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IWA/CC 6/19/02

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Chairperson Betty Warren, Audrey Delnicki,
                                 Philips Forzley, Carol Heffler, Barbara Kelly,
                                 Richard Muller, Jack Phillips and Audrey Wasik

STAFF PRESENT:  Jeffrey H. Folger, Environmental
Planner/Conservation Officer
Debbie Reid, Recording Secretary

ITEM:  Correspondence & Reports

Chairperson Warren received a notice from the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection regarding repairs that will be made on the Avery Brook dam.

Commission members should review the Town of South Windsor Conservation and Development plan.  Any comments or revisions must be sent to Marcia Banach by Tuesday, June 25, 2002.

A regional workshop on Connecticut Coastal Nonprofit Source Pollution Control Program will be held at the Enfield Town Hall on June 27, 2002 at 7:00 p.m.

ITEM:  Bonds

Jeff explained that the letter of credit for application #99-54P, East Hartford Sand & Gravel, Inc. would be expiring on June 19, 2002.  He recommended that the bond be called.

Motion to:      initiate the calling of the bond for appl. #99-54P, East Hartford Sand & Gravel, Inc.

Was made by Commissioner Phillips
Seconded by Commissioner Wasik
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

ITEM:  Conservation Commission

Jeff explained that the Boy Scout who was working at the Podunk Park has completed the bridge for the trails.  More materials were needed which cost $800.00.

Another Boy Scout will help install the wildlife platform at the Podunk Park.

After the wildlife inventory, the appropriate boxes will be erected at the Priest property, Lawrence Road and Podunk Park.

        Attachment A

ITEM:  Wetland Officer's Report

        Attachment B

ITEM:  Minutes

This Commission unanimously approved the minutes of May 1, 2002 and May 15, 2002.

ITEM:  Public Hearing

Appl. #02-22P Berry Farm Senior Development

Mr. Galen Semprebon came before the Commission to represent this application.  He explained that the site has 14.18 acres.  The complex is proposed to be housing for the elderly and will consist of five buildings and a community building.  There will be access from Oakland Road and Felt Road.  There is a large pond on this site, which will be used for detention.  Two water quality swales will be constructed in order to treat runoff from this site.  The site will be on public sewers.

Mr. George Logan a Soil Scientist from REMA Ecological Services came before the Commission.  He explained that this proposal would have an insignificant impact, both long and short term.  The water quality coming onto this site and going off the site is severely impaired.  There is a proposal for a swale, which will be used to slow the water flow down and also for infiltration.  The seed mix for the swale has been revised due to concerns voiced by Jeff.  Mr. Logan concluded his presentation saying that he felt there are no direct or indirect impacts proposed that will effect the wetlands long term.  He also felt that the buffer that has been recommended will benefit wildlife.

Mr. Galen Semprebon explained to the Commission members the following are disturbance to the wetlands:

1.      Two box culverts to be constructed in the area of the existing
2.      Replacement of two existing metal pipes.
3.      The area where the swale will be connected to the pond.

Mr. Semprebon stated that water flow will be maintained the entire time these different procedures take place.  

Answering questions from the Commission Mr. Logan explained it was felt that mitigation would not be necessary because the net result will not consist of any net loss.  He also felt that the pond could accommodate the extra water that will flow to it because the area is being designed a certain way in order to handle the extra water flow.  The best management practices for improving water quality on a site is to use no fertilizers or pesticides, but he is not concerned with these products being used at this site because of the type of operation.

Jeff voiced his concerns on some of the plans and asked the applicant to provide the following information:

1.      Grading to be shown for the entire site.
2.      Description of how the piping from the temporary sediment
        basins will be complete in order to bring runoff to the swale.
3.      The E & S narrative will need to be changed in order to adjust
        the sequence of events.  The swale should be built, completely
        vegetated and stabilized before any thing else happens.
4.      Detail of the grass swale.
5.      Detail on the plans and detail sheet should be the same.

Mr. Jeff Sager who is with Metro Realty told Commission members that construction could start around September or October just for the swale.

Jeff stated that shade around the watercourse is necessary so there will be a transition along the meadow edge.  He also stated that due to the steep slopes along the watercourse, wildlife will probably not use the steep slopes, so the riparian area becomes more important.

Mr. Ray Jefferson a Landscape Architect came before the Commission and told the Commission the different plants and trees that are proposed for this site.

Answering questions from the Commission, Mr. Jefferson explained that a natural landscaping was proposed in order to discourage anyone from going near the watercourse, but they will explore further on recommendations of a fence being erected.

The public hearing was continued until the July 24, 2002 meeting.

ITEM:  New Business

Appl. #02-34P South Windsor Health Care Center

Jeff told Commission members that this site consists of a 3-lot subdivision with the plan showing two buildings.  This proposal will leave no access to the rear lot.  There will be approximately five acres of total disturbance within the upland review area and wetlands with a net loss of .96 acres.

Motion to:      hold a public hearing on July 10, 2002 - appl. #02-34P due to potential significant impact to the wetland - South Windsor Health Care Center - Buckland Road - Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission application to construct a health care office building, parking lots, stormwater structures, and associated improvements on property located easterly of Buckland Road (Assessor's Map #52, Parcel #92) GD, Gateway Development zone.

Was made by Commissioner Phillips
Seconded by Commissioner Kelly
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

ITEM:  Other Business

Fine Ordinance Discussion

Attorney Guliano reviewed this issue with Commission members.  Further research will be done on this and Commission members were asked to review the ordinance and bring back any comments they may have to the meeting on July 24, 2002.

ITEM:  Adjournment

Motion to       adjourn the meeting at 9:45 p.m.

Was made by Commissioner Wasik
Seconded by Commissioner Kelly
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows: unanimous

Respectfully submitted

___________________________                ________________________
Deborah W. Reid, Recording Secretary                Date Approved