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IWA/CC 7-16-2003

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Chairperson Elizabeth Warren, Philip Forzley, William Grace, Carol Heffler, Barbara Kelly, Richard Muller, Jack Phillips and Audrey Wasik

ALTERNATES PRESENT:     Donald Gates sitting for Audrey Delnicki

STAFF PRESENT:  Jeffrey H. Folger, Environmental
Planner/Conservation Officer
Debbie Reid, Recording Secretary

ITEM:  Correspondence

Chairperson Warren stated that there was a report submitted to the Commission.  The report consisted of comments made regarding the zoning regulation changes made by the sub-committee.  No Commission members had any comments.  Jeff explained to the Commission that the only item omitted from the report was the recommendation to possibly applying overlay zones as they relate to natural resources.  The sub-committee will work that out and then send the report to the Planning & Zoning Commission.

Wildlife Sanctuary

The Park & Recreation Commission and the Town Council have been discussing the possibility of using a portion of the Wildlife Sanctuary for the Wapping Fair.

Commission members discussed this matter briefly, voicing serious reservations.  The Commission will look at this further and discuss it at the next schedule meeting.

ITEM:  Conservation Commission

State Representative Nancy Kerensky contacted the Natural Resource sub-committee.  She has $38,000. of bond money that she acquired for the erection of lighting around the walking rails at Nevers Road Park.  The cost of the lighting was estimated and it was found that there was not enough money.  Representative Kerensky asked The Natural Resource sub-committee if there was anywhere this money could be spent.  The sub-committee suggested creating a handicap accessible trail leading to the eastern pond in the Michael Donnelly property.  This project would consist of clearing of the standing evergreens (Sullivan Avenue side) to expose the vista, constructing a handicap accessible trail, picnic table and gazebo.  The Engineering Department has already been putting plans together.

Commission members discussed the farm stand building that is presently on the site.  Jeff stated that the Town Manger, Town Attorney and Town Council will have the final decision on what will happen with the farm stand.

ITEM:  Public Hearing

Appl. #03-28P – The Shops at Evergreen Walk

Attorney King of Updike, Kelly & Spellacy came before the Commission.  Attorney King introduced the individuals that would be presenting materials for the intervenor.

Mr. Jamie Durant, a Wetland Soil Scientist with ENSR came before the Commission.  Mr. Durant reviewed comments and questions regarding ENSR’s initial review of the project plans and associated documents (Attachment A).

Mr. David Nyman, a Senior Engineer with ENSR came before the Commission and commented on the drainage report (Attachment B).

Mr. Dan Titus of HRP Associates came before the Commission.  He stated that abutting sites have found pesticides in the groundwater and soils.  The applicant has not evaluated whether or not pesticides are present at this site.

The intervenor completed their presentation.  After a lengthy discussion, it was decided that the Commission would hear Dr. Clausen’s presentation on the riparian buffer and the rest of the applicants presentation would be heard on September 3, 2003.

Dr. Jack Clausen came before the Commission to speak about riparian buffers.  He explained that the main objective of designing this riparian buffer is to protect the water quality of Plum Gully Brook.  He then explained how the riparian buffer would work based upon research and where it would be located.

Attorney Mallin stated for the record that the applicant consents to an extension on this application until September 3, 2003.

Items the Commission would like answered at the next scheduled meeting are as follows:

Where the impact is to the wetland. Would like a break down of the 4,901 square feet showing what square footage will be associated with each activity and which wetland.  Would like this in writing prior to the September 3, 2003 meeting.
Would like engineering input on whether or not the 20-foot cut along side Buckland Road is going to have any impact to the wetlands across the street.  Would like in writing prior to the September 3, 2003 meeting.
More information on protection of wildlife along the corridor and the appropriate width relative to wildlife.
More information on the thermal effect.
Would like information whether there will be any unshielded light going off site?
Would like water budget for wetland #9.

ITEM:  New Business

Appl. #03-21P – The Casle Corp.

Motion to:      move that this agency find that, based upon the record before us as a whole, the developers conduct, as proposed in this application, is not reasonably likely to cause the unreasonable pollution, impairment, or destruction of the public trust in the air, water or other natural resources of the State.

Was made by Commissioner Phillips
Seconded by Commissioner Heffler
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

Motion to:      approve with conditions appl. #03-21P – The Casle Corp. – Buckland Road – Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission application to construct a medical office building, parking lots, stormwater structures, and associated improvement on property located westerly of Buckland road and southerly of Deming Street.  GD, Gateway Development zone.


1.      One blueprint copy of the entire set of plans and this letter reproduced thereon, must be submitted to this Commission.  This must be completed within 65 days of approval prior to any construction activity on the site.  Plans submitted to Planning & Zoning Commission shall be considered having met this requirement.

2.      The application shall indemnify and hold harmless the Town of South Windsor against any liability, which might result from the proposed operation or use.

3.      The permit is valid for five years and shall expire on July 16, 2008.  It is the landowner(s)/applicant(s) responsibility to track expiration dates and notify the Commission of a renewal request at least 65 days prior to expiration.

4.      All approvals required must be obtained and submitted prior to any activity on the site.

5.      A contact person shall be identified on the plans.

The rain garden shall be constructed under the supervision of Dr. Clausen.

A maintenance plan be developed and implemented for the rain gardens.  The implementation will be the responsibility of the landowner.

Any onsite topsoil that is to be used for landscaping or the mitigation area must be tested for contaminants consistent with the historical agricultural use.

We recommend a bond in the amount of $20,000 be submitted to the Planning & Zoning Commission to ensure compliance with the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Measures.

We recommend a bond in the amount of $25,000 be submitted to the Planning & Zoning Commission to ensure installation of the stormwater structures including the detention basin.

We recommend a bond in the amount of $100,000 be submitted to the Planning & Zoning Commission to ensure creation of the mitigation area.  The mitigation area is to be monitored for three consecutive years to insure the proper establishment of the proposed plant community.  Any disturbances caused to this area will result in the continuation of the monitoring period until the three consecutive year monitoring period can be completed.

The recommendations from the Town Engineer listed in the July 2, 2003 memo must be incorporated into the plan.

Made by Commissioner Phillips
Seconded by Commissioner Wasik
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

ITEM:  Special Meeting

Chairperson Warren told Commission members that two public hearings applications were removed from tonight’s agenda and she explained that a special meeting would probably be necessary.  Commission members briefly discussed this and also felt a special meting should be set.

Motion to:      hold an additional meeting on July 30, 2003 for the purpose of holding a pubic hearing for appl. #03-35W and appl. #-3-41W, appropriate action to be taken on both applications, and discussion regarding a use proposed for the Wildlife Sanctuary.

Was made by Commissioner Wasik
Seconded by Commissioner Phillips
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

ITEM:  Adjournment

Motion to:      adjourn the meeting at 10:30 p.m.

Was made by Commissioner Phillips
Seconded by Commissioner Forzley
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

Respectfully submitted

_________________________________               ___________________
Deborah W. Reid Date Approved
Recording Secretary