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IWA/CC Minutes 5-2-2007
MEMBERS PRESENT:        Chairperson Elizabeth Warren, Audrey Delnicki, Barbara Kelly, Richard Muller, and Jack Phillips

ALTERNATES PRESENT:     Mario Marrero sitting for Jim Kupchunos
        Roy Szoka Sitting for Carol Heffler

STAFF PRESENT:  Jeff Folger, Environmental Planner/Conservation Officer
Katherine J, Middleton, Recording Secretary

Chairperson Warren called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

ITEM:  Correspondence & Reports

Commission members received a memorandum adding application #07-27P, Tuscan Hills to be officially received by the Inlands Wetlands/Conservation Commission.

Warren reminded commission members about the testimonial honoring Matt Galligan, Barry Guliano, Marge Anthony to be held on May 24, 2007

ITEM:  Conservation Commission

Major Michael Donnelly Preserve

A new brochure for the Major Michael Donnelly Preserve was presented.  Jeff Folger stated that the brochures would be placed at the Preserve in holders that the Boy Scouts made. A raised observation platform was built by an Eagle Scout along the trail.   

Folger stated that this Saturday the Girls Scouts will plant three hundred irises at the Donnelly Preserve and seed under the new observation platform.  The scouts did a great job.  

ITEM:  Bonds

Motion to:      release erosion/sediment control bond for Unity Church near Mill on the River.  Present amount of bond is $2000.00; requested release of bond is $2000.00, remaining balance -0-.  

Was made by Commissioner Phillips
Seconded by Commissioner Delnicki
The motion carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

ITEM:  Minutes

The March 7, 2007 and April 18, 2007 minutes were distributed to commission members and will be reviewed and discussed at the next scheduled meeting.

ITEM:  Wetland Officer’s Report

No real problems given the amount of rain recently.  Folger stated that his focus during this storm was Evergreen Walk Phase 3.  He said that they are using the flock logs in their outlet and it seems to be working well.  It’s not crystal clear however it is noticeably cleaner than the water in the retention basin.

ITEM:  New Business

Public Hearing

App. 07-19P – ECHN 2
ECHN 2 Office West side of Buckland Road – Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission application to construct two medical office buildings, parking lots, storm water structures, and associated improvements on property located approximately 270 feet westerly of Buckland Road, and approximately 310 feet southerly of Deming Street, on portions of the “sixth” and “fourth” pieces of land owned by Evergreen Walk LLC.  

Frank Hubehy, of FLB Architecture and Planning came before the commission and gave a brief overview of the changes made to the plans
·       Two buildings are proposed instead of the one that was previously approved.  The buildings will be two stories high and the total of the two buildings is 1200 sq. ft. smaller. Total building area is 58,800 sq. ft.
·       Retention basin has been moved outside riparian buffer.  
·       Reduce the road with to 24 ft. with a side walk next to it.

Michelle Carlson, licensed engineer, Fuss & O’Neil came before the commission to explain changes that have been made to the plans
·       Basin is outside riparian buffer line
·       DEP approved a 36” culvert at the stream crossing.
·       Storm system is designed in accordance with Town regulations
·       The pipe system will convey the twenty-five year storm event
·       Detention basin will detain flows through the 100 year storm event
·       No increase in flow, or the rate of runoff from the site through the hundred year storm event.  All are less than existing conditions.
·       Roof runoff will be piped to a level spreader.
·       Level spreader has been moved due to a concern of velocity and erosion through it because of the way it was graded.
·       Storm drainage in the paved areas will be collected with catch basins and pipes and will be discharged into a swill concentrator type unit to help remove sediment
·       An undersized pipe present in the watercourse will be removed and opened up to allow the water to flow freely.
·       Rain gardens will be implemented for storm water renovation. Under drains will be placed under the rain gardens.
·       Silt fence will be placed all around the site for erosion control.

Warren questioned the tree line and whether it was defined.  Carlson said that will be shown in the revision.  Commissioner Kelly had a concern regarding the rain gardens and the slope.  Carlson stated that the existing land slopes at 5% from Buckland down to the wetlands the raingardens would be graded at a 2% slope.  Carlson stated that there is a cross section on the plans that shows the gravel and under drain.  Folger stated that he would recommend that once the rain gardens are ready to be installed they would need to excavate down to natural soil and then reinstall in that area. Carlson and Folger agreed that it would be noted on the plan.  Commissioner Muller asked which parcels would be included in the detention basin and if it is being sized for future development.  Carlson stated that the basin is designed to handle any development that occurs from the intermittent watercourse located between Highland Park and L.A. Fitness.

Jeff Shamas, program manager of Kleinfelder came before the commission to present a report on the wetland impact assessment.  Shamas stated that it is similar to previous application in terms of existing conditions.  Wetlands and conditions in the field haven’t changed but some of the proposed activities have.  
Wetland 1 - Plum Gulley Brook
        Wetland 2 – forested, shrub swamp to the west of proposed development
Wetland 3 – intermittent water course running between existing ECHN and proposed building
Changes being proposed are as follows:
·       plan has pulled away from the major impact area
·       relocation of detention basin, the reconfiguration has allowed the ability to diversify the storm water basin with some habitat features to make it more ecologically friendly
·       a serpentine low flow channel will be included, they are also proposing two large wet pockets for wetland species mostly sedges and different kinds of wetland grasses
·       along the inside bank, a variety of native wetland shrub species are added.
·       slope adjacent to the wetland area, a similar variety of wetland species will be added

Shamas, Folger and a representative from Fuss & O’Neil identified a swale that occurs at the outlet point of the detention basin and flows down to the wetland.  Shamas stated they would enhance the area underneath the tree canopy up to the wetland edge, proposing to protect that swale from the flows coming out because it shows signs of erosion.  Commissioner Szoka questioned the signs of erosion in the area of the swale and whether it would drain into the gully.  Shamas stated that it would drain, but the one they are draining to is in an upland area not a wetland area and they are proposing to place rip-rap at the outlet down to the edge of the wetland.

Muller expressed concern that the area to the right of the retention basin near the farm field area is pretty wet and questioned what it would evolve to since the area cannot be built upon.  Shamas stated that it would go through its normal ecological succession. Mostly pioneer species, brambles, it will be habitat for small mammals.  During the interim it will provide a grassland or scrub-shrub area within the next 5-10 years.  Muller questioned whether or not the invasives would take over.  Shamas said that if it was mowed and maintained the invasives would be controlled.  Folger stated that if it were mowed in the fall it would keep the woody vegetation out to a point.  Hubehy stated that the area that lines up with the riparian buffer is part of the front development envelope and that means it is a “no touch zone”.  Carlson stated that they are able to do some stream stabilization if there are outlets or small ditches that need stabilization for storm water discharge.  

Kelly asked if the DEP took the protected area and put other restrictions on it, because there was discussion of walking trails.  When the application was presented to the DEP, the description on the application describing the 100 meter riparian buffer included the wording used as a non-disturbance area”.  However, the Commission’s understanding of the way it was developed is that they didn’t want impervious surfaces within that area, but that mitigation would be appropriate.  But when the DEP was presented with the wording “non-disturbance” they interpreted it literally.  Warren asked if there was a provision for the trail in the riparian buffer.  Hubehy stated that there is but the trail cannot be a bituminous trail it can only be a pervious surface.  

Phillip Doyle of Landscape Architects came before the commission to show graphic representation which relates to the plantings and present changes that have been made to the plans.  
·       Town staff required 1 foot of topsoil in the area of the basin to allow more soil material for plants to grow.  Plans have been modified.
·       site will be planted with a mixture of oaks and flowering trees
·       they are seeking a deferment for parking and would like to leave a 60 foot area between parking and sidewalk undeveloped.
·       similar plant material will be used as in the rain gardens at ECHN 1

Warren asked if there was a planting list and does it include the plants on the outfall of the detention basin.  Doyle stated there is a planting list and it included the detention basin.  

Warren stated that she would like to have Doolittle’s comments addressed in writing and stated that the application would be continued to the next meeting for revisions and review of materials.

Warren confirmed that appl. #07-14P McGrath Re-subdivision has been postponed.  Folger stated that the limit is 65 days and therefore an extension would need to be granted.

App. #07-17W- Lots & More
Lots and More – 770 Sullivan Avenue - Inland Wetland Commission/Conservation Commission application for the construction of additional outdoor storage, and storm water structures for an existing commercial building on property located on the northerly side of Sullivan Avenue easterly of Troy Road. General Commercial (GC) zone.

Robert Arsenault, project engineer came before the commission and gave a brief history of the 6 acre lot which is owned by Lots & More.  Arsenault proposed the following:
Install two greenhouses
o       The green houses would only contain hanging plants.
Will be proposed as a two phase application
o       phase 1 – outdoor storage and stormwater management.
o       phase 2 – construct an 8500 sq. ft. building to the rear of existing building to enable materials and equipment to be stored for security as well as esthetics to the property
Temporary and permanent protection of the wetlands
o       Temporary - silt fence along the top of the bank
o       Permanent – 3 fold approach
§       no closed drainage system for the site, everything flows from the western side toward the Podunk River, proposing to put in a 10’ wide conveyance swale for collection off runoff from the site.
§       Two bio-filtration areas will be planted with a detention basin seed mix
§       An additional measure is to include a 15’ wide strip of non-disturbance area planted with cranberry, high bush blueberry and silky dogwood to protect the swale and wetlands

Warren questioned that the proposed greenhouse already exists.  Arsenault stated that the owners were given temporary permission from the PZC through a change order to erect the two “tent structures”.

 Warren questioned the amount of fill east of the site and how long it has been there because it looked recently disturbed and the fill included a lot of black top.  Dan Shoestock, stated that the fill has been there for about 30 years and has recently been disturbed by a plow during the past winter.  Warren asked what would be done with the pile of fill.  Shoestock stated that there would be a buffer of concrete blocks on the edge and the fill will be removed.  

Kelly questioned if the northern level spreader would be okay or is the water gong to concentrate as goes down the slope and cuts across the town property.  Folger stated that it was a gentle slope and there isn’t too much concern about concentration in that area and doesn’t anticipate a lot of high velocities carrying through the system because it is flat.  Arsenault commented that the soil is fairly well drained and a lot of the water that is conveyed in the ditch and then down into the filtration area will slowly seep into the ground rather than running out.

Warren asked if there are test pits.  Arsenault stated that there were not but Mr. Ianni, professional soil scientist did soil idnetification.  

Folger stated that with minor tweaking the site can shape-up.  The perimeter swale is a good idea.  The goal is to push the activities back off the top of the slope.  We want to ensure that if it happens, it happens in a controlled manner.  Folger feels that the addition of habitat shrubs will create a usable riparian shrub area that has been missing.  

Arsenault discussed the swale and the benefit of it offering protection because surface water will get trapped and discharged.  So it will reduce the amount of flow coming over the embankment possibly causing erosion.  Kelly stated that the setback at the top of the slope is the point commissioners are trying to make.  Warren commented that this was something we can discuss and come back with a revision at the next meeting.  

Muller had a question regarding the bins and whether or not they would block run off or if it would pool.  Arsenault stated that there are natural separations, between 4-6” gap that will allow the surface water to flow through.  Muller also had a concern that there was going to be enough pitch there to keep the area dry.  Arsenault stated that the area has been graded 1 to 1-1/2% to let surface water flow enough to drain but not enough to cause erosion.  

ITEM:  Other Business


ITEM:  Adjournment

Motion to:      adjourn the meeting at 8:50 p.m.

Was made by Commissioner Phillips
Seconded by Commissioner Delnicki
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

Respectfully submitted,

Katherine J Middleton, Recording Secretary