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IWA/CC 5-19-2004

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Chairperson Elizabeth Warren, William Grace, Carol Heffler, Barbara Kelly, Richard Muller, Jack Phillips, and Audrey Wasik

STAFF PRESENT:  Jeffrey H. Folger, Environmental Planner/Conservation Officer
Debbie Reid, Recording Secretary

ITEM:  Correspondence and Reports

Senate Bill 445

Commissioner Wasik explained that this bill has passed through both Chambers and is awaiting for the Governor’s signature.

Jeff said that the major change to the bill is that if there is an impact to the physical characteristics of a wetland, the impacts to the wildlife and plant communities can also be considered.

Chairperson Warren informed the Commission that she and Commissioner Kelly had attended a conference at the Tolland Agricultural Center.  There was a gentleman who is on the Scantic Watershed Council.  He stated he would like to see a representative from South Windsor at the Scantic Watershed Council meetings.  Commissioner Phillips said he may be able to attend the meetings but would like to discuss it further with Jeff before a definite decision is made.

Jeff informed Commission members that there is one seat available for the DEP’s Legal Issues Workshop on June 12th at Storrs.

ITEM:  Minutes

The May 5, 2004 minutes were approved by general consensus of the Commission.

ITEM:  Conservation Commission

Jeff told the Commission that there will be a work party going to start construction on the second boardwalk on May 20, 2004.  There is a third Eagle Scout interested in doing a project.

Town staff will be establishing a five year plan for the Major Michael Donnelly property.  On the management plan, Town staff will show improvements to the trail system, educational opportunities, picnic area opportunities and multi-use passive recreation areas.  With the plan there will be an information brochure showing a map of the property.  The Town would like to see that produced by August.

A cubscout troop will be stocking the pond at the Major Michael Donnelly property with minnow.

ITEM:  Wetland Officer’s Report

Inspections are ongoing.

Evergreen Walk

A lot of the slopes have been seeded.  Work on the detention basin and the rest of the seeding should be complete by next week, as well as the slopes from the street.

ITEM:  New Business

Appl. #04-33P – River Walk

Commission members discussed in length the issue regarding the applicant not submitting all of the necessary information in a timely manner.  The Commission decided they would open the public hearing but only wanted to hear general information on this application.  The more detailed information could be heard at the next scheduled meeting.

Mr. Peter DeMallie, Principal with Design Professionals came before the Commission.  He explained that River Walk is a proposed Senior Residence Development for individuals 55 years of age and older.  The development will contain eighteen units.  The site is just over 12 acres and it is being proposed to develop 5 ½ to 6 acres of this site.  The most significant impact is a temporary disturbance which is associated with the cross country sanitary sewer line, so this development will be able to tie into the existing sewer line on Strong Road.  All other impacts will not have any filling or cutting in the regulated area or wetlands.  In order to construct or do any work around the buildings, it will be necessary to go into the wetlands.  The temporary and permanent impacts will be mitigated.

Ms. Karen Isherwood from Design Professionals came before the Commission.  She explained that the site has existing utilities already available.  The stormwater runoff will be collected through a series  of catch basins, through underground drainage piping to a water quality basin located down grade to the rear just outside of the wetland area.  The bottom of the basin will remain wet.  There is disturbance approximately 14,000 square feet being proposed for this project.  Erosion and sedimentation control measure being taken are silt fencing down gradient of all disturbed areas, anti-tracking pad at the entrance onto Sullivan Avenue, and a small temporary sedimentation basin located outside each proposed catch basin.  The temporary stockpiles will be relocated to a different location than shown on the plans and will also revise the sequence of events.  Berms will be placed down grade in order to divert runoff to the basins.

Mr. Richard Boston, Landscape Architect from Design Professionals came before the Commission.  He explained that the driveway to this site was made higher along with the existing curbing and will keep runoff on Rte. 30.  A treed buffer will be increased in order to separate this site from the other zones.  Re-seeding will be done along the wetland perimeter with a wetland seed mix, which is a low maintenance seed mix with wildflowers.  The detention basin will be planted with a herbacious plant material and shrubbery at the outlet.  There will be a 10 foot mowed strip adjacent to the buildings or the road and it is being proposed for the rest of the area to go back to a natural situation.

Mr. Ed Pollack, a Registered Soil Scientist and Certified Professional Wetlands Scientist from Connecticut EcoSystsm came before the Commission.  He explained that the majority of the wetlands are found within the flood plain of the Podunk River.  Thirty two wildlife species were identified on this site and DEP was contacted to see if there is any state listed species know to be on this site.  In 1970 there was record of a horned lark in this area, but since that time, the area has changed and is no longer suitable for this species.  Mr. Pollack described the invasive species found on site.

Wetlands impacts:

The sewer line crossing will be a temporary disturbance.  The area can be restored by stockpiling the soils out of the trench, putting back to grade and seeding the area as recommended.
The construction of the basin will create a disturbance. This area should be restored by grading and applying the New England Wetland seed mix.

The remaining wetland impacts are primarily along the edges of the wetlands.  The water quality basin is designed to retain the first flush of stormwater runoff.  
Mr. Pollack has recommended a turf management plan in order to limit the runoff of lawn chemicals into the wetlands.
A conservation easement is recommended for the portion of the site that will not be disturbed.  The limits of the conservation easement can be discussed with the Commission.  
A walking trail is proposed to be constructed along the edge of the basin.

Mr. DeMallie informed the Commission that the applicants have attempted to contact the neighboring property owners to describe to them the plans for this site.

Commission members discussed the items they would like the applicant to address at the next meeting.  The are as follows:

The closeness the structure is proposed to the wetlands.  More options should be discussed.
Would like more discussion regarding the wetland area and the efforts of protection that have gone up and down the corridor for the Podunk.
Would like to hear about prudent and feasible alternatives.
More alternatives regarding the design of the property.


Attorney Keith Yagalogg, representing Marilyn Morrison came before the Commission to discuss this application.  He explained that his client is not opposed to this application, but has two concerns.  The first is that if the buffer is created, the vista will not be seen from Sullivan Avenue.  The other concern is that the change to the buffer will affect the wetlands and wildlife.

Mr. James Throwe, 1330 Main Street.  Mr. Throw feels this is the best use for this property and is also valuable to the Town.  

Mr. Sia Dowlatshahi, 223 Brookfield Street.  Mr. Dowlatshahi came to speak in favor to this development.  He stated that the town is in need of housing like this.

Mr. Walter Mealy of 111 Dogwood Lane came to speak in favor of this application.  He stated he feels this is the best use for the property.  Mr. Mealy complimented the applicant on the shared access drive.

Mrs. Cile Decker of 91 Berle Road came to speak in favor of this application.

The meeting was continued to the June 2, 2004 meeting.

ITEM:  New Business

Appl. #04-31P – The May Department Stores

Mr. Todd Penny, a Professionals Engineer in the State of Connecticut came before the Commission to represent May Department Stores.  The applicant would like to take three properties they own, adjacent to the Filene’s Distribution Center and convert them into a 153 trailer storage yard.  The existing access will be maintained and a singular bay to the east.  A section of the detention basin is proposed to be removed.  This detention basin is presently oversized to the contributing watershed that flows into it.  Mr. Penny explained how the stormwater system is proposed to work on this site.  It is also proposed to have a zero increase in runoff coming off of the site, as requested by Town staff.  To accomplish this, there will need to be additional minor grading around the detention basin.  Mr. Penny explained further the impacts that are proposed on this site.

Jeff stated that one concern he did have was with the proposed impervious coverage as well as the existing impervious coverage is the management of the hydrocarbons as far as the pollutants.  That is why it has been recommended that all proposed and existing catch basins be retrofitted with hoods so that floatables will be contained within the basins and then be pumpeed out.  Water quality is another concern.  The detention basin is proposed to be dry, so the removal efficiency isn’t going to be as high.  Jeff stated he would like to see the travel time through the basin increased by using berms.  Jeff also recommended that a substantial amount of habitat planting components be provided in the basin.  A management plan should be established in order to monitor and control invasive species while the basin is establishing itself.

Answering questions from the Commission, Mr. Penny explained that the island on the site is elevated and some of the existing vegetation along the fence will be maintained.  During larger storms, there will be a temporary back up within the yard, but the runoff will be contained on site.  The total percentage of impervious coverage will be 58% on this site.

Jeff stated that the three functions that are being accomplished on this site are ground water recharge, storm water assimilations and wildlife components.  There will however, be a reduction in the opportunity for ground water to recharge from a larger area.

Motion to:      approve with conditions appl. #04-31P – May Department Stores – Nutmeg Road South – IWA/Conservation Commission application for the expansion of a trailer storage area, alteration of an existing stormwater structure, and associated improvements on 37.3 acres, on property located westerly of Nutmeg Road South and southerly of Governors Highway.  I – Industrial zone.

Made by Commissioner Heffler
Seconded by Commissioner Phillips
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

ITEM:  Old Business


Commissioner Wasik told Commission members that the sub-committee has gone through the suggested changes by DEP and will be meeting again to review them.  A draft will be sent to all IWA/CC members for their review and input.  The Town Attorney’s opinion will be necessary to determine the definition of “effective upon passive”.

Applications Received

Jeff informed members that there is an application that is being received at tonight’s meeting for a Salon & Spa on Buckland Road.  There is activity in the upland review area and past applications in this area have had intervenors.  This application will not be placed on the agenda for determination of a public hearing until a complete application is received.

ITEM:  Adjournment

Motion to       adjourn the meeting at 9:10 p.m.

Was made by Commissioner Heffler
Seconded by Commissioner Phillips
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows: unanimous

Respectfully submitted

Deborah W. Reid
Recording Secretary