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IWA/CC Minutes 5-16-2007
MEMBERS PRESENT:        Chairperson Elizabeth Warren, Barbara Kelly, Richard Muller, John Phillips, James Kupchunos, Timothy Appleton

ALTERNATES PRESENT:           Mario Marrero sitting for Carol Heffler
Roy Szoka sitting for Audrey Delnicki
STAFF PRESENT:               Jeff Folger, Environmental Planner/Conservation Officer
    Kathy Middleton, Recording Secretary


Chairperson Elizabeth Warren called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.


Memorandum was received from Jeff Folger adding Jay’s Landscaping to the agenda as being received.  




The March 21, 2007, April 4, 2007, and May 2, 2007 meeting minutes were reviewed by the commission.  Minor changes to be made were noted by Warren.


Folger stated that it was pretty quiet last week.  


Folger stated that there is an entrance pad now at the Aldi Construction site; the detention basin is down about five (5) feet.  The outfall has been completed from the river upward.  That will be seeded sometime next week.  Warren asked if the stock piles along the street would be moved.  Folger stated that they would stay there as permanent berms.  Warren asked if they would be planted soon.  Folger stated that they would need to be stabilized.  The clay from the basin will be used as the core and then the top soil would be brought around the top.  Folger stated that the top soil had to remain on site because it is contaminated.  


Appl. #07-19P – ECHN 2 Office South – Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission application to construct two medical office buildings, parking lots, storm water structures, and associated improvements on property located approximately 270 feet westerly of Buckland Road, and approximately 310 feet southerly of Deming Street, on portions of the “sixth” and “fourth” pieces of land owned by Evergreen Walk LLC.

Frank Hubeny of FLB Architecture & Planning came before the commission and resubmitted the engineering and landscaping plans.  Hubeny stated that the basin area now reflects the wetlands plantings from Klein Felder and Jeff Shamas.  There was also discussion at the last meeting regarding roof runoff.  The level spreader and swale were relocated to an area closer to the riparian buffer which creates a more natural buffer and is less likely to cause erosion in the area.  Hubeny referenced the comments from Doolittle and stated that there were a lot of comments about pipe sizes, leveling of catch basins, and calculations.  Hubeny and Carlson met with Doolittle and reviewed and addressed his comments.  

Warren asked for Folgers comments.  Folger stated that he spoke with Jeff Doolittle and stated that Doolittle didn’t have any engineering comments that pertained to the wetlands.  

Warren asked for comments from the commission.  Muller asked if the questions from Doolittle would all be resolved.  Folger stated that it would be resolved through planning and zoning.  

Warren stated that the applicant made it clear that they had a deal with DEP and there wasn’t much they could do.  The commission discussed the possibility of sending a letter to the DEP themselves asking if they could allow the landowner to mow once a year to keep down the woody growth so the area stays a meadow as it currently is.  Kelly stated that the landscape designer indicated that they would have liked to maintain a meadow.  Warren reiterated her understanding that Michelle Carlson from Fuss & O’Neill stated that they had no objection to keeping the area meadow.   Michelle Carlson came before the commission and stated that they prefer to go with Jeff to the DEP and meet with Bob Gilmore verses writing a letter.  Hubeny clarified that it was an official DEP permit not a deal or agreement.  

Muller asked Hubeny who would be responsible for mowing the area yearly.  Hubeny stated that the property is owned by Evergreen Walk LLC. Hubeny stated that there is a land lease for this building but the road and the detention basin and the remaining areas around it are common elements that will be used by other areas of Evergreen Walk.  Kupchunos asked if the retention pond on Deming Street was going to be maintained by Evergreen Walk or if it would be the tenant’s responsibility.  Carlson stated that Evergreen Walk is responsible for maintaining the area and will be mowed in the next week or two. Muller stated that the timing of mowing is critical.  Kelly stated the importance of the fact that the commission is looking to establish maintenance of the meadow habitat.  Folger stated that the applicant would draft a maintenance plan and submit it to DEP in order to get an addendum on the permit.  Warren asked for additional comments and questions.  There were no more questions from the commission and no public participation.  

Phillips motioned to close the public hearing on appl. 07-19P at 7:30 p.m.  Szoka seconded the motion.  The motioned carried and the vote was unanimous.  

Motion to:      Approve with conditions- appl. 07-19P ECHN 2 Office South – Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission application to construct two medical office buildings, parking lots, storm water structures, and associated improvements on property located approximately 270 feet westerly of Buckland Road, and approximately 310 feet southerly of Deming Street, on portions of the “sixth” and “fourth” pieces of land owned by Evergreen Walk LLC.

Was made by:  Phillips
Was seconded by:  Kelly
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous
Phillips added that this application demonstrated the most feasible and prudent alternative to impacts to the wetlands.

Folger recommended a bond of 50,000 for storm water structures and will include habitat plantings and 50,000 for erosion and sediment control.

Kelly stated for the record that she walked the site and found that the changes that were made to the application was found to be an improvement and more favorable to the wetlands than the previously approved application was.

Kelly also stated for the record that it is the general consensus of the commission to manage the meadow habitat within 300 feet of the watercourse.  

Appl. #07- 17W – Lots and More – 770 Sullivan Avenue - Inland Wetland Commission/Conservation Commission application for the construction of additional outdoor storage, and storm water structures for an existing commercial building on property located on the northerly side of Sullivan Avenue easterly of Troy Road.  General Commercial (GC) zone.

Robert Arsenault, a professional engineer came before the commission to address plan and site revisions.  The following changes have been made to the site:
Ø       Materials that were deposited over the bank and wooded areas along the eastern and northern slopes have been removed.  
The following changes have been made to the plans:
Ø       10 foot-wide conveyance swale and 15 foot wide non-disturbance area as requested by Folger will be put on top of the slope.  

Kelly had a question regarding the tree line and whether the trees went all the way over to the top of the bank.  Arsenault stated that on the plans the canopy line is showing and that most of the tree line starts at the bottom of the slope.  The swale would collect the surface runoff.  The swales is designed with a high point in the northeast corner that splits so that some of the flow goes down to one bio-filtration area and the rest goes to another bio-filtration area with the riprap discharge down to the edge of the wetlands.  

Commission members expressed concern about the type of material would be on pallets outside.  Elaine Bulakar, Manager of Lots & More came before the commission and stated that there would be mulch, decorative stone, and topsoil.  Nothing that is water soluble will go outside and all fertilizers are kept inside.  Kupchunos questioned the drainage under the bins.  Arsenault stated that the bins would be on concrete barriers and the barriers would be on top of compacted process stone.     

Warren asked Folger for his comments.  Folger stated that he was satisfied.  Warren asked for other questions or concerns from the commission.  Marrero stated that there are two pools and one was treated with a riprap and the other there is a spreader and asked what the thought process was on doing it that way.   Arsenault stated that that on one there was a steeper slope, and to make sure that the discharge from that better confined into a riprap ditch instead of letting it spill along the slope and possibly cause erosion.  On the other side the slope is much flatter and much further away from the wetlands so in that case, because of the amount of woods in that area, the woody matter would be under growth so the level spreader would spread it out evenly.  

Motion to:      Approve with standard terms and conditions - Appl. # 07-17W,  Lots and More – 770 Sullivan Avenue - Inland Wetland Commission/Conservation Commission application for the construction of additional outdoor storage, and storm water structures for an existing commercial building on property located on the northerly side of Sullivan Avenue easterly of Troy Road. General Commercial (GC) zone.
Was made by Commissioner Phillips
Seconded by Commissioner Muller
The motion carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

Folger recommended a bond in the amount of $5,000 be submitted to the Planning & Zoning Commission to ensure compliance with the erosion and sediment control measures and a 5,000 bond for the structure swale.

Appl. #07-22P – Quarry Brook Village II SRD – 972 Pleasant Valley Road – Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission application for the construction of a four unit Senior Residence Development on 4.7 acres, storm water structures, parking and associated improvements on property located easterly of Pleasant Valley Road.  Rural Residence (RR) Zone.

Galen Semperbon, Professional Engineer for Design Professionals came before the commission to represent the applicant who purchased a single residence to remove and construct four senior residence development units on the property.  Semperbon stated the following:
Ø       the units would share the existing entrance way
Ø       existing parking area would be reconfigured, more parking spaces added
Ø       proposing to expand the existing detention basin in the rear to accommodate the increased impervious coverage on the site
Ø       adding a small amount of additional pavement
Ø       only impact within the upland review area is for the expansion of the basin itself
Ø       existing outlet structure would be utilized and expand the basin
Warren stated that Folger suggested a temporary barrier in the detention basin during the construction and asked if that was on the plan.  Semperbond stated the plan has been revised to address Folger’s comments and will put a temporary barrier to help get it stabilized and then remove the barrier so there would be the least amount of potential impact to the structure.  A stock pile has also been integrated per Folger’s request and a construction entrance pad, as well as a flock log.  

Warren stated that she and Jeff had walked the site and noticed a lot of debris and asked if the debris would be removed.  Semperbon stated that it is an ongoing process and the site would be cleaned up as part of the site development.  

Muller asked if the demolition of the existing building would be standard and if there were any issues associated with the building.  Semperbon stated that he was not aware of any issues and if there were any issues such as asbestos, it would have to be removed according to code.  

Warren asked Folger for additional comments.  The current parcel is turf grass even into the wetland line to the far eastern portion of the new property and by placing the basin where it will be as shown on the plans, we will have a large undisturbed area between the basin and the wetlands.

Motion to:      Approve with standard terms and conditions - Appl. #07-22P – Quarry Brook Village II SRD – 972 Pleasant Valley Road – Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission application for the construction of a four unit Senior Residence Development on 4.7 acres, storm water structures, parking and associated improvements on property located easterly of Pleasant Valley Road.  Rural Residence (RR) Zone.

Was made by Commissioner Kelly
Seconded by Commissioner Phillips
The motion carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

Folger recommended a bond in the amount of $2000 be submitted to the Planning & Zoning
Commission to ensure compliance with the erosion and sediment control measures and $1000
bond for establishment of basin.

Appl. #07-27P – Tuscan Hills – 206 Buckland Road - Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission application for a commercial plaza on 2.7 acres, storm water structures, parking and associated improvements on property located easterly of Buckland Road. Buckland Gateway Development Zone (GD) Zone.

Motion to:      Hold public hearing on June 20, 2007 - Appl. #07-27P – Tuscan Hills – 206 Buckland Road - Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission application for a commercial plaza on 2.7 acres, storm water structures, parking and associated improvements on property located easterly of Buckland Road due to the potential for significant impact to wetlands or watercourses and public interest. Buckland Gateway Development Zone (GD) Zone.

Was made by Commissioner Phillips
Seconded by Commissioner Appleton
The motion carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

ITEM:  Adjournment

Motion to: adjourn the meeting at 8:29  p.m.

Was made by Commissioner Phillips
Seconded by Commissioner Muller
The motion carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

Respectfully Submitted,

Katherine Middleton
Recording Secretary