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IWA/CC 6-2-2004

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Chairperson Elizabeth Warren, Audrey Delnicki, Philip Forzley, Carol Heffler, Barbara Kelly, Richard Muller, Jack Phillips, and Audrey Wasik

ALTERNATES PRESENT:     Donald Gates sitting for William Grace

STAFF PRESENT:  Jeffrey H. Folger, Environmental Planner/Conservation Officer
Debbie Reid, Recording Secretary

ITEM:  Correspondence and Reports

East Hartford Sand and Gravel

Their permit will expire this year and they have not received an Army Corp. approval.  No mitigation has been done.  Jeff will send them a letter.

Correspondence was received regarding The Key Word Is "In":  A Summary of the Legislature's Amendment to the Inland Wetlands Act.  This was written by Tim Hollister and Matt Ranelli.

There is a DEP seminar on Saturday, June 14, 2004 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Storrs.  The seminar is regarding Legal Issues.

Michael Donnelly Property

The second boardwalk has been completed and 200 feet of the trail has been cleared.  The next phase will include construction of 60 feet of boardwalk and 300 feet of trail clearing.  This should be complete this month.  This will bring the trail to the middle of the property.

On June 5, 2004 the cub scouts will be placing fifteen pounds of minnows into the pond at the Major Michael Donnelly property.  The minnows will be a food source for the fish presently there and fish to be stocked.

ITEM:  Wetland Officer’s Report

Evergreen Walk

There is an issue with red water leaving the site at Evergreen Walk during heavy storms.  This is an expected consequence of development in these soils.

The work being done on the detention basin and the seeding being performed should help reduce this problem once there is establishment of the grass.

ITEM:  Public Hearing

Appl. #04-33P River Walk

Barbara Barbour came before the Commission to read a letter she had written (Attachment A).  Ms. Barbour talked about the different alternatives that were discussed for this site.  It was decided that senior housing would be best suited for this property.  There will be 18 units developed on 5.17 acres.  There was an access drive created that Mitchell Fuel and this development will share.

Mr. Peter DeMallie from Design Professionals came before the Commission.  He explained the he had received comments from Town staff and has made the necessary revisions.  The applicant is proposing a conservation easement that will consist of just over 5 acres and would be contiguous to the Major Michael Donnelly property and a conservation easement on the Aman property.  There is a proposed 4,000 square feet of disturbance on site and 4,000 square feet of temporary disturbance, which is proposed for the gravity flow sanitary sewer.

Ms. Karen Isherwood, a Professional Engineer with Design Professionals came before the Commission.  She explained that currently on the property there is an existing vacant single family home.  She explained that she has addressed all Town staff comments.  The site consists of 12.2 acres.  A swale has been provided in order to pick up the runoff to the east, which is located behind all of the units and will carry along with the discharge from roof leaders.  There will be a series of catch basins designed to collect stormwater runoff and bring it to a detention basin.  There will be public utilities for the entire site.  A more detailed construction sequence has been provided.  Stockpiles have been relocated and roof leaders will discharge onto splash pads that will encourage infiltration.  There will be 4,800 square feet of temporary disturbance proposed for the installation of the sanitary sewer line offsite. There is a stand of natural trees on the lot that Mr. Pollack would like to protect.  On the plans there is a 2-foot high stone wall to prevent encroachment onto the lawn.   A chain linked fenced could be erected temporarily at the limits of construction of each wetland location which would eliminate the 1,500 square feet as potential disturbance.

Mr. Richard Boston, a Landscape Architect with Design Professionals came before the Commission.  He explained that flow patterns would not be altered on site.  Best management practices have been used for the stormwater and landscaping.  The entranceway is going to have a slight slope back towards the road so any runoff from the highway will be kept within the highway storm drainage system.  The gazebo will be on concrete piers in order to have minimal disturbance to the wetlands during the construction of the gazebo.  There will be only one access point to get in and out of the gazebo.  Mr. Boston stated he feels this plan fits into the surrounding environment and will not negatively affect any abutting properties.  There will be no disturbance to the 100-year flood line. Mr. Boston is proposing native buffering adjacent to the wetlands.  The basin is proposed to be wet and will have suitable plant material.

Ms. Karen Isherwood informed Commission members that there had been a meeting with Town staff and it was discussed to eliminate the sidewalk on the outside loop of the road within the development.  There will be a sidewalk proposed along the front of the property.

Mr. Ed Pollack from CT. EcoSystems reviewed the revisions made to the conservation easement.  There will be 1.88 acres of impervious surface on this site.  Mitigation for the recharge that will be eliminated in the 1.88 aces of impervious coverage consisting of work in the water quality basin.  Water will have an opportunity to infiltrate into the groundwater system and then eventually to the wetlands.  The swales are also a way of mitigation.  Areas where there will be wetland disturbance for some units in order to create a rear yard could be required to be rototiled as part of the lawn establishment, along with the placement of topsoil, seeding and mulching.  The buffer area will be supplemented with additional plantings and near the gazebo invasive species will be removed.  Answering questions, Mr. Pollack stated he feels the basin will become a wetland over time.  Commissioner Muller felt that the buildings are much too close to the wetlands.  Ms. Isherwood stated that the activities happening will not impact the wetlands.  The use will need to be looked at to see if it will impact wetlands.  The design chosen is the best alternative with the least impacts.  

Commissioner Wasik felt that constructing 18 units is crunching this site and further discussion concerning prudent and feasible alternatives should be presented.  Mr. Isherwood explained that 18 units are what the applicant could fiscally achieve.  Ms. Isherwood also offered that a stone wall be constructed in order to prevent future impacts to the wetlands.

Mr. Pollack told the Commission that there would be a greater than 80% removal of pollutants from this site.  There will be 4’ basins with a trap hood at the last basin will be used along with a maintenance plan.

After a lengthy discussion, it was decided that the Commission would correspond with the Planning & Zoning Commission to voice their concern regarding the 15’ high buffer that is required to be erected at this site.  This buffer would ruin the vista from Sullivan Avenue.

A drainage swale is proposed along the rear of the units.  Roof leaders will go onto splash pads.

Commissioner Forzley stated he would like to see the conservation easement area expanded.

Jeff explained that he is in agreement with Mr. Pollack’s report.  This is a high quality wetland system.  Mr. Folger would like to see the buildings moved closer to the road.  The storm water system is adequate.  High organic top soil should be used in the basin and in topsoil.  The Commission discussed at length what they would like to see on the plans for the next meeting:

The units moved further away from the wetlands, including unit #’s 16, 17 and 18).
Revised plan with sidewalks removed.
Unit #15 moved closer to the finger of wetlands (shift to center).

Continue the public hearing until the next scheduled meeting.

ITEM:  Old Business


Commissioner Wasik stated that the bylaw revisions would be reviewed after DEP has responded to comments made by the sub-committee.

ITEM:  Adjournment

Motion to       adjourn the meeting at 8:50 p.m.

Was made by Commissioner Heffler
Seconded by Commissioner Phillips
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows: unanimous

Respectfully submitted

Deborah W. Reid
Recording Secretary