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IWA/CC 1-22-2003

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Vice Chairperson Philip Forzley, Audrey Delnicki, Carol Heffler, Barbara Kelly, Richard Muller, John Phillips and Audrey Wasik

ALTERNATES PRESENT:     Donald Gates sitting for Betty Warren

STAFF PRESENT:  Jeffrey H. Folger, Environmental
Planner/Conservation Officer
Debbie Reid, Recording Secretary

ITEM:  Correspondence and Reports

At the Town Council meeting on January 21, 2003, the proposed Fine Ordinance was discussed.  A public hearing will be set for discussion on this item in February.

ITEM:  Conservation Commission

Jeff would like to show the Power Point presentation regarding the Natural Resource Management project to the Commission on February 19, 2003 meeting.  This will bring the Commission up to date on what has been developed, inventory on each parcel that has been done, and what the options and recommendations on each parcel are.

On the Major Michael Donnelly property there is a proposal to develop a trail system that would go from Sullivan Avenue to West Road which will entail several wetland crossings.

ITEM:  Wetland Officers Report

Site Walks are available.

The Town will be purchasing 700 Witch Hazel plantings.  They are scheduled to be planted on the first week of April.

The Open Space pond on Barber Hill Road has the opportunity to be stocked with fish because it will be Town owned.

Jeff explained to the Commission that for the past two years, the Commission has been over budget for advertising.  This year there will be an increase proposed in the budgeted amount for advertising.

ITEM:  Public Hearing

Appl. #02-59P – Expo Design Center

Mr. Jay Giles from Fuss & O’Neil came before the Commission to represent this application.  He reviewed the comments and concerns made by the Intervenor as follows:

The tree line is correct in regards with the work that is planned out there, the placement of the trees will need to be corrected on the plans.
The wetland flags in the field had been numbered incorrectly and this will be fixed in the field.
No trees will be removed within 10’ of the wetlands.  The crown line will be revised on the plans.
The slope under the tree line will be seeded with seed that can tolerate shade.
There is nothing wrong with the grading on the plans, contours were mislabled which have been fixed.
They feel the forebay in the bottom of the basin is defined by the stone filter berm that is shown on the plans.
They have checked the contours of the gravel road crossing the grass ditch.  There will be a gravel road under the grass swale and they will add stone there to define where the crossing would be.  They feel this is adequate because there will not be high traffic.
The silt fence was eliminated by mistake from the base of a slope, this will be placed back on the map.
The intervenor felt that the sewer grading was moved closer to the wetland boundary.  This could not have happened because the sewer was moved further from the wetland boundary, and the grading would move with it.
The rain gardens can be discussed at the next scheduled meeting, because Professor Klausen could not be at this meeting.  The rain gardens were not placed in the calculations for the stormwater system.
They believe that Mr. Snarski did describe the downstream conditions in his report.
The construction phasing plan has not been shown because they feel that the contractor should have input on the exact phasing for earth moving.  Narratives have been provided.
They feel that the points of analysis are clear from our drainage report.
Peak discharge to Mr. Jacques property will be reduced, therefore they calculate that they are improving current conditions on his site.

They will be redirecting approximately 4.7 access of drainage area from the Expo site.  It will flow around that stream and then being put back into the stream area further downstream then it currently is.  
Mr. John Ianni from Highland Soils and Mr. Kurt Olson both delineated the wetlands on this site.
Mr. Snarski reported that the wetland swale is of low value because no wetland vegetation was found in this area.

Answering questions from the Commission, Mr. Giles explained that they would not be doing any major grading within 10’ of the wetlands.  Grading is coming 10’ from the trunk of the tree.  

Attorney King, Intervenor for this application came before the Commission.  He stated that Mr. Lowry will be coming forward to address the concerns of the Intervenor.

Mr. Lowry came to the Commission with his concerns:

Very difficult to define the wetlands on the maps.
There are trees that are 20’ out, but their crown line is closer.  These trees could be effected.
The full limits of the swale need to be identified and shown accurately on the plans.
Construction of the slope has potential of getting sedimentation down into water, could effect flow through this area and effect the adjacent residential property.  Needs to be evaluated more carefully.
The silt fence which was removed on the plan has been addressed by Mr. Giles.
The value of the wetlands, once you hit flag 629 the wetland value becomes more significant.  Need to evaluate the change in hydrology of this wetland due to the change in the contributing watershed.
Would like to know the hydrology in the basins.
If ATV or other types of vehicles drive on the gravel access, the area could divert flows.
Concerned with the sewer line crossing the wetland.

Commissioner Phillips stated that the intervenor pointed out a number of potential inaccuracies, but do not feel these errors present unreasonable harm to the wetlands.

Mr. Lowry explained that the Commission will not be able to tell what the effects will be if the site is not looked at as a whole.  As everything is put together, there are a lot of wetland impacts on the Evergreen Walk site.

Commissioner Phillips stated that there have been good possibilities raised, but it is the intervenor’s burden to show unreasonable harm, not that there is just a potential for impact.  The Commission has an obligation to look at a potential for impact, and make a judgement.

Attorney King explained that it is the intervenor’s job is to raise issues and bring them to the Commission.  The burden should be on the applicant.  Attorney King stated that they had received the Town Engineer’s comments and would like to finish their presentation at the next scheduled meeting.

Vice Chairperson Forzley stated that Attorney Guliano could not be present tonight and feels we should address any issues with him.  

Commissioner Muller said he would like to get more details on the basin area.  What is the water impact there, the quantification, how much will be diverted, etc.

Jeff stated that he feels the erosion & sediment control plans for this site as proposed with the addition of the silt fencing is adequate, it will minimize sediment impacts if maintained properly.  Jeff concurs with Commissioner Muller that it would be good to determine the water budget for the lower wetland.  

The public hearing was continued to the February 5, 2003 meeting.

ITEM:  New Business

Appl. #03-02P – Dee Zee Ice Site

Mr. Chris Eseppi from PDS Engineering and Construction came before the Commission to represent this application.  The site is 40,733 sq. ft. with a proposal to construct a 4,400 sq. ft. building with a future addition of 1,800 sq. ft.  There are no wetlands on this site.

The company presently operates in South Windsor and would like to maintain the business in South Windsor.  The business manufactures and sells ice to supermarkets and package stores.  Drainage will go to the street and there is public storm sewer.  There are two catch basins which a re serviced by a stormwater system with a by-pass oil separator.  Test pits will be done in order

to determine the effectiveness of infiltrating roof run-off.  There will be a 75’ buffer with a 25’ rear yard.  The proposed building coverage would be 15% and impervious coverage will be 45%.  There is a necessity to construct a berm,

which would screen this site completely from the residential zone in the next five years.

Motion to:      approve with conditions appl. #03-02P – Dee Zee Ice Site – Sandra Drive – Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission application for the construction of a 6200 sq. ft. industrial building, parking, stormwater structures and associated improvements on property located westerly of Sandra Drive, I, Industrial zone.

Was made by Commissioner Heffler
Seconded by Commissioner Wasik
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

ITEM:  Adjournment

Motion to       adjourn the meeting at 8:37 p.m.

Was made by Commissioner Phillips
Seconded by Commissioner Wasik
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows: unanimous

Respectfully submitted

_________________________________               ___________________
Deborah W. Reid Date Approved
Recording Secretary