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IWA 8-15-01

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Chairperson Betty Warren, Audrey Delnicki, Carol Heffler, Barbara Kelly, Richard Nicholson, and Jack Phillips
ALTERNATES PRESENT:     Richard Muller sitting for Audrey Wasik

STAFF PRESENT:  Jeffrey H. Folger, Environmental Planner/Conservation Officer

The meeting was called to order at 7:07 p.m.

ITEM:  Public Hearing

Appl. #01-28P, Willowbrook Golf Course

Mr. Ken Smith came before the Commission to represent this application.  Mr. Smith explained that there will be 1,946 sq. ft. of wetlands filled, 12,100 sq. ft. of wetlands cleared for air circulation, 7.9 acres of upland disturbance for construction, and 1.3 acres of selective clearing.  Most areas will be replanted as part of mitigation.

Erosion and sedimentation control measures being taken are silt fencing, check dams, temporary sedimentation basins and a special seed mixture which will be used on all of the steep slopes.

Mr. Smith reviewed the site showing Commission members what is being proposed in each area of the site.

Mr. George Logan came before the Commission to review wetland mitigation that will take place on the site.  He explained that there are 334 woody plants being planted.  Three different seed mixtures are also being used as well as invasive species management and a plan to control Dutch Elm Disease.  Mr. Logan explained the site mitigation and enhancements to the site that will take place.

Answering questions from the Commission, Mr. Logan explained that areas where there is a high water table, pipes will be installed and 6
There is an existing structure in order to cross the Podunk River, which will have renovations done to it.

Motion to:      close the public hearing

Was made by Commission Kelly
Seconded by Commissioner Phillips
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

Motion to:      approve with conditions appl. #01-28P

1.      One blueprint copy of the entire set of plans and this letter reproduced thereon must be submitted to this Commission.  This must be completed within 65 days of approval prior to any construction activity on the site.  Plans submitted to Planning & Zoning Commission shall be considered having met this requirement.

The application shall indemnify and hold harmless the Town of South Windsor against any liability, which might result from the proposed operation or use.

The permit is valid for five years and shall expire on August 15, 2006.  It is the landowner(s)/applicant(s) responsibility to track expiration dates and notify the Commission of a renewal request at least 65 days prior to expiration.

4.      All approvals required must be obtained and submitted prior to any activity on the site.

A contact person shall be identified on the plans.

The plant dates for the understory plantings should be from March 15 through April 23, 2001 and should be placed on the plans.

Environmental consultant to monitor and approve mitigation and stormwater bio-filter (mitigation) during construction.  Annual reports to be submitted to the Town by the environmental consultant.

We recommend a bond in the amount of $20,000 be submitted to the Planning & Zoning Commission to ensure compliance with the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Measures.

9.      We recommend a bond in the amount of $15,000 be submitted to the Planning & Zoning Commission to ensure proper construction and establishment of the mitigation and stormwater structures.  The bond to be held for three growing seasons after completion.

Was made by Commissioner Heffler
Seconded by Commissioner Phillips
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

ITEM:  Adjournment

Motion to:      adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m.

Was made by Commissioner Heffler
Seconded by Commissioner Kelly
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

Respectfully submitted

_________________________________              ___________________
Deborah W. Reid, Recording Secretary                  Date Approved