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IWA/CC 12-19-02

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Chairperson Betty Warren, Audrey Delnicki, Philip Forzley, Carol Heffler, Barbara Kelly, Richard Nicholson, Richard Muller and Audrey Wasik
STAFF PRESENT:  Jeffrey H. Folger, Environmental Planner/Conservation Officer

ITEM:  Correspondence and Reports

Chairperson Warren informed the Commission that there is a Town Council meeting on January 7, 2001.  At this meeting a public hearing will be held regarding the realignment of a conservation easement on the corner of Ayers Road and Sullivan Avenue.  The Town Attorney would like a memo formulated to the Town Council from us with any comments we may have regarding this conservation easement.  The easement was placed by the Planning and Zoning Commission and does not have any wetlands or conservation issues.  The Commission discussed if there are any stormwater issues on site and Jeff informed members that the Town Engineer will be looking at this issue and comments will be forwarded to IWA/CC.  After the Town Engineer comments are received, the Chairperson will submit a memo to Town Council.

ITEMS:  Minutes

It was the unanimous decision of the Commission to approve the minutes of October 3, 2001 and December 5, 2001.

ITEM:  Conservation Commission

Wildlife Sanctuary

The trails at the Sanctuary are ready for cross-country skiing.

There has been wildlife inventories done on the open space in South Windsor.  The study is looking at wildlife habitat, cover type, and vegetation species that has been located on each parcel.  Once the study has been complete a report will be distributed.

ITEM:  Wetland Officers Report

Jeff will be meeting with Mr. Charbonneau this week to tour his property and look at the fountain.  

Watson Farms will need to upgrade the anti-tracking pad at the end of their driveway.

ITEM:  Public Hearing

Appl. #01-48P - 420 John Fitch Boulevard

Mr. Tim Coon from J.R. Russo & Associates came before the Commission to represent 420 John Fitch Boulevard.  He explained that the site is in an Industrial zone.  There are presently four buildings on the site, two of which will be demolished.  The proposed business will be a recycling facility and is setback 500' from Chapel Road.  Currently, the access drive from John Fitch Boulevard is gravel, but is proposed to be paved.  All debris on the property will be removed.  New construction on the site consists of a 45000 sq. ft. processing facility, extension of a railway spur which will be used for shipping processed materials off site and concrete bunkers that will have a shed roof enclosure and will be used for outside storage of recycled items waiting to be picked up.  There are no wetlands on site, but 6,000-sq. ft. of regulated area is proposed to be disturbed.  The work within the regulated area is minor grading related to the construction of the rail, construction of the emergency drainage overflow and an existing drainage easement.  All work will be done inside of the proposed building.  There will be a trench drain along the front of the building where trucks will unload, which will catch any drippings from the trucks.  Those drippings will go into the water separator before being discharged into the sanitary sewer.  All roof run off and water from the undeveloped area will be infiltrated back into the ground.  The western portion of the site will have catch basins, and will collect water and divert it to a single line, which will run through a Vortex stormwater treatment system.  This system removes some fines, and sediment.  The whole system on this site will be inspected and maintained on a yearly basis or as needed.  It will also be necessary for the State to approve the plans for this facility.

Mr. John Reveruzzi, one of the owners of 420 John Fitch Boulevard came before the Commission.  He explained that the facility is proposed to be a construction and demolition-recycling center.  Mr. Reveruzzi stressed that no hazardous materials are recycled at this site.  The material either comes from an active construction site or where demolition has taken place.  When material comes to this facility, it is placed onto the floor of the main building.  The material is separated and ground into different dimensions.  The material is then stored in concrete bunkers.  When an individual comes to pick up recycled items, the material is taken out of the bunkers and placed on a railroad car or truck.

All traffic will come in and exit out of John Fitch Boulevard.  There are restrictions placed on the hours of operation and the amount of noise that can be made.  

Jeff said he was out at the site and noticed that an area near the slope had been filled, and will need to be removed.  Mr. Reveruzzi explained that the site was being cleaned up and items were pushed over the slope.  The material on the slope has been cleared and we will try to protect that nobody does this again.  Jeff informed Mr. Reveruzzi that the material has not been removed and it looks like fill has been thrown on top.  Mr. Reveruzzi said that he has not looked at it and will make sure that the area is cleaned up.

Commission members discussed at length the potential of overflow on the slopes and the effect it would have on abutting property owners.  The applicant proposed that they could increase the size of the retention area so that there is no discharge off of the site.  Mr. Reveruzzi also informed the Commission that the parking lot would be paved as well as curbed.

Jeff told Commission members that the Town Engineer would review this.

Answering questions from the Commission, Mr. Reveruzzi explained that the material that comes to the facility will have a manifest that tells you where it came from and will show the demolition permit.

The Podunk River is approximately 1200' from the wetland line shown on the map.  The trench inside the building is used to catch all materials before going into the water system.  Water Pollution Control Authority will also be addressing this issue.


Gary Pitcock of 87 Long Hill Road explained that he is concerned about well contamination.

Attorney Kathy Hale came before the Commission representing Chapel Hill Condo Association.  She presented a petition to the Commission and explained their concerns are that the conduct of this business involves unreasonable impacts to the air, watercourses and wetlands.  She also requested that any information sent to the Town also be sent to her.

Mr. Ken Pudler an Engineer proposed that the material that will be crushed in the building will create small particles which will get into the system.  There is also concern about where run off on the site will go.

Mr. John Moreland came to speak in opposition to this request.  His concern with this project is the impact to the wetlands.

Mr. Gerry Russo of 80 Park View Drive is concerned about the wells in the area.

Ms. Diane Tangway of Chapel Hill Condos is concerned about wetlands.

Mr. Jack Lawton of 112 Chapel Road feels water will come off of the site at one time or another and has concern regarding his well.

Mr. Mark Franklin of 120 chapel Road is concern about the Podunk River and his well water being polluted.

Ms. Nancy Harris from JMJ Construction whose property abuts this property asked the applicant questions.

Mr. Michael Landry of 68 Parkview Drive spoke in opposition to this appeal.

Mr. Mark Strickland of Q-8 St. Marc Circle is concerned about ground water.

Mr. James Riordan of 487 Pleasant Valley Road is concerned about well be effected.

Judith Jordan of M-1 St. Marc Circle is concerned about the health and viability of the wetlands.

Public hearing continued until January 9, 2002.

Appl. #01-45P - Mannarino Subdivision

Mr. Andrew Lord came before the Commission to represent this application.  He explained that the Mannarino subdivision is an open space subdivision consisting of 44 acres off of Avery Street.  Approximately twenty-two acres will remain open space.  There is no direct wetland impact associated with this subdivision.

Mr. Skip Alford came before the Commission to discuss the overall project, the engineering considerations that have gone into the design and the methods used to minimize wetland impacts.  Mr. Alford explained that the topography is a flat area that drops off into the stream and field.  Both phases will have city water and sewer.

Phase I - There will be a sedimentation pad constructed and silt fencing will be placed along the slopes during construction.

Phase II - Currently the road is shown as a boulevard, but the configuration may change to a cul-de-sac.  Storm drainage will go the detention basin, then to a biofilter, to a level spreader and then down to the wetlands.  Erosion and sedimentation measures being used during construction are:  construction entrance pad, diversions along the length, there is an outlet of the detention basin where during construction the detention basin will be used as a siltration basin.

There has been concern in the location of lot #10 being too close to the wetlands.  The road has been moved away from the wetlands as much as possible.

George Logan came before the Commission to describe the character of the site, the environmental characteristics and wetland impacts on this site.  Mr. Logan gave Commission members a description of the wetlands located on the site.  The total disturbance proposed within the regulated area is 1.2 acres and includes the following:

Lot #5 - grading that will be to the rear of the house.
Lot #9, 10 and 11.

Mr. Logan said he felt the applicant did a good job of avoiding any direct wetland impacts and also minimizing the indirect wetland impacts.  He feels after the completion of this project, the system will function almost as it does today.

Jeff commented on the project, saying he would like to see the following:

Silt fence protection is needed downslope of all proposed road cuts and
surrounding soil stockpiles in phase II.  Additional silt fence protection
needed a the curb line where the road is cut, (opening of small
cul-de-sac off of Cornerstone).  There will probably need to be some sort
of energy dissipation on the corner so water does not concentrate and
dump off of the side.

Shifting of road berms and more contiguous perimeter controls.

Minimize any vegetation clearing along the rear of lot #'s 9, 10 and 11 to
give more vegetative edge for wildlife.

Chairperson Warren asked the applicant to look at lot #
The public hearing was continued to the January 9, 2002 meeting.

ITEM:  Adjournment

Motion to:      adjourn the meeting at 10:45 p.m.

Was made by Commissioner Heffler
Seconded by Commissioner Forzley
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

Respectfully submitted

___________________________                ________________________
Deborah W. Reid, Recording Secretary                Date Approved