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IWA/CC 5-18-2005

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Chairperson Elizabeth Warren, Philip Forzley, William Grace, Barbara Kelly, and Jack Phillips

STAFF PRESENT:  Jeff H. Folger, Environmental Planner/Conservation Officer
Debbie Reid, Recording Secretary

ITEM:  Correspondence and Reports

The Commission had a discussion on a newsletter from The Connecticut Federation of Planning & Zoning Agencies.  It was based on a Court decision that overturned a Wetland Commission’s decision because one of the conditions of approval had to do with a created wetland and they left it to Town Staff to approve the design of the wetlands.  The Commission approved an application with mitigation but the mitigation was not part of the plan.  The decision was appealed and the Court upheld it and considered it an incomplete application.  It was felt there should be a complete plan prior to a Commission taking action on an application.

Chairperson Warren told the Commission that she has been attending a Land Use Alliance Seminar.  There have been four sessions, which are on CD if anyone is interested in looking at them.

The Commission discussed doing a natural resource inventory in South Windsor.  One was done in 1989, but vernal pools were not included.  The Commission will approach Town Council in order to get funding to do a natural resource inventory.  Jeff will get cost estimates.

ITEM:  Minutes

The April 6, 2005 minutes were approved with a correction by general consensus of the Commission.

ITEM:  Conservation Commission

Major Michael Donnelly property

Jeff told the Commission that there was a Girl Scout Troop that planted 250 Iris bulbs at the property and they also spread wood chips on approximately 100 feet of the trail.
ITEM:  Public Hearing

Appl. #05-31W – Victory Outreach Ministries

Mr. Dana Steel from J.R. Russo  & Associates came before the Commission to represent this application.  He explained that he has received Town Engineers comments and all concerns will be addressed.  

Chairperson Warren stated that she is concerned about the possibility of erosion.  Mr. Steel responded to this concern explaining that this problem would be in East Windsor and would address this issue with them.  She stated that she would be more comfortable with more clarification on that issue.  Jeff stated that while that watercourse is in East Windsor, the resulting sedimentation will flow back into South Windsor.

Attorney Antoinette Webster came before the Commission.  She explained that the applicant will need to go in front of East Windsor’s Inland Wetlands and Planning & Zoning Commission.  If this Commission would like to make a condition of approval that the East Windsor IWA/CC Commission be made aware of South Windsor IWA/CC concerns, that would be acceptable.

Mr. Michael Gragnolati, a Soil Scientist came before the Commission.  He found that there appeared to have been a lot of soil removal and/or soil movement at the site.  Invasive species are found on the site because of the soil movement.  The applicant is proposing to construct a grass swale, which will allow fines to be trapped.  Most of the area is flat so there should not be concern with water velocity, but the land is steeper when entering in East Windsor.  

Jeff Folger stated that he feels this is a better alternative then the original plan.  There will be a substantial water quality benefit with this plan.  Jeff recommended different plantings to be used in order to slow water flows.  He also recommended that as part of the mitigation plan the phragmites on the site be removed.

Answering questions from the Commission, Mr. Steel stated that there is a stormwater maintenance plan but will add specifics to the plan.  Jeff suggested that a   maintenance period be established with bonding to be held for a three-year period.  

Commission members discussed items they would like to see on the plan for the June 1, 2005 meeting:  swale on the plans; maintenance of the swale on the plan, where armoring will take place on the plan and stabilization.

The application was continued until the June 1, 2005 meeting.

ITEM:  Adjournment

Motion to:      adjourn the meeting at 7:46 p.m.

Was made by Commissioner Kelly
Seconded by Commissioner Phillips
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

Respectfully submitted

Debbie Reid, Recording Secretary