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IWA/CC Minutes 7-19-2006

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Chairperson Elizabeth Warren, Audrey Delnicki, Barbara Kelly, Richard Muller, and Jack Phillips

ALTERNATES PRESENT:     Roy Szoka sitting for vacant seat
        Jim Kupchunos sitting for Carol Heffler

STAFF PRESENT:  Jeff H. Folger, Environmental Planner/Conservation Officer
Deborah W. Reid, Recording Secretary

Chairperson Warren called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

ITEM:  Correspondence and Reports

The Commission received correspondence from Representative Bill Aman.  There is a section that is on open space which explains that the Town can protect the open space more effectively through the courts.  

ITEM:  Minutes

The minutes of June 21, 2006 and July 5, 2006 were both approved by general consensus of the Commission.

ITEM:  Conservation Commission

There has been renewed interest in volunteers (adults and retirees who reside in South Windsor) to help complete the Major Michael Donnelly loop trail.  There are also two scouts that would like to help with portions of the trail.  This project is projected to be complete by October, 2006.

ITEM:  New Business

Appl. #06-31P – Copper Ridge – RSK Kellco Subdivision

Mr. Bruce Kelley from RSK Kellco came before the Commission.  He explained that the Commission had a few concerns at the last meeting which will be addressed tonight.  The first issue was regarding the detention basin on Nancy Drive.  The basin has been reconstructed in order to accommodate both water quantity and quality.  The catch basins have been modified in order to catch silt during construction.

Jeff stated that the changes will alleviate concerns regarding the subsurface material that is expected to be excavated.  Jeff did recommend that the stockpiles be placed in the eastern rear portion of the site.  The applicant is showing a double row of silt fencing and hay bales around the stockpiles.  The installation of two temporary sediment basins will be built right into the anti-tracking pad.  

Motion to:      approve with conditions appl. #06-31P – Copper Ridge – RSK Kellco Subdivision – 840 Pleasant Valley Road – Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission application to create an eleven lot residential subdivision, public road and associated improvements on property located easterly of Pleasant Valley Road and northerly of Lefoll Blvd., A-20 Residential zone.

Was made by Commissioner Kelly
Seconded by Commissioner Delnicki
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous


1.      One blueprint copy of the entire set of plans and this letter reproduced thereon, must be submitted to this Commission.  This must be completed within 65 days of approval prior to any construction activity on the site.  Plans submitted to Planning & Zoning Commission shall be considered having met this requirement.
2.      The application shall indemnify and hold harmless the Town of South Windsor against any liability, which might result from the proposed operation or use.

3.      The permit is valid for five years and shall expire on July 19, 2011.  It is the landowner(s)/applicant(s) responsibility to track expiration dates and notify the Commission of a renewal request at least 65 days prior to expiration.

4.      All approvals required must be obtained and submitted prior to any activity on the site.

5.      A contact person shall be identified on the plans.

6.      We recommend a bond in the amount of $10,000 be submitted to the Planning & Zoning Commission to ensure compliance with the erosion and sediment control measures.

7.      We recommend a bond in the amount of $10,000 be submitted to the Planning & Zoning Commission to ensure establishment of the stormwater structure.

8.      A conservation easement to be placed in the rear of lots 2 and 3 as presented.

9.      Cut the high point down to 82 between the inlet plunge pool and water quality channel.

10.     Clarify the existing elevations in and around the basin.

11.     Show a detail for modifications proposed to the outlet structure.

12.     Specify the stone size for the inlet energy dissipater.

Appl. #06-32P – AME Plumbing Site plan

Ms. Karen Isherwood from Design Professionals, Inc. came before the Commission.  She explained that she was present to address concerns expressed at the last scheduled meeting.  This proposal is for an 8400 square foot building with 24 parking spaces.   The mound shown on the plans is on site but is covered with brush.  Disturbance with a 40’ upland review area is 12,500 square feet and disturbance with an 80’ upland review area is 25,500 square feet.  

Jeff explained to the Commission that for all practical purposes, the applicant can show the 40’ upland review area, but it is appropriate for the applicant to show the 80’ upland review area as well as the amount of disturbance because the 80’ upland review area is what the Commission is approving.

Answering questions from the Commission, Ms. Isherwood explained that there is currently silt fencing around the swale.  Notes will be added to the plan to add constructed fence at the limits of clearing along with the silt fencing.  A line for the 80’ upland review area will also be added to the plans.

Jeff added comments that the enlargement of the grass swale meets the requirements for the water quality volume.  The applicant’s intention is to mirror the swale on the Total Fitness property.  

Motion to:      approve with conditions appl. #06-32P – AME Plumbing Site plan – Nutmeg Road South – Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission application to construct an industrial building, parking, stormwater structures, and associated improvements on property located easterly of Nutmeg Road South, I Industrial zone.

Was made by Commissioner Phillips
Seconded by Commissioner Szoka
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous


1.      One blueprint copy of the entire set of plans and this letter reproduced thereon, must be submitted to this Commission.  This must be completed within 65 days of approval prior to any construction activity on the site.  Plans submitted to Planning & Zoning Commission shall be considered having met this requirement.

2.      The application shall indemnify and hold harmless the Town of South Windsor against any liability, which might result from the proposed operation or use.

3.      The permit is valid for five years and shall expire on July 19, 2011.  It is the landowner(s)/applicant(s) responsibility to track expiration dates and notify the Commission of a renewal request at least 65 days prior to expiration.

4.      All approvals required must be obtained and submitted prior to any activity on the site.

5.      A contact person shall be identified on the plans.

6.      The plan will be amended to show construction fence at the limit of clearing.

7.      The 80 foot setback line will be placed on the plans.

8.      The plans to be revised to show the impact for the 80 foot upland review area with a note on the plan.

9.      We recommend a bond in the amount of $5,000 be submitted to the Planning & Zoning Commission to ensure compliance with the erosion and sediment control measures.

10.     We recommend a bond in the amount of $5,000 be submitted to the Planning & Zoning Commission to ensure establishment of the swale.

ITEM:  Applications Received

Appl. #06-39P – Town of South Windsor Fire Station – 625 Sullivan Avenue

Motion to:      hold a public hearing on September 6, 2006 on appl. #06-39P – Town of South Windsor – 625 Sullivan Avenue – Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission application to construct a building, parking, stormwater structures, and associated improvement son property located southerly of Sullivan Avenue, GC (General Commercial) zone, due to public interest and potential significant impact to the wetlands.

Was made by Commissioner Phillips
Seconded by Commissioner Szoka
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

ITEM:  Adjournment

Motion to:      adjourn the meeting at 8:10 p.m.

Was made by Commissioner Phillips
Seconded by Commissioner Kelly
The motion: carried
The vote was as follows: unanimous

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah W. Reid
Recording Secretary