commissioner Phillips
The motion carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

Kathy Middleton
Recording Secretary