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IWA/CC Minutes 6-21-2006

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Chairperson Elizabeth Warren, Timothy Appleton, Audrey Delnicki, Carol Heffler, Barbara Kelly and James Kupchunos

STAFF PRESENT:  Jeff H. Folger, Environmental Planner/Conservation Officer
Deborah W. Reid, Recording Secretary

Chairperson Warren called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.

ITEM:  Correspondence and Reports

The following two applications have been received:  application #06-31P – Copper Ridge and application #06-32P – AME Plumbing site plan.

Jeff explained the correspondence that has been received from the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection regarding Metals Testing Company.  This is notification to the Town that they are renewing their permit to discharge wastewater into the Water Pollution Control Facility.

Jeff sent to Commission members a statute that has been out for three years.  This statute holds harmless Commissions when listening to pre-application hearings.

An e-mail regarding the U.S. Supreme Courts split over Wetlands Protection was discussed by the Commission.

ITEM:  Minutes

The minutes of May 17, 2006 and June 7, 2006 were approved by general consensus of the Commission.

ITEM:  Conservation Commission

The Major Michael Donnelly trails will be finished at the staff level.  Volunteers will be welcomed to help complete construction of 450’ of boardwalk.

Commissioner Kelly explained that at the Leadership Rountable there was an individual who stated that there is a group of people that would like to create a trail that would allow the condo units access to the trails.

ITEM:  Wetland Officers Report

Jeff explained that the Commission received two applications.  Both applications deal with activities within the upland review areas.  Jeff will be available for site walks.

ITEM:  New Business

Pre-application discussion – Town of South Windsor firehouse site plan – 625 Sullivan Avenue

Mr. Brian Humes of Jacunski Humes Architects, LLC came before the Commission.  He explained that the new firehouse/ambulance facility will be located at 625 Sullivan Avenue.  This facility will replace firehouse #3.  The building is proposed to be 22,000 square feet.  This site meets the needs of the fire/ambulance facility and has available acreage for current and future use.  There are issues that should be discussed regarding the design of the facility such as the distance the building sits from Sullivan Avenue and egress and access on/off of the site.

Mr. Phil Barlow, a Landscape Architect came before the Commission.  Mr. Barlow showed the Commission scheme A which shows a 25,000 square foot one story building.  The fire facility will have three bays and the ambulance facility will have two bays.  Impacts will include the entrance driveway and will be eliminating a small isolated wetland.  The direct wetlands disturbance will be approximately 3,000 square feet.  Scheme B has less disturbance.  The direct wetlands disturbance has been calculated to approximately 1,500 square feet.  Mitigation is proposed would be to supplement a larger isolated wetland.

Answering questions from the Commission, Mr. Barlow explained that the building will be 115’ from the street in scheme B and 90’ from the street in scheme A.  All vehicles will be washed inside the building.  The wetland within the wooded area will be left undisturbed.

Commissioner Kelly felt the area where the driveway bisects the wetlands in the front could remain a wetland area/rain garden. Mr. Barlow stated that would remain undisturbed.  The area to the rear of the proposed station could remain undisturbed.  Mr. Humes explained that this site has been logged previously.

Mr. Phil Crombie, Fire Chief came before the Commission.  He stated that he feels scheme A is the best plan in his view because when fire and ambulance vehicles are leaving the site, it is important to be able to see as far as possible in both directions.  In scheme B with the building set further back, the tree area is lengthened and diminishes visibility.  This scheme would also create difficulty because of the design of the driveway would present a tight turning radius for the fire trucks.

Answering questions from the Commission, Chief Crombie stated that there should not be any problems for the fire trucks maneuvering in the rear driveway because the driveway is 22’ in width.

Mr. George Logan from REMA Ecological came before the Commission.  He explained that he went to the site and identified the wetland areas, and concurs with the previous delineation done by Highland Soils.  There was one wetland area that is located off site that was not identified, Mr. Logan stated he would do so for future necessity.  A large portion of the site does not have mature vegetation.  There will be tests conducted to determine if a vernal pool exists on the property.  Mr. Logan described the wetlands on the site and explained the functions and values of the wetlands.  Mr. Logan stated that because of health and safety reasons, scheme A would be a better plan.  Wetland mitigation should be proposed in an area where clear cutting has taken place, this can be determined at a later time.

Mr. Humes stated, as the Commission can see, there is work to be done.  Prior to an application being submitted it was felt that comments by the Commission should be considered first.  Construction is being proposed to begin next spring.

Jeff expressed the following regarding this plan:

1.      With the layout as planned, he is not sure you can count the interior wetland pocket as being undisturbed.
2.      In sketch A, by isolating and removing the canopy, there is an impact to the wetlands.  The applicant needs to stay under the 5,000 square foot threshold to avoid Army Corps jurisdiction.
3.      The small interior wetland pocket may provide an opportunity to utilize mitigation in that area and provide a function for what is being lost.  There should not be a large pollution load, so he would like a net benefit with the mitigation.

Answering questions from the Commission, Mr. Logan explained that the wetland closest to the road is second growth.  There are some larger trees and the front portion has less mature vegetation with some open meadows.  Mr. Logan explained the

problem with removing trees from a wetlands area is if there is any type of disturbance, it is considered a fill situation.  Chairperson Warren felt the area could be level cut, mowed once a year, and left as a meadow type area.

Jeff stated that either one of the designs is going to isolate that area and would also isolate the eastern portion of the front wetlands as well.  Wildlife value of this area will be compromised no matter what happens here.  Enhancements should be considered in the mitigation.  Conservation easements may be something to consider as part of mitigation.

Commissioner Kelly felt items that she would like discussed if an application comes before Wetlands is impervious surface of both plans should be quantified.  The exterior space is necessary but there will be a need to be careful.  If in this area there is a vernal pool, a conservation easement should be established.

Jeff suggested utilizing the depressed area for a rain garden to try to turn into a positive situation and do something with landscaping.

After a short discussion regarding the parking area, it was stated that additional parking should be discouraged because this facility will not be used for public functions.  The fire station, as well as the ambulance will have training rooms.  Parking for both facilities have been calculated and are reflected in the number of parking spaces placed on the plans.

ITEM:  Other Business

Report on DEP Wetland Commissioners training session

Jeff explained the two issues that were discussed.  The first issue was Wetland Commissions rendering decisions based on activities within the upland review areas and the decision being overturned in Court.  The Wetland Commissions need to determine if there is a likely impact to wetlands, not potential, and the decision must be supported by the record.  The other main issue discussed was creating a provision in the regulations which would allow the Commission to charge extra permit fees in the event that further expert testimony is necessary over and above Town staff.  An applicant would be charged for this experts testify given to the Commission.

Regulation revision Sub-Committee

A sub-committee consisting of Commissioners Kelly, Phillips, and Appleton was established to review the regulations and make necessary revisions.  Jeff explained that

DEP has model regulations which suggest changes based on court cases within the last five years.

Leadership Roundtable

Commissioner Kelly gave an overview of issues that were discussed at the Leadership Rountable.

Jeff will be contacting DEP to inquire if there are revised wetland handbooks available.  Commission members will also be receiving Wetland Commissioner Training dvd’s.

Mill on the River

Jeff explained that the Mill on the River is proposing an addition to their sunroom.  The addition will be approximately 10’ x 30’ and will entail bringing 220 cubic feet of fill in to construct the foundation.  The addition will be within the upland review area.  There will be fill also within the flood plain.  Jeff stated he brought this before the Commission to see if an application would be necessary.  Commission members discussed this issue and felt that Town staff could handle this application as a minimal impact by Town staff.

ITEM:  Adjournment

Motion to:      adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m.

Was made by Commissioner Delnicki
Seconded by Commissioner Kupchunos
The motion: carried
The vote was as follows: unanimous

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah W. Reid
Recording Secretary