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IWA/CC 2-20-02

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Chairperson Betty Warren, Philip Forzley, Audrey Delnicki, Carol Heffler, Richard Muller, Richard Nicholson, Jack Phillips, and Audrey Wasik
STAFF PRESENT:  Jeffrey H. Folger, Environmental Planner/Conservation Officer

ITEM:  Correspondence and Reports

Manchester has notified us that there is an application pending which is within 500' of the South Windsor town line.  The project is on Slater Street and will consist of 120 units of apartments.  No excavation or filing of wetlands are proposed for this project, however a minor amount of activity is proposed in the 50' regulated area in Manchester.

The Chamber of Commerce will be having a Business Expansion Awards dinner on March 21, 2002 at the Nutmeg Restaurant.  Cocktails will begin at 5:30 p.m. with a dinner to follow at 7:00 p.m.  Responses are needed by March 15, 2002.

ITEM:  New Business

Appl. #02-07P - DST Realty

It was the unanimous decision of the Commission that a public hearing regarding this application would not be necessary.  On March 6, 2002 the Commission will discuss this application.

ITEM:  Conservation Commission

Attachment A

ITEM:  Wetland Officer's Report

Attachment B

ITEM:  Public Hearing

Appl. #01-48P - 420 John Fitch Boulevard

Chairperson Warren told Commission members that she has spoken to the Town Attorney regarding intervenor status.  Attorney Guliano explained that there are three items, which this Commission should look at in order to determine intervenor status:

determine whether the party is appropriate to intervene.
determine whether the proposed intervenor has filed a verified pleading subscribed and sworn to under oath and alleges claim consistent with the language of section 22A-19, which is the State Statutes that cover Inland Wetlands.
determine whether pleading alleges claims within the Committees scope of jurisdiction

Commission members discussed and felt that the intervenor has met all of these items.

Chairperson Warren stated she would like the public hearing limited to 1 ½ hours since there is another application after this one.

Attorney Scott Consoli came before the Commission to represent this application.  He explained that the following are changes that are being proposed for this plan:

reducing building size from 45,000 square feet to 25,000 square feet.
moving materials and storage to the inside.
eliminate the railroad spur.
changes to drainage.

Mr. Timothy Coon, an Engineer with JR Russo and Associates came before the Commission to review changes that are being proposed:

building size has been reduced.
interior has been reconfigured so no activities will be done outside.
the railroad spur has been eliminated.
1,800 square feet of minor grading will be done in the regulated area.
inside storage building will be used for locker room and maintenance building.
bunkers will be eliminated and will now have an enclosed storage shed.
parking has been changed.

drainage modification, will have roof drainage, and surface infiltration basin in the rear of the building which will handle the 100 year storm.
surface runoff will discharge into subsurface infiltrators capable of handling the 100-year storm.

Mr. Karl Stoffer, Environmental Engineer came before the Commission.  He explained that there will be a dust management plan with all operations contained inside of the building.  There will be dust control measures on all machines with daily cleaning of the building inside.  The railroad spur has been eliminated.  There will be controls inside of the basins with an oil separator system.  Once water is collected, it will go through a separator and then discharge into a subsurface infiltration system.  Routine maintenance will be done on this system.  Permitting of this facility will need to go through the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection as well.  There will be no unusual noise produced from this facility.  Operations have been planned and well thought out.  The monitoring wells on site are not being used, but will be monitored.

Attorney Kathy Hale of 54 Orchard Hill Drive who is the attorney for the intervenor came before the Commission.  She explained that she would like Mr. Kenneth Pudler to make his presentation and then Mr. Mark Strickland.  After they are both done, Attorney Hale said she would speak.

Mr. Kenneth Pudeler told Commission members that he would like the following issues addressed:

Storm drainage?
Curbing around parking lot?
Permitability testing?
How will sand absorb?
Are dumpsters proposed and where will they be located?
Storage shed, what it will look like?
How will materials will be handled?
When the doors are open during the summer, how will dust control measures be effective?

Mr. Mark Strickland of Q8 St. Marc Circle came before the Commission.  He explained that adjacent to condo
Mr. Jeff Folger explained that the wetlands are not on the applicant
Attorney Kathy Hale stated that just because something is not technically considered hazardous waste, it can be toxic waste.  When drywall gets wet and air goes in and out of the facility when doors are open, mold spore toxins can be airborne and could have significant impacts on surrounding neighbors.

Commissioner Heffler stated that health hazards associated with mold spore toxins pertain to enclosed area inside buildings.

Answering questions from the Commission, Attorney Consoli explained that most items come in and off the site within 24 hours.  The air handler system has a negative pressure system inside.  The filter system and building ventilation system have not been selected yet.

Commissioner Phillips felt that there is no significant impacts to the wetlands and therefore intervenor status should not be allowed on this application.


The following individuals came before the Commission to speak in opposition to this appeal:

1)      Tim Starr, 178 Chapel Road stated there is a lot of wildlife and does not want the pollution.
2)      Robert Pellegatto, 128 Chapel Road questioned the railroad spur.
William Jenkins is worried that the site will not be able to handle hazardous waste that comes onto the site.
Sue Belanger, 71 Chapel Road is worried about the individuals that live around this area because of the trucks coming in and out of this facility.
Gerry Russo, 80 Parkview Drive is worried about the wells and drinking water that could be contaminated.

Attorney Consoli explained that it is not the applicants intention to have unwanted items on the tipping floor, but if something does come into the building, there is a plan in place.   The railroad spurs were eliminated in order to minimize work being done in the regulated area.  There is negative pressure inside of the building.  Attorney Consoli also said that there is no plans to put stormwater into the sanitary sewers.

The public hearing was continued until the March 6, 2002 meeting.

Appl. #01-52P - Vintage Hills Subdivision - Barber Hill Road

Mr. Peter DeMallie came before the Commission to represent this application.  He explained the only changes made to this plan are in the northeast corner.  A conservation easement has been placed in and around the wetlands.  The topography within the detention basin has been shown and is designed to increase the travel time through the basin.

Mr. Galen Semprebon from Design Professionals came before the Commission to review the February 15, 2002 memo from Jeff Folger.


Mr. Joe Mongeon of 229 Old Farm Road came before the Commission.  Mr. Mangeon thanked the applicant for the conservation easement and wondered if the stonewall would be preserved?

Jeff told Mr. Mangeon that he had forwarded a letter to the Planning & Zoning Commission requesting that the stonewall be kept, but that is their decision.

Motion to:      close the public hearing on appl. #01-52P - Vintage Hills Subdivision - Barber Hill Road - Inland Wetland Conservation Commission application to construct a 19-lot residential subdivision, stormwater structures, and associated improvements on property located westerly of Barber Hill Road (Assessor's map #139, parcel #1) RR - residential zone.

Was made by Commissioner Forzley
Seconded by Commissioner Heffler
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

Motion to:      approve with conditions appl. #01-52P - Vintage Hills Subdivision - Barber Hill Road - Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission application to construct a 19-lot residential subdivision, stormwater structures, and associated improvements on property located westerly of Barber Hill Road (Assessor's map #139, parcel #1) RR - residential zone.

Was made by Commissioner Forzley
Seconded by Commissioner Heffler
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

This approval is subject to the following conditions:

1.      One blueprint copy of the entire set of plans and this letter reproduced thereon, must be submitted to this Commission.  This must be completed within 65 days of approval prior to any construction activity on the site.  Plans submitted to Planning & Zoning Commission shall be considered having met this requirement.

2.      The application shall indemnify and hold harmless the Town of South Windsor against any liability, which might result from the proposed operation or use.

3.      The permit is valid for five years and shall expire on February 20, 2007.  It is the landowner(s)/applicant(s) responsibility to track expiration dates and notify the Commission of a renewal request at least 65 days prior to expiration.

4.      All approvals required must be obtained and submitted prior to any activity on the site.

5.      A contact person shall be identified on the plans.

6.      The conservation easement is to be established prior to the issuance of building permits for lot #'s 10, 11 and 12.

We recommend a bond in the amount of $25,000 be submitted to the Planning & Zoning Commission to ensure compliance with the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Measures.

We recommend a bond in the amount of $10,000 be submitted to the Planning & Zoning Commission to ensure the establishment of the detention basin and plantings.

Topsoil depth in the bottom of the detention basin should be 12' with a 30% by volume amendment of high organic compost.

ITEM:  Adjournment

Motion to:      adjourn the meeting at 9:40 p.m.

Was made by Commissioner Phillips
Seconded by Commissioner Forzley
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

Respectfully submitted

___________________________                ________________________
Deborah W. Reid, Recording Secretary                Date Approved